Speaking coldly to Director Dujiang, Ye Shenyue walked over to Sima, who was already tired, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, those who want to harm Chairman Sima will be punished severely. I'll call the Son of Heaven directly!"

After he finished speaking, he sat down with Sima Weizhi, who had collapsed. This little girl had already cried to tears, and it was very likely that she would never be able to face the evil faces of these people again!

"But these police officers are from the New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department! And they are all senior police officers. We detained people here, isn't it a bit..."

Tiantongmu didn't do anything from the beginning. These people are high-ranking officials, and he can't easily offend him. Ye Shenyue has to say it's a bit reckless!

"New Tokyo is facing extinction. What are these scumbags still doing?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tiantong Mugeng with a calm face. This girl's worries were seen by Ye Shenyue from the very beginning, and naturally she was also considering it!

"Then what are you going to do? Did you kill all these scumbags? Maybe the police from all over Tokyo are coming now. This man has set off the alarm just now, and we are about to be trapped here!"

Pointing at Watanabe, Tentong Mu was not as calm as Yagami.

"Then let them lift that alarm!"

The dozen or so police officers were tied to the ground with ropes just now. Lan Yuan looked at Tiantong Mugeng innocently. Isn't such a trivial matter very simple in her eyes?

"That's right, the person who unlocks the bell has to be tied to the bell. Since the alarm was sent by him! Can't he just let him unlock it?"

Qianshou also said calmly, for this kind of thing, I really don't think it's serious, even the police chief has won it, these children firmly believe that they will be fine!

"Tell me! How to lift it! If you lift it, I will hand you over to the Son of Heaven to deal with it, and then go to your court for trial, but if you don't say it, I'm sorry, I can only hold the idea of ​​perishing together. You are staying in this ward!"

Looking at Director Watanabe, who was lying still on the ground, Ye Shenyue naturally gave the old man who was a little awake on the hospital bed a sleep shot. It's hard to negotiate with these people!

"It's enough trouble to let the sober old man figure out the whole process of the incident!"

Ye Shenyue thought so!

"Impossible! Don't worry! You will become a wanted criminal soon! It's not a squad leader, and the Son of Heaven doesn't dare to oppose the entire police, saying that you are the Son of Heaven, except for the one with your name on it. Besides the appointment letter, what else do you have? You don't even have a military rank or a police rank, you are completely temporary workers!"

The director of crossing the river looked more energetic. Although he was tied up by the five flowers, the shameless behavior of being a bureaucrat still made Ye Shenyue ask the taste of decay from the inside out on 5.7!


With a kick on this guy, Ye Shenyue asked coldly, "Tell me! How do I get rid of it?"


He spat at Ye Shenyue, this guy just didn't say anything...


A finger snapped softly, and Ye Shenyue stopped time again. Although this guy didn't say anything, he had already told Ye Shenyue how to clear the alarm in his mind, but it was a little troublesome!

"First go to the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo to turn off the central siren, and then notify everyone by electronic message to clear the alarm, and then make sure that you are safe before you can clear the alarm!"

Ye Shenyue left the ward thinking about how to clear the alarm...

Chapter 0076 Hold a Press Conference

"Um, is this siren broken?"

Finding that the beating red light on the monitor suddenly went out, Director Dujiang felt bad, and frantically pressed the monitor in his hand, while Ye Shenyue in front of him looked at them calmly.

"Director, is it necessary for us to break out of the siege and move rescue troops? If so, why don't we fall into their hands?"

The little police officer with glasses nervously whispered to his superior under the surveillance of Yeyoushen.


Tina went to the door and gently pushed the door, and then brought a long telephone line over.

"Thank you, Tina!"

Facing Tina's warm smile, Ye Shenyue did not forget to peck at the little girl's face when she got the phone line. Such an intimate gesture can only appear on these cute little loli. Woolen cloth!

"I also want!"

Lan Yuan was always able to seize the opportunity. After Ye Shenyue kissed Tina, she 07 brought her little face close.

"Okay! Come here, Qianshou, these scumbags can't run as fast as us, don't worry! Just close the window, they don't have the courage to break this double-sided glass!"

As Ye Shenyue spoke, she pecked Lan Yuan and Qian Shou's face lightly, causing the faces of the two little girls to blush.

"Look, didn't we bring the phone lines? You guys are too, you cut off all the phone lines in this place. This is obviously a guilty conscience! I have already cleaned up the remaining liquid in the needle tube, Don't worry! The law is about evidence!"

Speaking calmly to Director Dujiang, Ye Shenyue quickly dialed the number of the mansion of the Son of Heaven from the indoor phone. After reprimanding the operator, she finally got in touch with the Son of Heaven.

"I'm disturbing your sleep. I found a huge hidden danger. Among your subordinates, there are many people who are doing things like eating inside and outside!"

When speaking to the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue didn't even have the slightest reverence!This made Director Dujiang stunned for a while!This guy can actually speak to the Son of Heaven in such a tone, doesn't it mean that...

"Director, I think this guy is bluffing! To be able to speak in such a tone, it's still with the Holy Son of Heaven, I think they are contacting their accomplices and preparing to leave!"

The little police officer with glasses looked very shrewd, and quickly spoke out the speculation in his own favor!

"Bah! Do you have any brains! If he is really in contact with his accomplices, we will be wiped out! Who will let people see his face! And Miss Tiantongmu is obviously with them. One gang! We might really be done!"

"Then what shall we do?"

Little Glasses looked at Ye Shenyue even more terrified. If they really had a close relationship with the Son of Heaven, what kind of situation would they face next?

"You don't have to do anything, just wait for the judgment of fate!"

Ye Shenyue calmly put down the phone in her hand, the communication with the Son of Heaven has ended, and the fate of these people has come out!

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