As a politician, sometimes the Son of Heaven will feel helpless for a while, giving people a feeling that he is the same on the outside, and he has to put his feelings aside!Only think with reason!

"But we can't make these police officers feel that they are redundant!"

Saying that, the guard opened the door, followed by more than ten police representatives into the office of the Son of Heaven!

Chapter 0102 Magic Potion

"We'll be at our destination soon! Today! You'll be heroes!"

Although the help of heaven is gone!But Ye Shenyue is still cheering for everyone's crazy encouragement!You'll soon arrive at the ruins!

"come on!"

Gritting his teeth and insisting, Lan Yuan is very tired as a pioneer, but he has no complaints. He can do something for his big brother and his little sisters, and he doesn't care at all!

"come on!"

The three small balls in the sky have been spinning wildly in the air for a long time, but there is no way, these hateful coelenterates feel like they can't finish it!It's a palpitating feeling of being blinded by the sky!

"Hold on!"

Looking down from the helicopter, I can only see the coelenterates moving around the children. Only from the situation after these coelenterates were beaten by Tina, we can see where the children have traveled.

"Everyone in the audience, let's pray together, and pray that these children can successfully reach the ruins of the megalithic monument, where, we will be able to rescue the children! Of course, we can't help but want to ask, Where are the other troops?"

Through his own microphone, Ye Yang looked at the scenery outside the window with excitement. For the first time, he was able to influence people's thoughts as well as the people in the studio!

"No way! I can't watch the kids die from exhaustion!"

Seeing Lan Yuan and the children covered in sweat, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly felt a burst of heartache. These children could have followed her and rested quietly in the hotel, and she could obviously use these coelenterates with herself. The limit circle is limited to the periphery, not here to let your own children pay the sweat themselves!


With a snap of his fingers, although it is only ten meters away from the ruins, it is unfortunate that the coelenterates here are very strong, and they rushed over one by one desperately. Knock these coelenterates away!

"Let your memories change!"

Shaking her head helplessly, Ye Shenyue changed all the children's memories, but she couldn't grasp it well. These children's thoughts at the moment were not well grasped. Ye Shenyue finally gave up on changing the children's memories, but instead. Line up these coelenterates and have a slit in front of the kids!


The stillness of time was opened by Ye Shenyue!A seam in front of them immediately appeared in front of the children. As soon as Lan Yuan saw the seam, he immediately rushed in with his team members!

"Rush over!"

Shouting to the children, Ye Shenyue immediately drew a limit circle on this slit, and then rushed out with the children!

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, the radar on the helicopter saw the human thermal imaging sensor, and the driver shouted and pointed to the ruins below!

"Rush here! Everyone must stand firm! We can drive these coelenterates back right away!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly took out a small bottle of potion from her clothes while yelling at the children!

"Look! This is a substance newly invented by our tributary heavy industry that can attract coelenterates. If I go up to this abandoned stone tablet and throw it forward, I can drive all these coelenterates to the opposite side! "

Pointing to the front, Ye Shenyue did not wait for these children to react, and then climbed directly to the stone tablet!

"Uh, big brother is so strong right now!"

Looking at Yeshenyue who started to climb the stone monument after just two steps, Lan Yuan couldn't help being a little excited.Although this stele is abandoned, these coelenterates are still walking around in the gravel area around the stele. After all, they are all made of rare rocks, even if they are shoddy, they can be regarded as a little defensive radiation function!

"Beautiful! Look at it! Our heroes have reached the megalithic monument! Although it is already abandoned! But it can still give our heroes a place to rest!"

Ye Yang's excitement was beyond words as he shouted at the children below!And the sharp-eyed Tiantong saw that Ye Shenyue was climbing wildly!

"That fool!"

Tiantongmu didn't even think that this guy couldn't wait any longer!He could only scold Ye Shenyue on the helicopter, and then quietly took out his cell phone!

"It's not that you bastard is here, so I won't beg my grandpa?"

Unhappy and muttering in his heart, Tiantong Mu even started to send text messages to his secret phone number!

"Which guy is talking about me?"

While climbing, Ye Shenyue sneezed, and then continued to move forward with an unhappy face, and she could reach the top of the megalithic monument in no time!


Looking at the three words sent from the mobile phone, Tiantong Mugeng's eyes suddenly widened!His grandfather actually didn't care about his opinion and insisted on not saving Ye Shenyue and the others!

"This is impossible!"

Looking down from the helicopter in despair, Tiantongmu even looked at the children who were still leisurely watching the helicopter he was riding in. His heart was bleak. These children simply couldn't stay beside the huge radiation Stonehenge for too long. For a long time, otherwise, children with coelenterate genes in their bodies will be as unlucky as coelenterates!

"go to hell!"

A handful of 180 threw her potion out, and Ye Shenyue followed and picked up the telescope she got from the Holy Son of Heaven. These potions can make all these coelenterates retreat!There is absolutely no problem with the things you have refined yourself!


This colorless and odorless gas suddenly appeared in the coelenterates, and all of these coelenterates immediately ran away in the direction where the smell came from!

"what's going on?"

When the coelenterates in the camera were running and jumping towards the outside of the giant stone monument like a tide, all those who saw this scene, including Ye Yang and Tiantong, widened their eyes. To my grandfather and grandson who was so excited before!

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