"Oh, so boring!"

After watching it for a long time, Ye Shenyue couldn't sleep, she could only lie in bed to feel the comfort of human beings sleeping, and then she went out through the window!

"This is my new city, and I don't know it yet! It seems that I need to go to the Holy Son of Heaven to learn the scriptures!"

Ye Shenyue walked on the street and saw more and more people going out for shopping. She knew that after the crisis, everyone began to return to their original lives. Of course, those who bought countless tickets seemed to have accidentally cried and fainted in their own homes. Room is up!

"Please come in!"

Ye Shenyue is here, and the guard at the door is not a fool. She let Ye Shenyue go in as soon as they meet each other. I don't know how much better her attitude was than last night!

"Are you here?"

The Son of Heaven came out to receive Yeshenyue before he even changed his evening dress. Judging from the state of Son of Heaven, it was estimated that he had just returned from the event!

"Yeah, I think I'm very unfamiliar with this place. To tell you the truth, before I came to this world, my knowledge of this world was just a name, so I hope to be able to contact some information to understand some of this. An extreme world!"

Nodding to the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue directly stated her purpose, and then turned the time to a normal stage. The quickest way to let you understand your world, Ye Shenyue is not a particularly patient person, if you let him read books to understand knowledge, he is actually bullying God himself!

"Oh, I can't see it, so many people go to pray to God, but they don't know that God has no time to take care of them!"

The Son of Heaven chuckled in Yeshenyue's ear, and then ordered his data secretary to bring a large black box to Yeshenyue's face!

"There are [-] ​​memory sticks in this blind man, covering everything from material to spiritual in this world. Although it is not very specific, it can let future generations understand the world! Of course, if you can be like a computer If you receive these things, you won't have to spend time and energy reading them one by one!"

The Son of Heaven patted the black box in front of him with a sense of pride in his eyes. Such material contribution to history is itself a reflection of the status of New Tokyo!

"Okay! I'll take a look!"

Putting the black box in front of her, Ye Shenyue asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid that this room will be recorded or eavesdropped? Did you reveal my identity more than once just now?"

"God can't find it, what can I do? Now that it's leaked, when it confuses you, you can make it disappear with the touch of a finger!"

The Son of Heaven smiled lightly, and then applied to Yeshenyue for a period of sleep time. Of course, during this period, time stood still!Otherwise, the deterioration of the Holy Son of Heaven would have already died of exhaustion!

"Alas! Why does the world's hope rest on those lovely children and such responsible young people? What do those old people who are in charge of the overall situation do?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but become curious in her heart.

Chapter 0109 Celebration

Tiantong Manor "Nonsense! Why do people say that they will die? If you keep doing this, something will happen!"

With a slap, he threw the cup in his hand on Tiantong and Guang, and the Tiantong Consul was so angry that he almost jumped up from his seat. The reason for the incident was the white powder, and this dead child dared to assassinate the official technical director at that time!

"But, Grandpa, you said, you can't leave future troubles. Since the Son of Heaven has begun to provoke this point intentionally or unintentionally, doesn't that mean that the initiative is in those hands? At that time, if we have something dirty in it, These people will use this matter to threaten us, isn't our Tiantong family a tool of the Son of Heaven?"

Although he did not dare to disobey his grandfather, Tiantong Heguang was still trying to defend himself. Since such a thing had already happened, Tiantong and Guang felt that his grandfather would not be able to do it himself!

"But you just let the public opinion divert the focus of the investigation. 07 Those white powders are qualified to be tested by those scientific research institutes. This is still under my control, but now, people are dead! How do those people want to spread rumors? Just spread rumors! Can you stop it?"

Staring his old eyes, Tiantong Archon really doesn't understand, why would his grandson dare to assassinate others with this IQ?

"Then we will let the media that are loyal to us lead the perspective to this person committing suicide because of fear of crime, saying that he may have colluded with other countries. Now the Son of Heaven has discovered those white powders and has a lot to do with him, so he committed suicide because of fear of crime. isn't it?"

Look up at your own, the reason for Tiantong and Guang is very good!

"Are you sure you did it flawlessly?"

Since the grandson said this idea, it means that this kid still thought about what to do before he started!I can only do my best to help make up for it according to what my grandson said!

"Go away! Go and finish the people who did it, it will save you sleepless nights!"

Waving at Tiantong Heguang, the Tiantong Archon pinched his eyes and lay down on the easy chair to rest!

"This is a re-adjusted schedule. There will be a plenary meeting tomorrow. This time, many MPs suddenly disappeared without guaranteed leave. According to the law, their qualifications as MPs should be cancelled, and naturally a large number of by-elections will be required. , so you must be there for this meeting!"

The secretary put a schedule in front of Archon Tiantong, said a few words and left here!

"I see, let's go down first, just wake me up before the dinner party at eight o'clock in the evening, I'm an old man, always dozing off!"

With a light wave of his hand at the secretary, Tiantong Archon fell into sleep!

The Mansion of the Son of Heaven: "Okay, I'll just receive this information!"

Looking at the instructions on the outside of the memory stick, it was about the basic situation of New Tokyo. Yashin Yue plugged this thing into the computer and started to browse quickly. After browsing, she planned to say goodbye!

"There's a dinner party tonight! Aren't you going to attend? There's something important!"

Having slept well, the Son of Heaven looked at Yeshenyue with vigour, and naturally questioned God's ability to accept it. Is it enough to see this little thing?

"No! I want to have a good celebratory drink with the children! You've been tired all day, so the dinner party is all you need!"

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and then left the official residence. When she was browsing the information just now, Ye Shenyue already knew the importance of this dinner. Many councillors were going to by-election. Naturally, many people had already set their sights on this position. Shenyue didn't want to go to this muddy water. Although the Son of Heaven's intention to let him enter the parliament is very obvious, how did Ye Shenyue, who didn't even have an identity certificate, obtain this qualification?

"Okay! What a maverick God!"

The Son of Heaven looked at Ye Shenyue's leaving figure from his window, and couldn't understand why this God came to this world?Are you really here to help yourself unify the world?

"Thank you! It's a little thought!"

Putting a gold coin in the hands of the waiter who came in to set the tableware, Ye Shenyue seemed very generous at this time. Of course, the waiter was naturally frightened and flattered, but after being comforted by Ye Shenyue, she went down with the gold!

"I really don't know what these kids are going to eat!"

Ye Shenyue looked helplessly at the table full of things, but she saw a lot of interest in the children, so Ye Shenyue brought more than a dozen kinds of drinks. Of course, fortunately, this room is a super large In the conference room, Ye Shenyue is not worried about not being able to put things down!


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