Hearing that his bodyguard came to report this 5.4 incident, the Son of Heaven looked at him in confusion. The name was familiar, but it was also unfamiliar!

"Uh, Lord Tiantong is the grandson of Tiantong's ruling..."

Wiping the sweat from the corners of his eyes, the guard smiled helplessly at the Son of Heaven.

"What is he doing here?"

The Son of Heaven sorted out his appearance, and then walked to his office. The busy life every day was really hard for the Son of Heaven, the size of a high school student!

"I don't know, I just saw Young Master Tiantong coming over with flowers!"

Speaking to the Son of Heaven, in fact, the guard knows very well in his heart that his head of state is not too small!It's time to talk about marriage!

"Uh... well!"

The Son of Heaven shook his head helplessly, and began to think in his heart how to reject this guy!

Chapter 0092 Attack

"Okay, everyone stop here! Tina, let's go investigate together!"

When she came to the limit circle she had set, Ye Shenyue waved her hand to stop everyone, and then took Tina to a tree next to her to look ahead!

"Wow! So much, so dense!"

Tina raised her eyes, and her eyes were full of coelenterate figures. Although she didn't see very far, it was enough for Tina's intensive phobia to break out!

"Uh, be careful!"

Seeing Tina's body crooked, Ye Shenyue hurriedly hugged Tina and went down to the ground.

"It's okay, big brother, as long as you don't look at it!"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Tina quickly regained her composure, but Ye Shenyue could see that the little girl still had some heart palpitations!

"The enemies we are facing now are all mixed together. Don't you be afraid, as long as we stay close together, there is no need to worry about any danger!"

Smiling at everyone, Ye Shenyue followed and explained her tactics. In fact, there are no tactics. As long as these little girls don't get lost, Ye Shenyue can ensure their safety!


Lan Yuan was the first to get up and agree, and then immediately said to Ye Shenyue: "Big brother, let me be the forward, my speed is fast, I will definitely not be caught!"

"Uh... We don't need fast speed, we just need to stick together tightly, we don't have to worry about these guys, don't worry Lan Yuan, listen to me right!"

She smiled at Tina, and Ye Shenyue followed and was the first to walk into the restriction circle she had set. Of course, Ye Shenyue also knew that those policemen only dared to build it outside after discovering this restriction circle. Camp's!


Ye Shenyue and his party were soon discovered by the coelenterates. They shouted at Ye Shenyue, and the three coelenterates flew over directly!

"Tina, come on!"

Ye Shenyue laughed loudly, and rushed over immediately, and then asked the children to line up in three teams to follow her closely!


Being named by Ye Shenyue, Tina immediately felt extremely proud.He directly threw his three small balls into the sky, and then trapped the three flying coelenterates in the air.

"Boom bang bang, bang bang bang, bang bang bang bang!"

Suddenly a burst of gunshots rang out, and Ye Shenyue immediately found that Tian Tong Mu, who was beside him, looked at the three coelenterates in the air with excitement!

"Uh... Can you save some bullets? If you use so many against these three guys, how many bullets do we need to use to successfully counterattack?"

Ye Shenyue helplessly looked at the three coelenterates that had exploded in the air, and looked at her somewhat complainingly.

"Uh, this..."

Only then did he realize that he hadn't brought his secret weapon, Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue silently for a while, and put away his gun!

"Don't worry, there are still a lot ahead. Big sister's bullets will run out sooner or later. We will definitely be able to show our skills!"

Lan Yuan's voice suddenly sounded from behind, Ye Shenyue looked back, only to find that Lan Yuan was talking to her little sisters, but that seemed to be to appease these little girls!

"Big brother, our team members are afraid that big sister will take away all the credit, so Lan Yuan and I just said this. It shouldn't be a problem to say this, right?"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Qian Shou Xia Shi calmly looked at Tian Tong Mu Geng next to him, the meaning of the joke was very clear!

"Uh, okay!"

Unexpectedly, his kindness would not be regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs, and Tiantongmu could only put down his gun in silence.

"here we go again!"

Tina took back her three small balls, and immediately saw that a large number of coelenterates had come over with light steps. There were too many shapes in it, and it was impossible to tell them apart for a while. clear!

"Tina, pay attention to the sky! Lan Yuan, stand in front of you, Qianshou, pay attention to your back, the rest of the children, beside me, we have to be uniform, can't panic know?"

Ye Shenyue said calmly, and took Tiantongmu and placed it beside her!

"Uh, you..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Shenyue would take the initiative to pull her to her side, Tiantong Mugeng's heart couldn't help but feel a wave, but it soon fell silent!


Ye Shenyue saw a coelenterate attacking from the left, and ordered everyone to come together. As a result, these children who couldn't wait to show it in front of their big brother flew up and faced the dinosaur. The body of the coelenterate kicked over!

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