When it was discovered that the coelenterate on the left was the first to attack, Tina kicked all three of her small balls at once, and then rushed towards this guy.


When Tina interrupted the sharp claws that attacked the coelenterate, she rushed over at once, and then slammed into the feet of the coelenterate on the right and kicked it at once!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four times in a row, just when Tina was about to hit the enemy on the left after landing, she suddenly saw the four little sisters in front of them doing a backflip against the coelenterate on the left and kicked them fiercely!

"Uh! What a skill!"

Unexpectedly, the coelenterates on the left were beaten up by the children. Tina was very relieved to attack the coelenterates on the right. These children who had already discovered their speed advantage also scurried directly behind the coelenterates. Immediately rushed over!

"Bang bang bang bang" four gunshots sounded behind him, and Tiantongmu even more clearly gave two bullets to each of the coelenterates in front of him, followed by these coelenterates were wiped out!

"Handsome! I really didn't expect you to be so good at it before!"

Tina, who likes to fight alone, didn't say it at first, but she really looked down on these children, but now, Tina has seen it clearly, these children will die very capable!

"Hehe, we all learned from sister Lan Yuan Yanzhu!"

The little girls excitedly told Tina about Lanyuan Yanzhu's "feat", which also made Tina deeply remember the learning ability of these children!

"Then what about this broken car?"

Looking at the vehicle that had been turned off and could no longer hit, Tina said with some worry, the appearance of such a boulder really caught people off guard!

"Call Captain! We need support!"

Tiantongmu even took out his pager and gave it to Tina, and looked around curiously. He didn't find it along the way, but until now he found out that there are no police officers around to maintain law and order, not even ordinary police!


Tina didn't think much about it, and immediately started calling Ye Shenyue over there on the pager!

"No response?"

After pressing for a long time, Tina still couldn't hear some of the sounds that the pager should have made. She felt speechless for a while. Today's luck is really bad, and even the pager didn't respond!

"Then just wait, Mr. Tribute should come to us!"

After Tiantongmu checked the pager more carefully, he could only drag the car out of the boulder with the children, and then sat in the car and waited for rescue. Tiantongmu doesn't have such good physical strength!


Tina could only get into the car, and then asked a greedy little sister to buy some snacks, and waited quietly in the car for Ye Shenyue to appear!

Chapter 0087 Summary of results

"Hey, there's nothing in this place!"

Qianshou Xia Shi turned around for a long time, but still did not find any abnormality in the southwest region. He looked out the window curiously, and felt a little hungry!

"Let's go back? It's already been an hour! We've already walked the route of Big Brother, should we get in touch?"

A little sister behind her held a map and looked at the car's navigator, and proposed to Qianshou.

"Hey, unlucky, I didn't encounter a coelenterate, and I can't even show my skills!"

Looking out of the window helplessly, Qianshou still picked up the pager, and then dialed to Ye Shenyue's side!

"Uh, is it broken?"

It was found that the pager did not respond at all, but Qianshou responded very quickly. After disassembling the pager, he found that the battery inside was actually dead!

"Go buy two batteries, this is the money given by the big brother!"

Taking out a gold coin from his clothes, Qianshou calmly said to the little sister behind him, that this kind of thing is normal anyway, everyone knows what's going on, and they all know what to do.

"no problem!"

After living in the hotel for two days, the little girl still knows how to live, she took the gold coin in her hand and went out!There are streets everywhere, and it should be easy to buy a battery!

"Alas, I wish there was a coelenterate!"

With one hand supporting his head, looking at the situation outside, Qianshou thought helplessly.

As he said that, Qianshou suddenly saw that the younger sister was buying batteries on the opposite side, and turned on the accelerator to turn to the other side of the road, but unfortunately, the vehicle stopped moving!

"What a broken car, this tributary Mr. is really!"...

"Uh, who is talking bad about me behind my back?"

She said to Qing Ziliu next to her, Ye Shenyue, who had already sneezed several times in a row, was very unhappy, and she could sneeze with a god-like vinegar, which is really not good!

"Maybe it's a cold. I've heard people say that you have sneezed three times when you think about it, and you have a cold. It must be a cold!"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue calmly, Qing Zi Liu seemed to be very concerned about this child!

"Uh, if that's the case, then it's a cold. I'm going to buy some cold medicine!"

She smiled at Qingzi Liu, and Ye Shenyue immediately started joking. It seemed that she had nothing to gain today, and no coelenterates appeared in front of her. If you wanted to show a hand, it seemed that you needed to make a breakthrough. It's a good fight for that place!

Ye Shenyue thought so, but Qing Zi Liu next to her was serious, she really wanted to get out of the car to buy some medicine for Ye Shenyue!

"I'm fine, don't worry! I'm fine!"

While Ye Shenyue comforted her, she immediately continued to patrol with Qing Zi Liu!

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