As soon as Lan Yuan came in, he saw the mountains of food and drinks, and the eyes of Ye Shenyue changed instantly!It's really nice to follow the big brother. Whenever there is the best thing waiting for you, there are endless surprises waiting for everyone!


After the children in the back came in one by one, they couldn't help but exclaim, when have these children ever seen such a sumptuous dinner party!Immediately, they all actively began to put 760's favorite food in front of them. It seems that if it wasn't for Ye Shenyue's scruples here, he would have a big dinner tonight. "

Originally, I planned to follow Ye Youshen to the dinner of the Son of Heaven, but who knew that he actually got the information of having dinner in the conference room. Tiantongmu even looked at Ye Shenyue's happy look, so the evening dress and makeup he prepared must be white. Got it!

"Of course I do! These children are my family! Big sister, you are also the children's family! Come on! Join our line!"

Ye Shenyue was extremely happy, and she didn't bother to discuss with Tentong Mugeng about the magical proposition where she came from. She came directly to Tentong Muggen to sit beside her and opened a bottle in front of the children. Champagne also started this lively party!


Standing up and yelling, Ye Shenyue followed and started to fight with the children. Even when he was in the sky, he was not so relaxed. After these children ate something casually, they started to fight. Smashing the cake and running around the room, Tiantong Mu even wanted to be reserved, but when Tina smashed the cake over, she revealed her playful nature and made fun with the children in this environment full of laughter and laughter. !

Chapter 0110

"you're awake?"

Watching Lan Yuan slowly open her eyes, Ye Shenyue looked at this cute little girl with a look of relief. Last night, she was really playing crazy. These children actually toasted the big brother under the leadership of Lan Yuan. , As a result... Ye Shenyue carried them back one by one!The most dissatisfied Lan Yuan was lying on Ye Shenyue's body motionless!

"Uh, big brother, are you all right?"

Thinking of the scene where he brought twenty friends to toast Yeshenyue one by one last night, Lan Yuan opened his eyes wide and looked at Yeshenyue in disbelief.

"You are all still young and don't drink well. Big brother is so big, so naturally he can drink!"

Looking for an unreliable reason, Ye Shenyue handed the towel to the little girl. This is the last little girl to wake up, and she will soon take them to participate in the celebration held by the Son of Heaven. Since the banquet is over, Ye Shenyue will naturally not refuse, and she intends to take this opportunity to package these children as heroes of this world as soon as possible to further dispel people's concerns.

"Big brother is so nice!"

After wiping his face with a hot towel, Lan Yuan jumped out of bed to join his friends. Tina and Qianshou didn't drink much last night. One by one, they still didn't seem to wake up.

"Get your spirits up! I heard from the big brother that we are going to the celebration banquet held by the Holy Son of Heaven for us. You can't be in this state!"

While setting up his military rank, Lan Yuan looked at everyone with a serious face, but he didn't notice that everyone's expressions were a little strange when they looked at Lan Yuan!

"Why are you looking at me like this? Do I look weird?"

Looking at Tina, even the most honest Tina had a tense smile on her face, Lan Yuan felt bad!

"Cha~~" Pulling the curtains open at once, Qianshou looked at Lan Yuan with a funny look at the sunlight shining in from the outside!

"Look what time is it? You're still attending a dinner party! You haven't eaten lunch yet! Big brother has already asked the hotel kitchen to prepare it! You can treat your lunch as a dinner party!"

Looking at Lan Yuan with his hips on his back, Qian Shou shook his head and looked helpless!

"Uh...that's it!"

Looking at everyone's laughter, Lan Yuan felt a little bit of hatred for Ye Shenyue, who was telling her business, how could she let herself be so embarrassing in front of everyone?

"Xiao Lanyuan doesn't seem to wake up! Come and wipe your face!"

Gently put the wet towel in front of Lan Yuan, Tian Tong Mu looked very understanding, but the smile on the corner of his mouth hadn't been completely concealed, making Lan Yuan even more embarrassed!

"Okay! Why are you so happy?"

Carrying the lunch prepared for everyone, Ye Shenyue came in with the hotel waiter, looked at everyone curiously, and of course quickly understood what was going on!

"I'm sorry, Lan Yuan, big brother forgot to tell you the time, don't you mind?"

With a slight smile, Ye Shenyue was the first to put the meal in front of Lan Yuan. Of course, Lan Yuan, who was wearing a military uniform, looked a little cold and didn't move much!


Picking up the chopsticks and smiling at everyone, Ye Shenyue was also frightened by Lan Yuan's appearance, smiled lightly, and then took a piece of excellent braised pork to Lan Yuan!

"I don't eat fat!"

Lightly guarding, Lan Yuan angrily grabbed the white rice in front of him, tears rolling in front of his eyes!

"Haha, then eat lean meat. Come on, big brother will help you shave off the fat!"

Using two chopsticks to skillfully shave off the fat in the middle, Ye Shenyue placed a piece of pure lean meat in front of Lan Yuan!

"Big brother, you are so kind!"

Unexpectedly, after he lost his temper, the big brother would still be so indulgent, Lan Yuan wiped his tears a little embarrassedly, and then showed a smile that made people feel very warm in their hearts!

"Hehe, of course! Big brother is the best, but big brother is also a little bad sometimes! For example, when you got up, he didn't tell you the time! Let your son be made fun of in front of everyone! This is what big brother is annoying today. The first mistake, I hope you can forgive big brother!"

Smiling softly, Ye Shenyue picked up the chopsticks and started to eat, only to find that except for Lan Yuan who started to eat gratefully, the rest of the children looked at her with curious and eager eyes!

"Well, it seems to be fair!"

Looking at everyone's expressions, Ye Shenyue doesn't have to think about it to know that these children also want to be treated like Lan Yuan!After standing up, start to place the big plate of braised pork in front of you and use chopsticks to gently shave off the fat!

"Come on, this is Tina! Tina is the leader of the detachment, so you must strengthen the training of your team members! This is Qianshou, Qianshou is also a dolphin-shaped, and can see everyone's strengths and weaknesses most keenly, so be sure to take good care of them. To discover everyone's potential..."

Instructing the children one by one, Ye Shenyue quickly made a big plate of braised pork so that only some fatty things were left!

"How's the food?"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue had been busy for a long time, but she didn't eat much, Tiantong Mu couldn't help but look at him a little teasingly, this guy doesn't seem to need to sleep or eat. Very jealous!

"It's okay to eat, I don't know how Miss Tiantong is eating?"

I also know the doubts in Tiantongmu's heart, but Ye Shenyue doesn't want to do things that humans have to do just for others to think that she is normal, and she is not something made from a mold, why is everything the same?

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