"No way!"

With the help of Sima Weizhi, the old man started doing it, and with his old eyes, he saw that the world had become a little turbid!

"It's impossible, I can't let people who don't understand these things come to help, it will only help more and more, and my body can't allow me to take the time to help myself to adapt to sixteen Newbie's!"

The old man's words were in Ye Shenyue's heart, and Ye Shenyue's favor towards him suddenly dropped a lot...

"This thing still needs the old guy to supervise himself? It's obviously just a project. As for this? It seems that the water here is very deep!"

Ye Shenyue deduced like this, and naturally she won't give the old man a good face!

"So what you mean by that is to watch the bureaucrats of the Metropolitan Police Department do nothing there for two days, and then New Tokyo is destroyed, your hard work is wasted, and then your daughter will spend her life. Do you feel uneasy if you live in a place where everyone knows who they are when they are pointed at because their father made shoddy things?"

Ye Shenyue said loudly, and her eyes looking at the old man became sharper. Lan Yuan Tina and Qian Shou both stared at Ye Shenyue in a daze. I didn't expect the elder brother to be so strict, and the next to him was so stern. Tiantongmu nodded secretly.

"This Osaka native is not bad. He actually cares about the life and death of our new Tokyo. It seems that the Son of Heaven has a good vision!"

When Tiantongmu nodded secretly in his heart.The old man's heart suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment!

"Yeah, if I keep that secret and don't speak, even newcomers will only listen to me. When we install a new Stonehenge, won't the secret be kept? Why am I so confused? A daughter, I hoped that the body would never come back last night, but I couldn't sleep well this night, and now I know, I want my daughter to be an upright person!"

The old man suddenly figured it out, and immediately looked at Ye Shenyue with some shame.

"The old man is confused, or what this little brother said! Thank you, I suddenly understand that I am not doing this for myself, I will do it well, you can call Lord Shengtian, I will try my best. Support to build this thing!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes a little nervously. Sima Weizhi gave the old man some water after closing his eyes, and also supervised the doctor to give the old man an injection, and then looked at his father worriedly. !

"Big brother's eloquence is so good, he can change the old man's mind with just a few words!"

Tina hugged her doll and still looked at her big brother with admiration, as a cute little loli.Ye Shenyue feels that Tina is like a small stove. Although you usually don't show the mountains and waters there, Ye Shenyue can always make Ye Shenyue feel that what she is doing is meaningful! "Big brother's eloquence is not only good, but also allows us to learn good truths, big brother, you are very suitable to be a teacher!"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Lan Yuan had already dangled her big braid in front of Ye Shenyue. For such a thing, Lan Yuan is always helpless, only Ye Shenyue can do it well!

"By the way, did the Son of Heaven come to let us restore Sima Heavy Industry to work? Aren't we acting as a detachment against coelenterates? Why does the detachment leader care so much about Sima Heavy Industry?"

Tiantongmu looked at Sima Weizhi in tears with some jealousy, but he gave up everything and joined Yeshenyue's detachment without looking back!How do you feel that you are not doing your job right now?

"Uh, it seems like this, but is this a good thing? You said that we don't care about the police department, but now the director of the Metropolitan Police Department seems to be taken by us!"

Qianshou stood by Tiantong's side and said calmly. Anyway, it's good to be able to follow Mr. Tribute. As for what to do, it seems that he doesn't need to care!

"We are fighting for the survival of New Tokyo. We are naturally a way to resist the attack of the coelenterates, but if there is no restoration of Stonehenge, can we resist it forever? So my purpose is for the good of New Tokyo. That's alright, as for what you're doing, I believe that Lord Saint Son of Heaven will definitely understand!"

Ye Shenyue originally wanted to reason with Tiantongmu more, but when she found out that this guy was actually saying this to be jealous with little sister Sima, Ye Shenyue was more willing to use the name of the Son of Heaven to suppress it. After all, it must be a protracted matter for her to argue with girls!Ye Shenyue doesn't plan to do such a thing!

"All right……"

Hearing that Ye Shenyue had already moved out the Son of Heaven, Tiantong Mu also knew that he couldn't say anything else, so he could only snort in his heart, and then sat down with Qianshou on the sofa in the ward and stopped talking!

"Don't worry! Your father will get better. If nothing else happens, your father probably didn't sleep all night because he was worried about you! Let him sleep well!"

Seeing Sima Weizhi who was still secretly wiping her tears, Ye Shenyue's soft mouth was touched, she came over to comfort Sima Weizhi, then turned to smile at Tina who was blinking at her.

"Little Tina, can you bring me the phone? Although the old man is asleep, we still have to do business!"

After Tina heard it, she put the phone beside Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue picked up the phone and called the Son of Heaven without saying a word!Under normal circumstances, the Son of Heaven would have been unable to stay up because he had not slept all night, but because Yeshenyue put a few doses of sober in her coffee, Yeshenyue was confident that Son of Heaven would answer as soon as possible. own phone!

"Uh! It seems that no one is picking up!"

Ye Shenyue helplessly redialed the phone, although it was her own embarrassment, but Ye Shenyue felt that it would be better to report it!

"Hey! Mr. Tributary? I'm sorry, Lord Saint Son of Heaven is holding an emergency meeting, and the coelenterates at the breach suddenly launched an attack!"

The other end of the phone was answered, but it was not the Son of Heaven, but a servant, but the voice should have been ordered by the Son of Heaven!

"Let Lord Saint Son come to answer the phone. If she doesn't answer, tell her it's about Stonehenge!"

Ye Shenyue definitely couldn't say too much to this attendant. After she finished speaking, she poured some water from the teapot next to her and took a drink!In my heart, I scoffed at those guys who asked for help.

"These people are always making a fuss. The coelenterates were blocked by me. Where are you laughing, asking for help now, is it interesting?"

Chapter 0080 Notify Supervisor

"Okay, I see, I hope you will send those backup secretaries as soon as possible!"

After Ye Shenyue finished speaking, she hung up the phone. This matter was settled. With the help of the Son of Heaven, she saved a lot of trouble in this world!

"Haha, anyway, it's for the Son of Heaven himself, what do I have?"

Ye Shenyue laughed at herself in her heart, and then said to Tian Tong Mu Geng: "Tian Tong, you and Qian Shou take care of the old man here, Sima and Tina Lan Yuan will go to Sima Heavy Industry to see the group of police officers. After the people left, it seems that Sima Heavy Industry has been paralyzed!"

"Uh, okay!"

Facing Ye Shenyue, Tiantong wanted to ask why Sima wasn't here to take care of her father, but after thinking about it, he was relieved. After all, taking Miss Sima with him would definitely solve a lot of troubles!

"Let's go, Sima, we have to act!"

Facing Sima Weizhi who had stopped crying, Ye Shenyue followed and greeted Tina and Lan Yuan to leave the ward!

"Why did you let me go? Can't you just let me stay with my father for a while?"

Although Sima stood up, to be honest, he was not very happy.A father-daughter relationship is understandable to most people.

"Because you have a car!"

Ye Shenyue smiled leisurely. Although such a reason is far-fetched, it is indeed the truth!

"All right!"

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