Drinking coffee, the Son of Heaven looked at Tiantong Mugeng very gracefully. For this girl, the Son of Heaven was still taking precautions. After all, he had no blood relationship with her!

"All right!"

Tiantongmu didn't even dare to disturb the Son of Heaven, and followed Ye Shenyue out the door!

"Captain, what mission do we have now?"

As soon as he went out, Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue solemnly, as if he had entered his new role!

"Go to the hospital!"

Ye Shenyue didn't blink an eye, and went straight out to get into Sima's car. The current chairman of Sima has not been out of danger, so he can't ignore it!

"All right!"

After finally taking out his gun, Tentong Mu could only follow Ye Shenyue's orders.

A group of people quickly got into the car, and Sima Weizhi excitedly ordered his car to go to his father's hospital, then took out the champagne in the car and poured everyone a glass!

"In the future, we will work for the Son of Heaven under the leadership of the tributaries! Let's have a good drink of this blessing!"

Raising the glass, Sima Weizhi was very excited, and the process of turning around made him very excited!


Ye Shenyue took the lead in clinking glasses with Sima Weizhi, and then drank it all. Seeing Tiantong beside her not speaking, she suddenly became curious.

"What? Don't you want to be under my command?"

"No, how could it be?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue with some guilty conscience, Tian Tong Mu hurriedly finished the champagne in his hand, his red face seemed to be a little overexcited!

"Isn't it? Aren't you angry that you lost your mission to protect the Son of Heaven?"

Lan Yuan grabbed Tentong Mugen's arm, and a playful smile appeared on his face again.

"Don't be angry! We will only protect ourselves when the Son of Heaven goes out. I'm curious about Miss Sima. Why is your big brother so concerned?"

Looking at Lan Yuan with more suggestive eyes, Tian Tongmu looked at Sima Weizhi who was drinking freely!

"Would you like to stir up a conflict between my little cuties like this!"

Ye Shenyue thought helplessly...

Chapter 0074

"I brought a handwritten letter from the Son of Heaven, please let me go!"

Taking the document in her hand to the guard, Ye Shenyue felt that she had better go through the program, otherwise cheating would bring a lot of side effects!

"No! If you had come [-] minutes ago, we would have released it unconditionally, but now, three of our staff members are missing in this hospital! So, we blocked the scene, you wait!"

The guard at the door refused. Although these people took the handwriting of the head of state, he could not let them go because of their identities. Otherwise, if the old guy confessed everyone, he would be finished!


As soon as she found out that the mirror image of the other party was thinking about this, Ye Shenyue decisively stopped time. At this time, even if they finally let go, Mr. Sima will definitely be killed!


Opening the door, Ye Shenyue saw a group of people in police uniforms surrounding the old gentleman, and one of the doctors was pointing a needle at the old man's neck in horror!


I didn't expect that these guys would actually kill the old man in his sleep, Ye Shenyue was instantly furious, these human beings are indeed willing to do anything for their own interests!

"It seems that the New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department should be replaced!"

Throwing these bastards out, Ye Shenyue directly put all the big and small officials in the hospital in one room, and then Ye Shenyue discovered a miraculous phenomenon...

"There is only one patient in this hospital, the old gentleman. It seems that the assets of the Sima family are indeed huge, and they can provide such a dangerous personal hospital for the elderly!"

Ye Shenyue sighed with emotion, what should I do about this matter?Disappearing all these people will indeed cause a lot of turmoil. The senior officials of the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department are here. I can't let the city without the police!

"Forget it! Only the memories of these people can be rewritten!"

Although this method is very simple, it is too much work to rewrite the memories of so many people.

"And you!"

She was so tired that she rewrote all the memories of the people inside. After Ye Shenyue came out of the hospital, looking at her companions, she could only rewrite their memories too!Then moved everyone to the door of the old gentleman's ward!


A snap of fingers opened the time, and everyone who had forgotten that they were blocked by the gatekeeper rushed into the ward at once!

"What are you doing?"

Sima Weizhi, who was the first to rush in, saw a group of people surrounding his father, and suddenly screamed!

"Don't move! We are the special operations detachment directly under the Son of Heaven. If you resist, I will arrest you all!"

Ye Shenyue followed with a loud roar, and took the pistol from Tiantong Mugeng's waist!


The group of policemen was stunned for a moment, and one of them had his head on the doctor's body. If it was exposed at this time, there was really no chance to remedy it!

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