The old man's opinion almost represented everyone's opinion, and immediately won countless applause!It also made Ye Shenyue anxious and speechless to the extreme!

"Then do we sell something and raise money to buy raw materials?"

Ye Shenyue thought about it, this place is so big anyway, and it is very valuable anyway. As long as he builds a Stonehenge, many problems may be solved head-on, and Sima Heavy Industry should be fine for this price. Bar?

It's good that Ye Shenyue didn't say these words. As soon as she said this, the supervisors in front of her immediately exploded. Not only did they talk a lot below, but some people shouted ρ anyway, that means it's not good!

"Secretary of the Household Federation, why don't you all refuse? I think they should know the current situation. If we don't build the megalithic monument, these things will be occupied by those crazy coelenterates sooner or later, and then it will be nothing. It's not worth it!"

Ye Shenyue saw that everyone was in a raging mood, so she let those supervisors wait outside, and then led the old man and the secretary of the household union into the small room. If there was a debate at this time, it would be a waste of time!

"Although that's what you said, at this time, who would be willing to come and buy it? And who would make a higher bid? Every employee of Sima Heavy Industry holds shares in this place. It chills everyone's heart!"

The secretary of the household union did not speak, but the old man had already opened his mouth to tell the truth. In the eyes of the old man, everyone's worries were natural, but in the eyes of Ye Shenyue, he was courting death!

"What is it, what do you care about at this time? You all know that this place will be finished soon!"

Ye Shenyue thought so in her heart, but she definitely couldn't tell everyone like that. She could only comfort the old man with a few words, and then she kept silent. Ye Shenyue mastered everything in the world, and she really didn't frown over money. Naturally I don't understand what these people think!

And sitting in front of Ye Shenyue, this old man and the secretary of the household alliance are both wily fellows, and they simply don't think about anything in their hearts. Even if Ye Shenyue wants to see his thoughts, he can't!

"Then what do you say should be done?"

Sima Weizhi doesn't have time to wait. If his father can't make the replacement Stonehenge, the brand of Sima Heavy Industry will be completely destroyed. Thinking about what Ye Shenyue thinks, he will spend it in the accusations of others. Sima Wei Knitting makes me feel uncomfortable!

"It's very simple! Miss, you are all from the government. It's okay to ask the government to help. We are also building a replacement for Stonehenge for New Tokyo. How can we say that these gentlemen can keep their positions, right? "

The old man said it for granted, as if the way he said it was very reasonable?

"Um. Isn't it a bit of a waste of time to bargain at this time?"

Although Ye Shenyue hates these guys in her heart, she still has to be careful when she speaks. She smiles at these two guys, it's a face!

"Why is this a waste of time? This is a normal demand, okay? Don't you know the truth? You can't just leave so many of us alone just because you are an official directly under the Holy Son of Heaven!"

The old man stood up all of a sudden, pointed at the clothes Ye Shenyue was wearing, and called out, as if Ye Shenyue was speaking for the government!

"Oh, I understand, you are planning to rip off! Now is the time when New Tokyo is in crisis, of course it's okay for you to rip off, but you said that if Stonehenge is healed and New Tokyo is safe, will they? Are you going to be held accountable?"

Ye Shenyue really didn't expect these guys to have this kind of intentions. She said to the two of them helplessly, and her heart was full of disgust. At this time, these people can also say such words, it seems that they are owed death. what!

"Don't worry! Do you think this Stonehenge will only break this piece?"

The old man looked at Ye Shenyue with a playful face, and his arrogant look made Ye Shenyue clench his fists tightly!

Chapter 0082 Tingling

"How did we go?"

Tina was holding her doll behind Ye Shenyue and said curiously, she and Lan Yuan were pouring water for those uncles. After the big brother came out of the small room, he took his own downstairs, regardless of those who were Uncles waiting for news.

"Tina, don't ask, big brother is very angry now, let's go back first and talk about it!"

Sima Weizhi looked disappointed, reminded Tina feebly, and then got into the car with two little loli without saying a word, and went straight back to the hospital!

"Coming back so soon?"

Tiantong Mugeng, who was peeling oranges for the old man, looked up to see Ye Shenyue angrily bringing his companions back, and couldn't help but be a little curious, while the old man next to him calmly closed his eyes, wondering if he was conscious or not. to what.

"Yes, big brother seems very angry!"

Qianshou sat on the sofa and looked at the four people who came back, his face was not very happy, it seemed that something troubled happened!

"Chairman Sima, do you know what happened to me?"

Ye Shenyue reluctantly poured herself a glass of water, and then immediately asked the old man who had already sat up, with a very unkind tone!

"I know, can I not be clear about my subordinates? They won't really cooperate with you at all!"

The old man spoke quietly, and when he saw his daughter came back, there was a bit of shame in his eyes.

"Okay! Now that you know that, what should we do?"

Speaking to the old man with a single gun, Ye Shenyue even regretted giving these people amnesty. It is obviously a moth enterprise in this place, why does it still have such a big role?

"Cold salad, without the support of government funds, I wouldn't let my people start work. The world doesn't need selfless people!"

Chairman Sima opened his eyes and looked at Ye Shenyue. This young man looked very excited. Although he admired the spirit of the young man, it was useless to this world!

"Then you mean that I'm going to tell the Son of Heaven that during this crisis, we're going to give your business a loan?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the old man sarcastically. At this time, she could still be so calm. It seemed that she had misunderstood the old man. Although his daughter was very kind, the old man was not like that...

"No no no! Mr. Tribute, you are thinking too much. We are companies that need orders. How can we make things for others, but let us borrow money? We want orders from the government! Do you understand?"

The old man lay down slowly, as if what he said was the imperial edict, there was no room for negotiation!

"You mean the government is going to pay for the construction of the replacement Stonehenge? Don't tell me that the old Stonehenge is not yours! You call it atonement, it is to remedy the crisis caused by the creation of the inferior Stonehenge. ?"

Ye Shenyue said very unhappily, at this time, these people are still calculating!It just fell into the eyes of money and couldn't get out!

"I don't know! Those Stonehenges have been inspected by the government, and they are extremely strong. If you say such a problem, it is also a failure of the government's inspection! If it really goes on, the father of the Holy Son of Heaven is the predecessor. The Son of Heaven personally accepted it, and if something goes wrong, who are you going to dismiss?"

Chairman Sima's words were like bullets, destroying all the conscience of this world that Ye Shenyue saw from Tina and the others!Evil, these people are downright evil!Deserving to be swallowed by those coelenterates!

"What's wrong? Did my words shock you too much? Don't worry, I have asked the secretary of the Federation of Households to communicate with the government. With the appearance and attack of coelenterates, they will agree!"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue quietly, not caring about Ye Shenyue's already staring boss's eyes, the old man waved to his daughter and said calmly: "I'm tired, not weaving, see off, this is the My private hospital!"

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