Smiling softly, Tiantongmu was also a little surprised, but if Sima Weizhi was here, he would definitely know this car. Last night, it was this car that brought Sima Weizhi home, and Sima Weizhi Ori is now at the venue!

Chapter 0105 Seminar

"Okay, I know!"

Surprised at how fast he put on makeup, Tiantongmu even called Shengtianzi's office, and learned that the event that Shengtianzi asked to participate in was still early, Tiantongmu put down the phone and looked into the distance with a bit of disappointment.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Do you feel uncomfortable in my car?"

Looking at Tiantongmu's more disappointed look, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but joking that the makeup on this girl's face was not so delicate, but when did the makeup that Ye Shenyue couldn't even name appeared in Tiantong? What about Mugen's room?

"No way! It just feels like time has stopped just now. It took me fifteen minutes to finish this complicated makeup. If it was before, it would take me more than an hour to finish it, so I feel a little weird. !"

She was still staring out the car window, but what Tiantongmu said made Ye Shenyue nod her head. She was so right, this makeup really took more than an hour, and the time really stood still!

"That's incredible, people will discover many incredible things in this life. When you get old, you can tell everyone about this as an anecdote, and then you will be laughed at by your grandchildren! "

Facing Tiantongmu, she smiled even more, Ye Shenyue was not all joking. The development progress of human civilization has always shown a trend of geometric multiple growth. Many people have been the same for thousands of years, but until now, Maybe something different will come out in a few months!Every day is a new discovery!

"Hehe, drive your car!"

Of course such a young girl doesn't want to easily imagine what will happen when she is old. After talking to Ye Shenyue softly, Tiantongmu unconsciously fell asleep leaning on the car!

"Hehe, I'm really tired!"

Ye Shenyue, who was already a little sleepy just looking at her makeup, looked at Tiantong Mugeng with a funny look, and then drove her car to the venue, but she naturally had to wait a while to get off the bus. for a while!


Gently stopped the time, Ye Shenyue followed and lay in the car, watching the scene of the luxury cars outside the car suddenly standing still. There are fake smiles on them, but at least these people don't think their expressions are fake enough.

"This world is really strange. Many people's most loved people are separated from each other, but they nod their favor to the people they hate the most. How many people don't call their relatives for a long time, and they really look for a hurried one. Some people you don't know are almost on the phone!"

After Ye Shenyue read the mirror images of so many people, she felt that the human world was very strange, and she couldn't understand it!

"Well! How long have I slept?"

Opening his eyes to look at Yeshenyue, Tiantongmu even touched his forearm, which was so sore before, and was immediately surprised!

"Hey! My arm is fine!"

Facing Ye Shenyue, Tiantongmu was even more surprised. Why did so many gratifying things happen today?

"Three minutes of sleep!"

Handing the watch on her wrist to Tiantong Mugeng, Ye Shenyue also made the time run again by the way, this little aunt's surprise look is particularly gratifying!A shawl with long hair swaying in front of him like a waterfall, it looks really comfortable!

"No! Three minutes?"

Looking at the watch in Ye Shenyue's hand in surprise, Tiantong Mu even stuck his head out of the window, only to find that the time on this watch was actually the same as the time on the clock hanging on the venue building!

"If I'm late, I'll call you. Do you think I'm willing to delay time because you sleep?"

She smiled even more at Tiantongmu, and Ye Shenyue immediately opened the car door and handed over her car key to the waiter at the door. In this country, handing over the key to the waiter and then leaving is a sign of confidence, although Ye Shenyue is very strange, aren't these people afraid of their vehicles being manipulated by impersonators?

"This is my invitation! It was sent to me by the Son of Heaven. Although it is in the form of mail, I can guarantee its authenticity!"

Not knowing where to take out the two invitations, Ye Shenyue walked to the registration desk at the door and spoke calmly.

"I said why it took you so long to go out to answer a phone call, it turned out to be to get the mail!"

Only then did I understand why Ye Shenyue kept talking outside and couldn't come in when I was emptying the bar boy, Tiantongmu hit Ye Shenyue more gently, and then naturally stepped on Ye Shenyue's arm. in!

"Isn't that Miss Tiantong? How could that be?"

Looking at Tiantong Mugen's back in surprise, the staff member who was registering said to his companion in surprise...

"People from Tiantong's family have vision. Maybe that life was deliberately said by the Tiantong Archon to test his grandson-in-law!"

The companion next to him thought of an outrageous reason for himself, and then the two and the people around them began to praise the Tiantong family as a century-old family!

"What the hell is this place for?"

Entering the conference hall inside, although wearing a military uniform, Tiantongmu still couldn't change his curious personality. Although he was already the rank of a colonel, in the eyes of others, this little sister was more like Ye Shenyue's secretary or something. The presence!Of course, many guys who are wretched and think of wretchedness of others are laughing faintly at the backs of the two!

"Tributary Night God Moon?"

With a sudden scream, Ye Shenyue suddenly became the protagonist of the audience, because Sima Weizhi actually appeared from nowhere!

"it's me!"

Looking embarrassedly at the 3.1 eyes delivered by everyone, Ye Shenyue waved her hand gently, and then naturally stepped forward and extended her hand to the old man behind Sima Weizhi!

"Chairman Sima is healthy, has he recovered so quickly?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes were full of sarcasm. She said that she was still the savior of this old guy, but unfortunately, for a person of this level, the savior was someone who planned to corrupt money. The guy's heart is mirrored!

"Miss Tiantong! This is a seminar to discuss how to build a more secure defense for Stonehenge in the next step. I don't need the drinks from the past, after all! If everyone is dizzy, how can they give advice to the Lord of the Son of Heaven? Woolen cloth?"

Passing directly by Ye Shenyue, Chairman Sima respectfully looked at Tiantong Mugeng!

Chapter 0106 The old man who can speak


Looking at Chairman Sima curiously, Tian Tongmu put his hand behind him, even intentionally or unintentionally, and shook hands with the whole old guy. Wouldn't he tell everyone that the family he represents has begun to support him?Old stuff!I really think I'm just an ignorant high school student, can't you see this little trick?


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