"Uh, why haven't you responded yet?"

Knowing this, Ye Shenyue realized that something was wrong, she snapped her fingers, and then rushed to various places!

"Uh, why can't such a good car drive?"

When she found that the things in front of her were not moving, Ye Shenyue quickly drove out the jeep in front of her, but found that she had no choice but to shout helplessly at the pager. It was also at this time that Ye Shenyue realized that This bird pager is also broken!

"Bastard! Who gave us this pager? And why can't this broken car drive?"

From Lanyuan to Tina to Qianshou, all three jeeps broke down, and all three pagers were broken, Ye Shenyue felt extremely sad, and then returned to her car to let time recover. !

"Uh! Even my car is like this!"

When he found that the jeep didn't respond when he opened the accelerator again, Yeyoushen suddenly felt that he had been deceived!

"It seems that the car itself has a problem!"

Yeshenyue asked Qingziliu to wait in the car, and then got out of the car and looked at the structure of the car with a perspective eye, but it was obvious that Yeshenyue couldn't understand it!

God is not omnipotent, and he has a rough idea of ​​what humans make.Otherwise, Ye Shenyue will go to build that magical Stonehenge!

"The pager also has no battery. What does this mean!"

He smashed the pager with one foot, and Ye Shenyue heard the sound of glass shattering right after him!

"Uh, what kind of joke is this?"

Ye Shenyue picked up a flashing red object from the ground and put it in her hand, looking at the flashing appearance on it, she suddenly understood what it was!

"I still know this common sense!"

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, then put this thing in her clothes, and saw a broken line right under her vehicle!

"Sure enough, it is a human who has mastered high technology. After the third stop, the engine wire will be cut!"

Looking at a sharp blade next to her, Ye Shenyue understood exactly what was going on, and of course, she repaired these vehicles in a single thought!

"It was the first time to park these shameless things from the warehouse to the Son of Heaven, and then from the mansion of the Son of Heaven to where we lived was the second time to park, and now it's the third time that we can't use it! Sure enough! It's a master, we don't even have basic evidence!"

Ye Shenyue took this blade with a gear in her hand, and she couldn't help but feel the evil of human beings, and she would use such a thing to frame herself. It seems that her logistics supervisor is very smart!

With a snap of her fingers, Ye Shenyue quickly repaired the other people's vehicles, and of course kept the bugs in the pager, so keep such things!Anyway, I have nothing to let others know!

"Tina, here I come!"

The first one to drive and meet Tina and the others, Ye Shenyue knew that the victory here was the most fruitful, she took out the camera to summarize the results, and immediately took her friends to clean up the things that were blocking the road!

"I can't see it, you still use the principle of leverage!"

Tiantongmu looked at Yeshenyue with admiration. Of course, he was most interested in where Yeshenyue got such a tough stick!

"Let's go! We are going to rendezvous with the other companions, I hope you will use a pager with batteries next time!"

She smiled even more at Tiantongmu, Ye Shenyue knew that she was going to go to her grandfather to find someone to settle the bill!

"Hmph, I don't know what level this bastard has, he can actually make my granddaughter so happy with him! In front of me before... hum!"

An old man felt very unhappy when he heard the sound from the bug in the pager!

Chapter 0088 did not expect

"This is the result of our victory this morning. Although we are sorry that you haven't had a good sleep until now, I believe this has proved our worth!"

Putting the photos of the four coelenterate carcasses in front of the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue came to the Son of Heaven's office alone, and the other children were left in the hotel by Ye Shenyue. Let these children tired for a long time, I can't bear it!

"Okay! I get it! But I'm very strange. I really want to look like I don't want to sleep at all. Although I lay on the sofa and took a nap for a while, I look very awake now. My instinct tells me that this has something to do with you. relation!"

When there was no one around, the Son of Heaven knew exactly who the man in front of him was, and the awe in his voice was evident. He was talking to the Almighty God, so he wouldn't put on an aloof look at this time.

"Hehe, that's good, since we're very awake, then our identities can be disclosed to everyone. If I expect it to be good, based on the work efficiency of those under your command, the establishment of my direct guard is still there. It didn't appear in the official compilation!"

Looking at the list of phone numbers on the wall, Ye Shenyue knew that only those who were valued would leave their names on it. Obviously, she and her children were not on it yet.

"No problem, I will supervise it. The few coelenterates that are not enough for you to eradicate seem unconvincing. In fact, I hope that you can lead those gifted children to the front line, although there are still Countless police are fighting on the front line, but judging from the reported casualties, the situation is not optimistic!"

Putting the battle report he had just obtained in front of Ye Shenyue, the Son of Heaven's brows were deeply wrinkled. From last night to now, more than [-] policemen on the front line have died, which was unimaginable before!

"It looks really dangerous!"

Seeing that the vivid faces above were marked with death, even if Ye Shenyue didn't care about the lives and deaths of these people, she would still feel that the world was impermanent, and these people didn't need to die!Of course, in other words, Ye Shenyue's restriction circle kept many people alive!

"Then when do you plan to go to support? I think that although you are my direct guard, staying in the city is not an appropriate move!"

Son of Heaven picked up these battle reports, carefully looked at the notes below, and whispered to Ye Shenyue, at this time, as the head of state, she was under great pressure!

"Don't worry! I think there is one more important thing now!"

Picking up the tray in front of her and the coffee cup on it, Ye Shenyue looked unhappy at a small dot diagonally above. Although ordinary people couldn't see the flashing lights on it, she felt it. very obvious!

"Even the official residence of the Son of Heaven has been monitored. It seems that the political landscape of human beings is darker than I imagined!"

While Ye Shenyue thought about it, she nodded lightly at that little dot!

"Uh! Why is there no picture? Go and report to Lord Tiantong!"

The screen in front of the staff working in a basement suddenly went black, and one of the people in military uniform yelled directly at the staff behind him!Such a thing has never happened, what the hell happened today?

"What were you doing just now?"

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