
With a gunshot, Ye Shenyue accurately broke the needle in the doctor's hand!The liquid in the needle tube hurriedly flowed out and dripped onto the old man's bed sheet, but he had lost the experience of entering the old man's body."


Looking down at the potion that had been immersed in the sheets, the doctor was also a little frightened. This man's marksmanship was so accurate, if he acted rashly, his life would be lost!

"Stand by the wall and squat down with your head up, otherwise! Bullets don't have eyes, so they won't go around you!"

Ye Shenyue said loudly to the still hesitant police officers that she had knocked out the guards just now, but the memories of these police officers have not been erased. The result of the first battle!

"All right!"

He glanced blankly at Chairman Sima, who was sleeping on the bed, and the police led by him could only take his companions to the corner and squat down.

"You people! What are you doing!"

Sima Weizhi, who had reacted, suddenly understood that these bastards wanted to let their father die on the hospital bed!

Going up and punching and kicking these people, Sima Weizhi has poured all his strength on these scumbags, and he has nothing but human skin, but he is doing things that are inferior to beasts!

"We are the staff of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, we have the right to apply for judicial protection, you can't do this!"

A police officer wearing glasses yelled at Ye Shenyue while enduring Miss Sima's punches and kicks. This kind of thing was normal to him.

"It's okay, I still have twenty-eight amnesty places in my hand, Miss Sima, keep fighting! Kill them and I will make you safe!"

Looking coldly at the qualified police officer wearing glasses, Ye Shenyue looked calm. For such scum, the law is their accomplice.

"Then let's come too!"

When Lan Yuan heard this, he immediately became interested. Looking at these police officers, he felt very uncomfortable. Now that he has such an opportunity to bully people, how can he let it go?

"Ouch! Little Ancestor, take it easy!"

All of a sudden, he was surrounded by a few children and was crushed, and these usually domineering guys suddenly made a sound of begging for mercy!

"Who are you?"

A thick voice sounded from behind Ye Shenyue, and immediately, a group of people in uniform rushed in!

"Director crossing the river? How is it you?"

The only one who didn't take part in beating these bastards turned around and found that the identity of the person who came was very special!

"Miss Tiantong? Why are you?"

When I looked up, I found out that it was the eldest lady of Tiantong's family. Although I heard that the relationship between Tiantong and Tiantong's administration was not very good, it was not something that the police chief could offend!

"Yes! It's me..."

The companions behind him were still punching and kicking at the police officers, and Tiantong Mu even felt a little guilty when he spoke.

"Master Minister! They beat and kicked us indiscriminately. You have to decide for us. We ask the Supreme Court to try these thugs!"

Yelling at the director, those police officers seemed to see their savior!

"This is……"

"I am the detachment leader of the special detachment directly under the Son of Heaven. Please severely punish these police officers who have beaten them. I don't want this matter to be judged by the Son of Heaven!"

Looking coldly at the potbellied director in front of him, Ye Shenyue's tone was even colder!

Chapter 0075 Alarm

"What bird detachment! How come I've never heard of it?"

Hearing Ye Shenyue's icy threat, Director Dujiang's face suddenly became serious, and his eyes were even more severe when he looked at these young people and children!

"The appointment was announced today. This is my appointment letter, but you don't have to read it, because you will be held accountable for your dereliction of duty soon!"

Unexpectedly, this guy with ghosts would dare to pretend to be an uncle in front of his own children, Ye Shenyue looked at him with a colder look, as if what he said would come true soon!

"Yo! I've seen someone with a big voice, but I've really never seen someone with a big voice like you, so step aside, otherwise I'll arrest you and your stupid children in accordance with the law and order! And it doesn't even need the consent of the Son of Heaven!"

Glancing at Ye Shenyue, Director Dujiang's mood suddenly became very bad. Even this guy can blow his nose and stare at him. In the future, he will have any dignity in front of his subordinates, and he doesn't seem to have any. In the future, this place will be completely occupied by coelenterates tomorrow, and I have already got the ticket!As soon as the Son of Heaven arrives tomorrow, he will become the top person in charge of this matter, and he can go to Kyushu Island to enjoy his old age!

"Haha! I said why this old man didn't take the orders of the Son of Heaven in his eyes, it turned out that he had already prepared his way back!"

Yagami read this guy's sinister inner plans from Director Watanabe's mirror image, and immediately understood why this guy was so arrogant.

"But why did he attack Mr. Sima? If he really intends to run, why bother?"

Ye Shenyue would never believe all the facts just because of the mental activity that flashed through these people's minds. There is always something deep in her heart that is hard to be noticed by others. In this case, Ye Shenyue should think about it!

"Speak! Who the hell are you, otherwise, except for Miss Tiantong Mugeng, everyone else will be arrested!"

He nodded to the police officer behind him, and soon the not spacious ward was filled with police officers with pistols. These people's eyes were a little blurry, and they seemed to be under moral constraints, but it didn't matter, they had already It is the accomplice of crossing the river!

"The detachment directly under the Son of Heaven, come on! Take down these rebels immediately!"

Ye Shenyue reacted and gave orders directly to her children. These scumbags who would only yell in front of ordinary people, faced these children with abnormal explosive power, and immediately panicked, and was directly beaten by the faster Ye Shenyue. Qianshou and Lan Yuan kicked their guns away, and then they were thrown into the corner of the ward with their companions!


With no strength to fight back at all, Director Dujiang was directly disarmed by Ye Shenyue, lying on the ground and pressing his chest with a painful look on his face!

"You are now resisting the orders of the Son of Heaven, let's go after listening to it!"

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