After speaking, he really closed his eyes, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with Ye Shenyue!

"You bad old man! How can you do this to big brother? Big brother saved your life!"

Under the explanation of Tiantong Mugeng, Lan Yuan finally understood the evil face of this old man, jumped on the old man, raised his little fist and looked like he was about to hit him!

"Beat! Your name is Lanyuan Yanzhu, right? You are a cursed child, if the press knows you beat me here, and even beat me to death, you damned cursed children will be forever punished by New Tokyo. , was abandoned by the entire human race, and the special act that the Son of Heaven forced to pass about you will actually be voided! You have to think about it!"

He opened his old eyes and looked at Lan Yuan gently. The old man's words were really like thorns, stabbing into Lan Yuan's pure heart!


Ye Shenyue was instantly furious!He yelled at the old man, then picked up Lan Yuan and walked out with his companions except Sima Weizhi!At this time, if I retaliate against Chairman Sima, my hard work to relieve the discrimination of the cursed children will really be over!

"Big brother, I..."

As soon as he walked out of the ward, Lan Yuan's small eyes couldn't hold back his tears!Why are you being discriminated against?Why should I be used by these evil people?Is it because he has a pair of eyes that will change color?

"It's okay... Big brother promises, I will make this world brighter, and I will make this world full of lovely people like you! Don't worry! This day will not be far away!"

Ye Shenyue hugged Lan Yuan, stared at her crying eyes, said kindly, and nodded to Qianshou and Tina behind her, she would not let her efforts go to waste!

"Do you really want this? It's too idealistic!"

Tiantongmu thought about it for a while, but reluctantly reassured him that it is better not to make guarantees about such a thing.

"Don't worry! Since I said it, I will do it! Did you find that I didn't fulfill my promise? Tiantong, believe me!"

Ye Shenyue naturally knows that Tiantong is well-intentioned, but she is not a ruthless god, but a Ye Shenyue who has feelings and longing for beauty!

Chapter 0083 New Plan

"Oh? You mean you can get the coelenterate back to where it was?"

Although it was in the still time and space created by Ye Shenyue, and he knew that Ye Shenyue was a god-like existence, when he heard that Ye Shenyue said that he wanted to bring the coelenterates back to the original point, the Son of Heaven was still excited and unbelievable. !

"Yes! But it takes time, and of course this time is not used to fight coelenterates, but to build momentum! Me! Let these children become heroes, real heroes! And, let those shameless politicians be And the businessman will be punished! After I confine the coelenterates to their original places, I ask you to immediately shut down Sima Heavy Industry, and as for the hateful chairman of Sima, put it under house arrest!"

Ye Shenyue felt extremely angry when she remembered what Chairman Sima said to Lan Yuan!These bastards!It actually made my baby cry!This is absolutely not allowed!

"Uh, I don't need to say what to do in the future. When the time comes, you can say it, and I will do it. But can you tell me what it means to build momentum? How do you plan to build momentum?"

The Son of Heaven drank coffee and looked at Yeshenyue while snickering in his heart. He didn't expect that God is also very individual. He hated those shameless bureaucrats and greedy businessmen as much as he did!

"How to start a company? I haven't studied it well. Anyway, I want to make this company a star company, and then let..."

Ye Shenyue was about to talk about her plan when the Son of Heaven interrupted: "Impossible, how can I allow the army to do business? Although I know your company is a brand, if you do this, this Can the country's army still defend the country?"

"It's as if those armies are useful. The only function now is to send those rich people away!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Son of Heaven with sorrowful eyes, this is too outrageous, but looking at the meaning of Son of Heaven, it seems that this road is impossible!

"Then let's use this number. Anyway, I want to repair the damaged Stonehenge under the condition of live TV, and then it will work again, and then..."

"Then you'll be a hero!"

The Son of Heaven covered his mouth and smiled softly. It was too easy to say. If anyone else came over and said this to the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven would definitely kick him away, but since it was what God said in front of him, then No problem!

"Okay! That's it!"

Speaking to the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue motioned the two with her eyes to return to the position before time stood still, and then snapped her fingers, the two of them smiled slightly, and began to discuss the issue of their unit's nickname and rank.

"Big sister, do you think Qianshou and I look better in the rank of marshal, or do you look better in the rank of general?"

Lan Yuan leaned on the rank stamp provided by the Son of Heaven and pointed, and together with Qian Shou, placed the rank on his epaulette to make a gesture.

"Uh, sorry, I can only make your big brother a major general, this is my limit, and you are a major at most!"

She shook her head helplessly at Lan Yuan. From the very beginning, Son of Heaven fell in love with this little girl. She was lively, cute and quirky, which really made people feel good.

"Ah? Major!"

When Lan Yuan heard this, he immediately looked at the Son of Heaven in disgust, and then began to gesture on the list of military ranks with his small hands.

"Major General is here, one ear of wheat and one five-pointed star, and then, Brigadier General, Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major! We only have two bars and one star! Why?"

When Lan Yuan found this place, he was about to cry!Why is he only a star, and he is many levels less than his big brother!

"Lan Yuan, the big sister has said that this is the limit of others, so it's useless for us to do this? Look at the brother who protects the big sister is... a lieutenant colonel, we have this rank already very good. !"

Tina held her doll and gently persuaded Lan Yuan, never embarrassing others. This is the greatness of Tina.

"But, but this is too bad. In case the big sister sends us some lieutenant colonel, colonel, etc., are we going to stand behind others!"

Lan Yuan looked at the Son of Heaven with some grievances, it's not easy for this little girl to look like so much.

"Uh, you are soldiers. Although your elder brother said that you are all deputy detachment leaders, but you have no soldiers under your command? Then you are bare commanders. I can only make you majors!"

The Son of Heaven still understands the hearts of these little loli, but there is a charter for the title, so he can't ignore it!And because of Ye Shenyue's appearance, being named a major general will already make many people unhappy!

"Yes, we have soldiers!"

Qianshou suddenly thought of something next to him, and then said something to Lan Yuan's ear...


Being reminded by Qian Shouyi, Lan Yuan immediately became happy, pointed directly to the back garden and said, "We have soldiers! Those are the little sisters placed here by the elder brother! They are also cursed children, we We have fought against coelenterates, can't we teach them? Then we are their bosses? They are majors, how about us as colonels? We are exactly two ranks away from the big brother!"

After finishing what Qianshou told himself in one breath, Lan Yuan's face was full of spring and excitement.

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