The official residence of the Son of Heaven, "Excuse me, Your Excellency, are our Self-Defense Forces like chicken ribs in your heart? It's a pity to give up the tasteless food?"

The silver-haired Marshal Funato stood in front of the Son of Heaven, his body upright and his eyes glaring ahead. Although he was looking at the scenery outside the window, those who knew him knew that this was the state of the old Marshal's anger!

"of course not!"

The Son of Heaven also stood up straight. In front of this elder of the three dynasties, whose status was as noble as the consul of Tiantong, the Son of Heaven really did not dare to show his identity as the head of state!

"Then please explain to me, what does this hairless guy mean? If I know it well, this bastard was only awarded the title of captain of the direct guard by you this morning, and now dare to Are you so presumptuous?"

Pointing to the avatar of Ye Shenyue that appeared on the TV in the room, the old man's eyebrows almost stood up, he was really pissed off!

"I don't think the title I conferred on him means that I am responsible for his words. I hope the elderly take care of themselves!"

Nodding to the old man, the Son of Heaven is also surprisingly helpless. This old man usually doesn't show off the mountains and waters. As a result, once the Self-Defense Forces have something to argue in front of him, someone will push the old man out, which makes people very distressed. what!

"On behalf of the Self-Defense Forces, I announce that we will not use military helicopters to rescue him, it's that simple!"

Putting on his hat, the old man strode out of the door. When the Son of Heaven was relieved, the old man stopped his steps at the door.

"You're old enough! Should you think about your marriage? This is my personal opinion!"

After speaking, this naughty old man fled with his lieutenant before the Son of Heaven's face could be pulled down!

Chapter 0101 support

"come on!"

Ye Shenyue was always paying attention to the situation in the sky as she cheered loudly at the children. Once she could no longer see the sky, the opportunity for time to stand still would come, but unfortunately, although there was not much ammunition, But Tiantongmu's point shooting technology is also very good, there will always be a gap to show the sky!

"Oh! There's no chance! This little girl's marksmanship is really good!"

Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart that she still couldn't wait for the opportunity, but Ye Shenyue, who had turned off the pager, didn't know that Tiantongmu in the sky had already shot out the bullets earlier, and now she was shooting the one she carried with her. firearms!

"Miss Tiantong, it seems that our broadcast is coming to an end! There is no way you are running out of bullets! Immediately after our broadcast, we will still encounter coelenterates that cover the sky and cover the sun, and you can't kill your troops at all. The situation is broadcast!"

Lighting a cigarette faintly, Ye Yang felt that he was tired enough today, and there was nothing he could do. In this case, there was no point in broadcasting, and all that was left was waiting for the next batch of reporters to come and grab the news!But he is already an exclusive report, such a big event is enough to raise his qualifications to a higher level!

"Don't worry! I will take care of you slowly, there are pistol bullets and magazines here!"

While holding the gun tightly, Tiantong Mu took off his cloak on the other side, revealing five full magazines at once!

"Wow! You really are planning ahead!"

Surprised, he threw the cigarette in his hand, and Ye Yang followed suit with a [-]-point spirit!I can last for [-] minutes, and this helicopter can last for [-] minutes. If the troops below are moving fast enough, then maybe they can really transmit the pictures of these children in the end!

"Reporter Yeyang! Look at the way we came!"

The helicopter pilot suddenly shouted at Ye Yang, and then Ye Yang and Tian Tong put their heads outside!

"Wow! These coelenterates are a lot less than before!"

Looking down, both Tiantong and Yeyang have grown their mouths to the maximum!Although Ye Shenyue's troops still face countless coelenterates!But looking down from the top, the coelenterates that were crowded just now have begun to retreat with the Ye Shenyues!The whole coelenterate is far away from New Tokyo!

"Quick! Quickly move the camera over!"

Ye Yang also found out about this situation after yelling at his assistant, quickly grabbed his broadcast microphone, and asked the broadcaster to transmit his voice!

"Okay! To a viewer friend, while everyone was watching the video broadcast by NHK TV, an exciting situation suddenly happened in our field of vision! Please follow the camera to see the coelenterates rushing out of the gap. The situation that came in, compare it with the situation before this heroic force attacked! Please compare the two pictures with the director..."

Excitedly, he shouted into his earphones to introduce his new discovery, Ye Yang was completely immersed in his own broadcast world, and he spoke like a continuous stream of water, which made Tiantongmu on the side even more stunned!

"Ye Shenyue? Come on! Our attack has already worked!"

Shouting at the pager, Tiantong couldn't help himself, and in the process, Ye Yang and Tiantong were comparing the great situation of the coelenterate retreat, but they didn't find it under the helicopter!Ye Shenyue's troops are obviously moving forward!

"Hmm! Finally a chance to put these children forward!"

When Tiantong grabbed his pager and yelled at Yeshenyue, Yeshenyue had already stopped time, and then personally moved these children a distance of more than fifty meters!Because there are coelenterates everywhere, these children don't know that they have moved forward fifty meters without knowing it!The helicopter pilot above his head was a little curious, but he thought that he was driving a little slower, so he increased his speed to catch up!

"What are you doing?"

With such a speed up, Ye Yang and Tian Tong were a little unsteady, and the broadcast screen inevitably shook!

"Don't worry everyone, we just made a small speed-up! It's not that we encountered any problems with our broadcast. At this exciting time, we will definitely not have any delays!"

Shouting to the camera, Ye Yang followed and turned the camera to the front of Yagami's troops!

"Uh, so fast!"

With a soft murmur, Tiantongmu followed closely and continued to shoot, which can be regarded as helping the broadcast of the camera!

"Look, everyone! There's only a hundred meters ahead! If these lovely children can reach the ruins under the leadership of the tributary generals in ten minutes, we can bring these hard-working little heroes to the ruins. On our helicopter!"

Although the wind was blowing in his ears, reporter Yeyang didn't care at all, as a witness to history!Who can't be excited?

"come on!"

Continuing to yell at the children, watching the coelenterates in the sky start to be shot down by Tiantong's bullets again, Ye Shenyue also knew that she would never have the opportunity to bring these children to the front in the way of still time. okay!

The Mansion of the Son of Heaven "Nice job!"

Clap your hands at the TV screen? Although the Son of Heaven was taken aback by Ye Shenyue's style of play, when he saw that the children were able to hit the formation to such an extent, the pressure on himself was also relieved a lot. !

"Mr. Führer, are you sending a troop to respond to you at 0.1? Why do I think Mr. Tribute's tactics are very risky?"

The guard came over with an eager face, as if there was something wrong...

"But this time the action is considered their unauthorized action. If I order the troops to respond, it will cause heavy casualties again. This is a threat to the authority of our head of state!"

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