Regarding such a thing, a household in Zicun was still very cautious, looked around, and then said goodbye to Ye Shenyuezuo and left here!

"Big brother, why didn't they talk about Grandpa Sima? Didn't they say we have an amnesty order?"

Tina walked to Ye Shenyue's side and looked curiously at the vehicles that took the villains away, as if she was a little reluctant!

"They are not from the Metropolitan Police Department. Now Sima Heavy Industry is managed by the Metropolitan Police Department! Don't worry! Chairman Sima can only command remotely even if he wakes up. We will go to Sima Heavy Industry later!"

Facing Tina with a slight smile, to be honest, Ye Shenyue didn't think too much about such things. As long as those bureaucrats who can only brag leave Sima Heavy Industry, the spare megalithic monument will definitely be built faster!

"Grandpa Sima is awake! I'm looking for you, big brother!"

Lan Yuan suddenly stuck his head out of the window on the second floor, and waved to the two of them violently. The excited smile on his face indicated that the old grandfather must have said a lot of thanks to her!

"Got it! Let's go in!"

Carrying the six newly made uniforms, Ye Shenyue directly picked Tina up from the ground and walked into the hospital. The annoying guard had already left, in exchange for a kind old man!

"Thank you!"

As soon as I came in, I found that there were many doctors in white coats in the room. They all expressed their gratitude to myself, which made Ye Youshen feel speechless for a while. After Sima Weizhi explained it, Ye Shenyue realized that these doctors were locked in the basement by those guys. The old man just now After waking up, Sima Weizhi rescued them, and by the way, they traced the source and regarded Ye Shenyue as the object of thanks.

"It's all right! Chairman Sima, we want to restore Sima Heavy Industry as soon as possible. I heard that there has been no production in that place for two days!"

Chapter 0078 New uniforms unveiled

"This is everyone's clothes, let's put them on. Although I think it's better for us to design together, but the Son of Heaven was sent by someone, and we can't refuse it. After all, there is no complete uniform in this world. I think we are in the regular army!"

After distributing the six pieces of clothes, Ye Shenyue quickly put on new clothes and appeared in Chairman Sima's hospital bed with her five friends!


Tina swayed her body. Although this dress was not as comfortable as a dress, it highlighted the sense of heroism. Tina looked at her clothes and really felt like a defender of New Tokyo. Warriors!

"That's right! Big brother is different. We were all substitutes in the eyes of the police. Now, we are also regular soldiers. These people don't dare to underestimate us anymore!"

Lan Yuan took Tina's hand and looked at this dress with joy. With her own bow, such a dress would definitely look good.

"That's right, this is what the big brother said. If we go alone as before, it will only deepen the gap between everyone and us. Now, let's wear our clothes and everyone will know that we are to keep them safe!"

Qianshou also looked at Ye Shenyue excitedly. In the process, he did not forget to show his body. He wore a German-style military uniform and a unique clover badge, which made Qianshou look like a mature man. The same as regular soldiers!

"Is this too tight?"

Sima Weizhi, who is accustomed to wearing kimonos, looked at his father with some worry when he came out wearing this suit. He had never worn such tight clothes, and the materials were not high-quality!

"No no no! My father likes to see you like this, it's so good, she is no longer the little girl who used to be coquettish and cute in front of me, but a really mature one who can take on the responsibility of our Sima. What about the children of the heavy industry! Hurry up, old man, I can wait for you to bring me back a quick son-in-law!"

After sobering up, the old man Sima seemed to be in a particularly happy mood, and there was no longer the usual silence when speaking to his girl.

"Oh! Father, what are you talking about? What a son-in-law, I'm still young!"

His face was flushed red by his father's words, and Sima Weizhi didn't let him turn around and take a peek at Ye Shenyue. The meaning was very obvious!

"Okay, okay! I won't say it! Anyway, my girl is a spiritual father who likes it very much, but you want to ask the Holy Son of Heaven to make a few more pieces for you, don't forget, you are the eldest lady of our Sima family. Don't Come here all sweaty!"

Still can't forget his outstanding identity. Deep down, Mr. Sima doesn't seem to want his daughter to fight on the front line of the war!

"Don't worry! Didn't we, Sima Heavy Industry, develop a fabric that can fit the body and absorb sweat glands? When the time comes, I'll have someone send this fabric back, and then let the Son of Heaven make some underwear for us, okay? Is it? This will not only prevent your daughter from sweating, but also make the Son of Heaven appreciate our clothing and open up a new fortune for us!"

Lying happily on the head of her father's bed, Sima Weizhi was worthy of being the daughter of Mr. Sima, and she thought of a way to make a fortune so quickly!

"Speaking of Sima Heavy Industry, I hope that you can preside over major events as soon as possible, so that the spare Stonehenge can be repaired as soon as possible, and at least your reputation can be restored!"

Ye Shenyue said while looking out the window. At this time, the restriction circle drawn by herself should have been exposed. I hope those warriors will still attack the coelenterates in front of them. Otherwise, they will find their own restriction circle. After that, there will be chaos!

"I don't want my limit circle to be discovered. In that case, the limit circle disappears after two days, and there is really no life-saving thing in this world!"

As Ye Shenyue thought about it, she snapped her fingers, and then ran out of the window and came to the front of the limit circle!

"I'm going! As expected!"

Originally thought that these warriors would take turns resisting these coelenterates, but after getting here, Ye Shenyue found out that the warriors here laughed at the coelenterates who were completely imprisoned, as if they had already obtained it. The victory of the war is the same!

"I'm helpless!"

Since this happened, Ye Shenyue couldn't let these people relax, and quickly opened her original restriction circle, and then drew a larger restriction circle behind these warriors, and by the way, she was still on the restriction circle. A sensor is installed, and if these warriors are no longer resisting, they will come over and open the restriction circle!


Ye Shenyue snapped her fingers again, and the residual impression in Tina's eyes had been eliminated. Ye Shenyue returned to the state of the previous second, and looked at Mr. Sima calmly and kindly!

"Mr. Tribute, it's not that I don't help, I really can't do anything. You know, the more than [-] secretaries disappeared suddenly, which made my entire command mess up. Sima Heavy Industry is a very huge enterprise, I don't Maybe I know everything, after those professional secretaries disappeared, I knew that Sima Heavy Industry was finished!"

The old man bowed his head helplessly. Years of hard work were suddenly wasted because Ye Shenyue turned those bastards into cans on a whim. No one would feel better!

"Well, how many secretaries do we need if we just rush to replace Stonehenge?"

It is impossible for Ye Shenyue to turn those bastards back into human form, not to mention that Ye Shenyue has no idea whether these cans still exist in the world, and more importantly, Ye Shenyue will never bully herself to those The kids guys are compromising, never!

"At least sixteen, because Stonehenge is made up of sixteen different elements, and there are also sixteen different architectural schemes, a structure where a secretary can manage one element is already the maximum. !"

The old man didn't doubt whether Ye Shenyue could solve it when he said this. After all, he was someone next to the Son of Heaven. The old man felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said at least!

"Then how about a novice? Or let the Son of Heaven promote some staff from the research institute to be your secretary?"

Ye Shenyue asked tentatively.But found that the old man's eyes have dimmed.

Chapter 0079 not doing business

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