He put down his hand shyly, and the back of Chairman Sima began to sweat. How could this kid make his daughter and Miss Tiantong Mugeng fall in love with him at the same time?How could it be because he doesn't care about my old man's face?

"Hehe, Sima Weizhi, how are you!"

Now that she was holding her hand, Ye Shenyue wouldn't have any opinion on the pure Sima Weizhi, she simply nodded, and then asked Tian Tongmu Geng, "Where is the drink in this place? I know you all. Both are quite drinkable!"

Thinking of the way the two girls were drunk last night in the wilderness, Ye Shenyue felt a burst of laughter, what two daring girls, how can they trust themselves so much!

"Hehe, if there is drink, why would my father bring me here?"

Sima Weizhi smiled softly, but the look in his father's eyes told everyone that he and his father were now in a cold war!

"Okay! Then let's wait quietly for the time to pass, and the Son of Heaven will come!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue took Tiantong Mugeng to say goodbye to Sima Weizhi, and walked to the people next to her who couldn't tell their identities. From their clothes, these people were all high-ranking officials. I like it, but I don't want to be run on by the entire political and military circles!

Although I don't know why there are so many women in evening dresses appearing in this seminar, Yeyoushen still gently shook hands with these young women one by one, which can be regarded as making himself a hero more close to the people!Of course, during the banquet, many people took the initiative to praise Yeshenyue and his children for their bravery, but there was some mockery and regret in their eyes. These Yeshenyues were also recorded!

"The head of the Holy Son of Heaven is here!"

Suddenly, Ye Shenyue was startled by a loud roar. Following Ye Shenyue, she led Tiantong to the front. Since she was invited by the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue was naturally led to the front row!

"You are Ye Shenyue?"

As soon as he sat down, an old man squinted at Ye Shenyue. The silver hair on his head did not make people feel the old man's old age, but made people feel another kind of strong and wise!

"Grandpa Funato! Long time no see! When are you coming to my house for tea!"

Tiantongmu even hurriedly showed his head from the side to look at the old man, the smile on his face was sincere, even a little childish, but Ye Shenyue saw fear in this smile!

"Marshal rank! I'll go! This is the highest rank!"

Ye Shenyue carefully glanced at the old man, followed by a little rejoicing in her heart, and looked at Tiantong Mugeng with grateful eyes, if she had a conflict with this famous military legend, it would not be a common problem. !

"Hehe, isn't it? I went to your house for tea yesterday, but it's you, Mu Geng girl, I can move out and live for more than three months with a single word of anger. Do you know how painful your grandfather is? You said that you are too old..."

Marshal Funato is indeed a bit old, and there is no end to the conversation. Tentong Mugeng rubbed his head, interrupted quickly, and pointed at Ye Shenyue.

"This is the tributary you want to teach, Ye Shenyue. People have a surname, not Ye, they are called Moon God!"

Waving his hand at the old man, Tiantongmu pushed Yeshenyue even more helplessly as a target. This old man can really talk, and he is highly respected. No one dares to say anything, so he can only think of a way to change the topic!

"Oh! Your name is the tributary, Ye Shenyue? I've never heard of this surname before. It turns out to be a tech freak..."

Tiantongmu succeeded in changing the topic, and Yeshenyue was soon drowned by the old man's saliva, but Yeshenyue didn't want to be bullied like this. In desperation, she could only keep nodding her head, just to make the old man happy!

"Everyone! Everyone!"

Standing on the podium, the Son of Heaven saw the appearance of Yashinyuki being caught by Marshal Funato for the first time. He secretly prayed for Yeshenyue in his heart, and he could only remind everyone to maintain the discipline of the venue!

"Grandpa! Stop talking! Lord Shengtian has started to speak! There is also my grandfather on it!"

Seeing that Son of Heaven's rescue is hopeless, Tiantongmu can only helplessly be this early bird, reminding Marshal Funato!

"What happened to the Son of Heaven? The Son of Heaven..."

Turning around suddenly, Marshal Funato stood up, but when he saw that everyone in the audience was ready to look at him quietly, the old face couldn't help but blushed, and then he sat down!

"Old guy! It's still the same grumpy temper! It's a miracle that such a grumpy temper has survived for almost eighty years! It's a miracle that he didn't die of anger?"

Archon Tiantong looked at his old partner Funato behind Yeshenyue, he could only shake his head gently in his heart, and then he stood calmly behind the Son of Heaven and waited for the little girl to finish her speech!

"Let's ask the Tiantong Consultant to talk about the government's specific plans!"

Although he is the head of state, it is impossible for the Son of Heaven to take care of everything all day long. As the head of the government, the Archon Tiantong is responsible for managing the internal affairs of New Tokyo!

"Everyone here, please sit down!"

Faced with such a standing ovation countless times, Archon Tiantong has become accustomed to it, but this time it was different. Someone just sat down calmly, staring at him with a pair of eyes, as if he could see through his own heart. !

"Everyone knows that this crisis was caused by the sudden rupture of the megalithic monument, so we will increase the defense budget to patch this loophole. Our plan is to build a new megalithic monument!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Tiantong Archon actually saw someone raise his hand below!This is his own speech!Someone dared to interrupt!No one has dared to do this in ten years!

"His Royal Highness, what should we do?"

A staff member carefully spoke to the consul through the earphone, such a scene has not appeared in front of the consul Tiantong for a long time, but it is very common in ordinary speeches.

"This is a live broadcast!"

Pointing at the camera in the distance, the staff is also very helpless, who made the old man too confident, and ended up applying for a national live broadcast!


Nodding to Ye Shenyue who was under the stage, the Tiantong Consultant found that his palms were sweating for the first time!

Chapter 0107

"Excuse me, Your Highness, Consul, are we going to solve the first question?"

Standing up, she made a natural appearance in front of the camera, Ye Shenyue's eyes were full of sharp edges, do you think I'm a straw bag?It will only let you handle it, but I don't know how to handle you?

"Well, the first problem is to build a new megalith to defend against a possible coelenterate attack! We can't let our citizens live in fear, that great megalith is not only a symbol of strength, but also a What can be seen and touched, unlike some people’s things, can’t be seen or touched, who knows when it will fail?”

She smiled at Yeshenyue, Tiantong Archon has the title of prince, since he can be called His Highness by others, naturally Yeshenyue can't be frightened by a few words!

"Hehe, I think the first problem is not what to build, but to find the reason for the fracture of the megalithic monument! After all, if every megalithic stele is the same as the megalithic stele that had an accident, two ends will be broken in three days. What are these things for? How much will our taxpayers spend to maintain these rubbish projects? The real fear is not the things that are invisible and intangible, but the existence that will fail at some point!"

Smiling at Consul Tiantong, Yeshenyue naturally came to the stage. Although there were boos from below, Yeshenyue knew that those who watched her speech in front of the TV would support her from the bottom of their hearts!

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