"Bang bang bang bang!"

Going up with four feet, Qing Zi Liu and his team kicked the coelenterate directly out, and by the way, he also hit a large area on the left side!

"Left! We can only move forward and not backward!"

Ye Shenyue seized this opportunity and drew a circle directly on the ground. This circle not only covered all the children, but also drew out the area just created!

"Okay! Just do this, everyone is very smart!"

Ye Shenyue was also excited when she saw that everyone had turned around under her own instructions, these children are really too smart, and you don't have to worry about it at all!

"Lan Yuan, move forward! The second team is preparing at the back!"

While Ye Shenyue is in command, 517 is ready to draw circles with her own eyes at any time. Although it is now a small boat surrounded by coelenterates, Ye Shenyue continues to move forward unswervingly!

"Tiantong, be ready to shoot at any time. I can't take care of all aspects. You, the deputy captain, must be vigilant!"

Ye Shenyue saw the dazed Tiantong Mugeng and knew that this girl felt useless, so she quickly encouraged her, then turned around and continued to draw circles towards the place where Lan Yuan was advancing!


Unexpectedly, Ye Shenyue still remembered herself, Tiantong Mugeng, turned around, and shot a coelenterate that had attacked from behind, killing it in the head!

"Big sister is so handsome!"

Qianshou was in charge of seeing the coelenterate that had just appeared behind him and was wiped out by Tiantongmu Geng. He smiled at Tiantongmu from the bottom of his heart, and then raised his foot directly to completely eliminate the coelenterate, followed by I heard a strange voice from behind!


The sound of a camera came, Qianshou looked back, and found that Qingluliu was taking pictures with a camera, and couldn't help but become curious.

"Brother, let me tell you, people don't believe the military exploits they say, so we must speak with facts!"

Holding the camera in his hand, Qinglu Liu smiled proudly.

Chapter 0093 Helicopter Live

"Hehe, high! It's really high!"

Extending his thumb to Yeshenyue, Tiantongmu did not expect that this person could do things so meticulously, and he had confidence in the success of this operation!

"Watch your feet! Be ready to attack at any time!"

Ye Shenyue shouted, and it could be regarded as a response to Tiantong Mugeng. It is useless to say anything at this time. The only thing that can be done is to inspire everyone's confidence!


Qianshou let out a loud roar, and immediately flew into the air!A kick on the head of a coelenterate!

"Can dolphins still fly?"

Knowing that Qianshou is a dolphin-shaped cursed child, Tentong Mu couldn't help but become curious!

"Don't worry, this level is still there!"

Qianshou landed and stood directly beside Tiantong. The children behind him had already kicked the coelenterates one after another, and a few people went down and solved the unfortunate coelenterates directly!

"It seems that my speed is not as fast as yours!"

Tina turned to look at the coelenterates that had been blasted, and the sound of the camera naturally came from her ears!

"Keep going!"

The speed of Lan Yuan's advance is getting faster and faster at this time. Although these coelenterates may not be wiped out, but the circle drawn by Ye Shenyue is getting bigger and bigger in the process of kicking one by one!


Tiantongmu suddenly roared, and suddenly stopped Lan Yuan who was kicking these coelenterates!

"what happened?"

After kicking a coelenterate in front of him, Lan Yuan looked at Tian Tong Mu Geng curiously. It's not a good thing to stop at this time!

"Didn't you realize we were surrounded?"

Tiantong looked at the coelenterates that had been surrounded by the air, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart!

"Uh, but why do you feel like nothing happens when we're there?"

Lan Yuan looked at everything around him curiously. These coelenterates are indeed powerful, but it seems that the harassment behind him basically comes from the air, and there seems to be only the situation ahead on the ground!

"do not know!"

Tiantongmu couldn't explain why there was a passage behind her. Of course, she wouldn't take this matter to heart. No one paid any attention to this kind of thing. Say no?

"Then move laterally, so that we can limit these coelenterates to a certain range, since these things do not appear behind us, it may be because we are regarded as a whole, which shows that everyone is very Great, didn't let the enemy find out that they could spread us apart!"

Ye Shenyue laughed happily at her children, such a thing cannot be explained at all!Does Ye Shenyue want to tell them that this is because of her existence?

"Okay! Just listen to the big brother!"

Lan Yuan laughed and nodded, then turned around and started to move forward with her mouth facing her. As an arrow, she continued to open the way for everyone!

"set off!"

Although I really want to take these children to the site of the wreckage of Stonehenge, but since Tiantongmu has discovered this danger, there is no need to insist on it, and directly lead everyone to start turning!


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