"Uh, why did you divide up my children!"

Ye Shenyue was speechless as she looked at Lan Yuan and the others who had already divided the twenty children she brought with her, and she felt speechless for a while.

"How do you divide the twenty people among the three of you?"

From the very beginning, he was identified by the Son of Heaven as Yeshenyue's helper. Of course, Tiantongmu would not go to a bunch of 2.7 children to lead them, and he was not a cursed child, so he definitely couldn't help these children like Lan Yuan. We have mastered some fighting skills!


Lan Yuan, who is really not very good at math, was asked all of a sudden, she looked left and right, but no one gave her an answer!

"Ziliu, can you also be the deputy captain and lead the four little sisters?"

Squatting down and looking at Qing Ziliu who was at a loss, Ye Shenyue was looking forward to Zi Liu being her deputy team leader. In this case, with Zi Liu's understanding of these children, everyone would be able to integrate more quickly. All in one!

"Okay! But I don't have the fighting skills like Big Sister Lan Yuan!"

Qing Zi Liu couldn't help thinking of the scene where Lan Yuan broke into the door and smashed a painting accurately.

Chapter 0084 Assigning Tasks

"Okay, then the four of us are the four deputy detachment leaders! These sisters are our team members!"

Looking up at Ye Shenyue calmly with his small head raised, Lan Yuan has already identified his four team members, so he is very cheering for his high military rank!

"Since these children are already your subordinates, you don't have to be the captain of the detachment, you can just be the captain!"

Looking at these little girls, the Son of Heaven also knows that these cursed children have strong fighting power!

"Okay! So Lan Yuan and the others are the detachment leaders?"

Ye Shenyue did not expect the Son of Heaven to be so generous, so she quickly announced the news to Lan Yuan and the others, and the result...

"Then are we major generals?"

Lan Yuan blinked his eyes and looked at Ye Shenyue, as if what he said was a matter of course!

"Uh, no, this is a favor from the Son of Heaven. I hope we don't look as small as 07. It doesn't mean that our rank can be raised accordingly, but don't worry, Lan Yuan, big brother will definitely make everyone a general. , is it just starting now, we will definitely be very powerful in the future!"

Smiling at Lan Yuan, Ye Shenyue can only use such words to coax this little girl. Although she doesn't care about the military rank, since the Son of Heaven said it is more convenient, she suggested that everyone take a look!

"It seems that people have a vanity side in their hearts!"

Seeing that Tina, including Tina, was amazed by her new military rank, Ye Shenyue could only put a general star on her military uniform, and then took the senior colonel Tiantongmu, four colonels and ten. The six majors came to the main entrance of the mansion of the Son of Heaven. This time the conferring of titles does not need to go through the council, so they took a group photo at the mansion of the Son of Heaven!

"Okay, congratulations to everyone, now everyone is an official soldier with a military rank, and I will have someone make a book for everyone in the military archives, but now there is a problem, you have to prove your strength. After all, although our Self-Defense Force Army is not very powerful, there are still many unhappy people!"

After the group photo, the Son of Heaven said to Yeshenyue, and the members of the guards directly under the newly established head of state. In fact, this is mainly said to Yeshenyue.

"Hey, as expected of a politician, it's actually starting to be exchanged right now!"

Ye Shenyue sighed a little in her heart, then nodded to the Son of Heaven, followed by the four newly delivered jeeps, and rushed out with these children!

"We have to learn to use the walkie-talkie! Now let's start experimenting!"

Taking the walkie-talkie and talking to everyone, Ye Shenyue followed suit and tested various things. Although she knew in her heart that these things were arranged by the original cavalry captain, she couldn't see the mistake for a while, Ye Shenyue said. It can only be used temporarily.

"All detachment leaders come for a meeting!"

After Ye Shenyue brought everyone to the Tokyo Hotel, she directly wrapped a whole two-story building with gold. The first floor was where everyone rested and the first floor was training.These little girls want to be the main force to defend this place, and they can't stay in this world forever, can they?

"The captain of the first team, Lan Yuan Yanzhu, is here!"

"Team Two Captain Tina Sprant is here!"

"The captain of the three detachments Qianshou Xia Shi is here!"

"The captain of the fourth detachment, Qingziliu, is here!"

A neat military uniform, happy faces, and non-standard salutes look even more beautiful in Ye Shenyue's eyes. These are the most human and glorious existences in this world, making Ye Shenyue feel the endless power. !

"Since the Son of Heaven wants us to do a good job, let's get started! We are four teams, so we will divide New Tokyo into four areas for inspection. If you find a coelenterate, everyone must report to me immediately. ! Next, I will assign tasks!"

Ye Shenyue randomly spreads out a map, and then draws on it the areas that each detachment will patrol later. Of course, in order to prevent these little girls from having a choice phobia, Ye Shenyue is also very considerate of their routes. Draw it!

"Big brother is so nice, but I have a question. You said that all four of our detachments have gone out for inspection. Where will you be then?"

Lan Yuan, as a team leader, naturally got the tough task, that is, to go to the northwest region closest to the coelenterate breakthrough, and staring at Yeshenyue with two big eyes, it seems that he is going with him!

"I'm going with Qingziliu's group. They don't have any combat experience yet. I want to protect them well, but don't worry, if there is a coelenterate, just turn around and walk back, and we'll go back to meet you!"

Facing Lan Yuan with a slight smile, Ye Shenyue of course knew that this little auntie would not admit defeat, so how could she agree to turn around?

"Humph! If I meet those guys who are bad at you, I'll tear them to pieces!"

With a hand-knife movement to Yagami, Lan Yuan unveiled his cute veil, revealing his desire to fight.

"It would be best if the big brother is with us! But we will also perform well, and we will not cause trouble for the big brother!"

Qing Ziliu looked at Ye Shenyue very seriously, and everyone could see how much this little girl hoped that 023 could become Ye Shenyue's help!

"Don't worry! I believe my children are the best, so don't worry!"

Seeing that the others had no opinion, Ye Shenyue stood up and distributed the map to the detachment leaders, and was ready to take everyone out of here.

"Then what should I do?"

Tiantongmu didn't say anything because everyone was chatting so loudly, but when she found out that she was being ignored, how could this girl hold back?

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