"Learn from you!"

Several little girls smiled at Lan Yuan together, but that smile seemed to be a bit of a joke!

"Uh, what's going on?"

Lan Yuan didn't expect that their teacher was actually him, and suddenly looked at everyone strangely. He had never taught them before, why did he follow him?Compliment yourself do not have to do so!

"When you came to see us this morning, when you entered the room, you smashed the painting on the wall with one foot, which is still fresh in our memory!"

Nodding fiercely at Lan Yuan, Qing Luliu took the lead in telling Lan Yuan's "feat"!

"Uh...that's what it is!"

I didn't expect this to happen. Lan Yuan rubbed his head and looked at these little sisters helplessly. He really didn't expect such a situation to happen!But these people are very smart and their learning ability is very good!


Just when Lan Yuan was about to praise these team members, there was a loud noise in his ears, followed by a burst of rain!

"Get ready, let's kick this guy to pieces together!"

Lan Yuan shouted and stood at the front, then behind him were four team members standing in a row, staring fiercely at the river in front of him!


Just as the coelenterates rushed out of the water frantically, Lan Yuan shouted and rushed up first!


Before he could flip over from the air, he was kicked on the head by Lan Yuan. When he was flipping and planning to fight back, he followed with four feet and kicked his body fiercely. Lan Yuan, who turned around and stepped on the embankment, spun his body up and was rushed over like a drill!


With a loud cry, the eyes were smashed by Lan Yuan, and the coelenterate quickly exploded into pieces!

Chapter 0086 Pagers can be broken

"Tina, what the hell is going on with Yagami? Is he from Osaka? I feel like he's better than us in New Tokyo!"

While driving the car, he was talking to Tina, although he wanted to touch the doll that Ye Shenyue gave to Tina, Tiantongmu still held back!You can't do this yourself!

"Yeah, I think so too, big brother is very concerned about our place, but..."

Tina looked at the situation ahead and calmly ate the potato chips that Ye Shenyue had bought for herself before. Tina looked at Tiantong Mugeng with a strange look.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Tina was looking at him with his strange eyes, Tiantongmu hurriedly looked in the rearview mirror. Could it be that his body is dirty?The loess all over my body made me very unhappy last night, and after I came back, I changed my clothes like crazy!From then on, I also have a lot of worries about my image in my heart!

"No, I noticed that you seem to be calling Mr. Tribute's name directly!"

Nodding to Tiantong Mu, Tina naturally turned her head out of the window, not wanting to see Sister Tiantong's blushing look anymore.

"Uh...is that so?"

Only then did I realize what was going on, Tiantong Mugeng's face turned red as expected, but he was still embarrassed to close his eyes to calm himself down!


Tina suddenly felt a bad feeling, and then saw a shadow appear on the ground in front of her. After realizing something, Tina quickly turned around and grabbed the steering wheel of Tiantong Mugeng, and grabbed it frantically towards her. !


There was a loud bang, and the vehicle in front of him suddenly turned off!

"Ah? What's going on here?"

Seeing that a huge stone suddenly appeared in front of him, Tiantong Mugen jumped up from his seat at once!

"Back up!"

Smelling the dangerous breath, Tina hurriedly asked Tiantongmu to reverse the car, and at the same time she had already taken out her three small balls!

"get off!"

Finding that his vehicle didn't respond at all, Tiantongmu called out to the team members behind him decisively, kicked the door open, and saw a huge coelenterate suddenly appearing above his head!


Opening the car door, Tina let out a loud cry, and directly released her three balls, and then a whirlwind sounded, and a huge pliers suddenly appeared above the car!

"Retreat with your sisters!"

Shouting even louder at Tiantongmu, Tina suddenly interrupted the big pliers in front of her from the middle, and then flew over at once.

"No! There are two more!"

Running back with the panicked team members, Tiantong Mugeng suddenly found himself surrounded!There are actually two coelenterates behind him!

"Gather here!"

She screamed even more at Tiantongmu, and broke the two sharp claws of the coelenterate in front of her. Tina stepped up and kicked the coelenterate out of the sky, and then landed in front of her companion!

"You two, run from the left, you two, run from the right, don't care about that coelenterate, I'll deal with them before they attack you!"

Arranging for the four companions, Tina pointed to Tiantongmu who was holding a gun and pointed to the coelenterate behind her who had been knocked down by herself, and then rushed over with her little sisters!


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