"Of course you're following Tina? Aren't you a golden partner?"

Looking at Tiantong Mugeng curiously, Ye Shenyue is a little strange, isn't this something everyone knows?Why does Tiantong still care so much?

"Uh, okay!"

Tiantong looked at Tina with her head raised and smiled at herself, and suddenly realized that she was running away and didn't hear Ye Shenyue's arrangement, and suddenly felt a burst of shame. How could he be ashamed in front of these little girls?

"Sister Tiantong, let's go!"

Tina gently grabbed Tiantong Mugeng's hand, and then went to find her teammates.

"They're going out!"

A man in a black uniform put down his earphones and said to the ruler of Tiantong who was standing next to him.

"Keep listening!"

Looking at the scenery outside the window, the old man moved his lips and said.

Chapter 0085 Learning Fast

"What do you think of this map?"

Although a little shy, Qing Ziliu couldn't help but ask Ye Shenyue, when did this little girl ever see such a complicated thing!

"Haha, in fact, you don't need to look at Zi Liu, I'm by your side, just let me lead everyone to the front of you. Anyway, this place is not necessarily a place for coelenterates!"

Ye Shenyue picked up the map in Zi Liu's hand, folded it and put it in her clothes, and found that the coelenterates entered the Tokyo area from the river, and the patrol map drawn by Ye Shenyue was also carried out along the river.

"No, big brother, you can't do this. Our team will definitely expand in the future, so I will help you in the future. If I don't even understand this map, how can I help you!"

Taking out this map from Ye Shenyue's hand, Qing Zi Liu looked at him solemnly, she really wanted to be the helper of the big brother, and the best helper!

"Okay! Come to big brother to teach you!"

As for Qingziliu's thoughts, Yeshenyue naturally took it to heart. In addition to a touch of emotion, Qingziliu's words also reminded Yeshenyue that these cursed children are definitely not just these twenty children, she also has to let more children With more children joining my big family, there will be more and more tasks of Qingzi Liu, and I can't let time stand still all day long. In that case, many people's memories will become more and more chaotic, until they are destroyed by Ye Shen. The Moon's Barrier has been recovered!

"Really, why doesn't big brother come with me?"

Very unhappy, talking to Qinglu Liu next to him, Lan Yuan ate the potato chips he bought while driving!

"Because Big Brother thinks you are the best!"

Talking to Lan Yuan, Qingluliu had heard Lan Yuan's complaints countless times along the way, but she was not tired with her loud voice, and soon thought of this way to relieve Lan Yuan's mood!

"Well, you said it well!"

Smiling at Qinglu Liu, Lan Yuan threw the finished potato chips out of the window, and then slowly started walking along Hebin Road. He was facing the cracked gap in the northwest. Naturally, Be the first to encounter the legendary coelenterate!


Qing Luliu screamed, and immediately asked Lan Yuan, who was sleepwalking, to stop quickly, followed by a huge boulder that suddenly appeared in front of Lan Yuan!


A huge roar sounded, Lan Yuan smashed the front windshield with one foot, and then greeted his companions in the car directly: "Finally got the opportunity to show it! Lu Liu, drive the car to Go to that fork in the road, and we'll move on when I get rid of this guy!"

After he finished speaking, he jumped to the boulder in front of him without any reason, and stood on the boulder curiously looking at the coelenterate that broke the bridge pier!

"Then what do you do?"

Pressing the steering wheel, Qingluliu still looked at Lanyuan Yanzhu, who had already rushed up, worriedly. He didn't spend a long time with this young lady, but it could be seen that besides being a little eccentric, this sister was almost with her own sister. Just as good!

"I beat this guy!"

With a slight smile, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's eyebrows twitched slightly, and then rushed into the mist!

"All right!"

I also knew that I would definitely not be able to persuade this elder sister, that the moment Qingluliu stepped on the accelerator, she would back up!


He stepped on the accelerator hard, but Qingluliu found that his accelerator had no response, and kicked a few times, but there was still no response!

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Lan Yuan, who was about to rush down to fight the coelenterate in front of him, also discovered this situation, and quickly rushed down, and then slammed on the accelerator with both feet, only to find that the broken jeep really didn't respond!

"You run over first, everyone is the son of the curse, there is still some ability!"

Anxious, Lan Yuan could only let everyone get out of the car, and then looked up, only to find that the annoying coelenterate had actually come over!


Going up and punching the coelenterate, Lan Yuan hurriedly ran in the opposite direction!I hope I can attract the attention of this monster, but unfortunately, there is a shout of Qinglu Liu suddenly behind me!

"Let's help!"

Qingluliu shouted at Lan Yuan, rushed over with three companions behind him, and immediately flew up and kicked the coelenterate!


With a loud noise, the four children kicked the coelenterate directly into the river, and a large splash of water splashed, making everyone soaked all of a sudden!

"Uh, how are you so powerful?"

Smiling at everyone, Lan Yuan didn't expect these kids to be able to hit a flying kick in unison like this, and looked at everyone with admiration!

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