Ye Shenyue also knew that the pressure of the Holy Son of Heaven was not ordinary, so she nodded helplessly at the Holy Son of Heaven, but did not agree, she just asked curiously: "Then what are you going to do? Or is your leadership? What are you going to do?"

Taking a sip of tea, Ye Shenyue is not in a hurry. Now the time is still, the Son of Heaven has enough time to make plans and plans!

"Without your support, I can only apply for political asylum to other countries and declare the defeat of New Tokyo!"

What the Son of Heaven said is straightforward!It also made Ye Shenyue stunned.

"What about my children?

Chapter 0113 cheer up

"Of course you are all-powerful as God, can't you just take these children away? To put it in a bad way, I have hoped that you can take me away from this world more than once. Being the head of this world is really tiring. ?"

Shaking his head gently, the Son of Heaven's face was a bit ugly. As the head of a locality, he was not a local consul, but he had to worry about everything. In the eyes of others, the Son of Heaven was his own head of state and supreme. Existed, but when I walked in and saw it, I realized that this girl was actually only seventeen years old!

"Haha, it's not that I haven't thought about it, but to be honest, if you leave the world where you live, you may disappear immediately, or at least you won't survive!"

Ye Shenyue reluctantly extended the static time in her budget. It seems that although the Son of Heaven has mature political means, he is actually still a child.It takes a longer time for the Son of Heaven to speak out his heart, otherwise, this little girl is likely to collapse!

"How to say?"

I also felt that what I just said was a bit too much. The Son of Heaven wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and sat down. After facing Ye Shenyue face to face, the Son of Heaven realized that the God in front of him was also the face of a young man. Well, otherwise, what would it be like to jump directly into the arms of God!

"It's very simple, human beings are completely social animals. Although you yearn to be alone, in fact, deep down in your heart, you long to be recognized by the world and respected by people. This is the nature of human nature, even if It's you, and my lovely children, inevitably!"

Ye Shenyue drank the coffee in front of her, then walked to Sheng Tianzi's desk, wiped off the things on the whiteboard, and then drew a straight line on it!

"This is your essence line, although you don't know it, but I know very well that this line exists, and your good, evil, beauty and ugliness all exist on the essence line of human nature, so I'm sorry, I can't put You are taken away from this world. Otherwise, you will not be able to be noticed by the new world. At that time, living in the corner of the world will actually be torturing you. Therefore, Lord Holy Emperor, now is not the time to give up on ourselves, we must Let’s save the world together, three days! My potion can last for three days! In these three days, we must at least find out the raw materials and production methods of the megalithic monument!”

Ye Shenyue drew various patterns on the whiteboard along with her speech, and the Son of Heaven's eyes gradually brightened. After all, no one would give up easily, and as a statesman, Son of Heaven, as long as there is something Hope, and it will cheer you up too, which is exactly what a great person must have!

"I'll look for the previous information. Maybe I can find it! It seems that I must break the monopoly in the future! This Sima Heavy Industry has more secrets than I know, and he really is a bastard!"

The Son of Heaven stood up from his seat, looked at Ye Shenyue with a serious face and said solemnly, and then pressed the wall from the side, a small door leaked out from behind the wall, and the Son of Heaven walked in directly with Ye Shenyue , and then looking at the vast database, Ye Shenyue is also drunk!

"Isn't the side of this official residence not some garden, but these magical buildings?"

Just now I saw through the window that this place should be a garden exposed to the air, but after walking in, Ye Shenyue realized that the side of this Holy Emperor's official residence is the same as the magical vehicle Sima Weizhi's. Can be invisible!

"Of course! After all, this is the official residence of the Son of Heaven. Of course, there must be a lot of secrets? I know why I can calmly go to the street to cheer for people before you show up? Of course it's because of this official residence. You can provide me with the last protection!"

Since Ye Shenyue had seen the biggest secrets, the Son of Heaven had nothing to hide, so he calmly took Ye Shenyue to the innermost corner of the database. Son of Heaven pointed to these old and thick layers. The information on the dust said: "Lord God, please clean up this dust, I can't wait to become a person covered in dust in an instant, right?"

After that, I moved a stool in from outside, ready to see God perform a special duster for himself!

"Uh, so fast?"

As soon as I came back, I saw the newly restored information. The Son of Heaven immediately understood that God is not someone who can make jokes on his own. Although he can't take himself out of this abominable world, he can keep himself here forever!

"Don't worry! Even God will abide by the rules he left behind, such as the law of conservation of energy, but now he has to suffer another worker who is abandoning the garbage disposal station. The last time the ladder garbage was made to him Cleaned up!"

Ye Shenyue calmly took the stool that had fallen from Son of Heaven's hand, then walked over and gently picked up a stack of documents, and said to Son of Saint, "Let's start, don't be stunned, get ready to look for it. Look for something of value, I can see it, you high-ranking people don't believe anyone, you look at these things, if you are more courageous, scan it with something like a scanner, you don't need to Did you see them one by one?"

While looking at the information in her hand, Ye Shenyue is ready to study hard in the still time. Just looking at this pile of information, sometimes there is an urge to die. Who is so shameless to use cursive script to write information!

"Uh, it seems that you don't know how rampant the current cyber espionage is in 3.3! If I dare to scan all these things on my computer, there will basically be chaos in the world! Even if there is no such information Let it go, some of the rumors on the Internet are already close to the truth of what we know, so Lord God, you must understand my difficulties!"

Following Ye Shenyue little by little, she began to read the precious materials left by her predecessors, and the Son of Heaven also raised a little protest in his own tone!

"Well, what you said is also true!"

In fact, Ye Shenyue, who has no governing experience at all, naturally nods her head at the words of the Son of Heaven. Humans have created the monster of politics, and naturally it is necessary to train orcs!And the Son of Heaven seems to be a good fit!

Chapter 0114 listen to your words

"did you find it?"

Holding the last stack of documents in her hand, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt the urge to cry without tears. Although she saw a lot of shocking things in these documents, there was no description of the megalithic monument, or even about anything. Things are made into megalithic monuments, and these materials are incomplete!


The Son of Heaven looked at Yeshenyue a little tiredly, but there was nothing he could do. Yeshenyue was just a little irritable, but his eyes were bloodshot. Although the lighting was good enough, it was very tedious to read the information!

"Okay! It looks like there's no hope!"

Ye Shenyue quickly looked at the information in her hand and shook her head helplessly. It seems that this guy is not that simple!He died without leaving anything behind!

"Then what should we do?"

The Son of Heaven has a feeling of wanting to go out, why is he so unlucky?To actually encounter such a thing, it was obviously with the help of God that he escaped a major crisis, but now God does not know how the things in this world were created, and it is three days, how can I give myself every time The rest time is all day and night, and then unexpected things start to happen the next day?

"Calm down! There is no other place like this!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Son of Heaven helplessly, knowing that this little girl was on the verge of collapse. Anyway, this girl presented these materials to herself under her own instigation, but it was of no use. It is estimated that these The information is also the last sustenance in the heart of the little girl!These hopes are shattered, how to make up for it?

"Where is it? We even looked at the place where the person died, and everything was moved. As a result, all this guy's belongings are a box of books and some simple daily necessities. I have already checked It's gone!"

The Son of Heaven is not a fool, and will naturally make up for it as soon as possible. Even after Chairman Sima proposed the donation plan, Son of Heaven suspended his next work and went to the scene of the crime in person, but it was clear that the murderer was a sharpshooter , I actually hit the eyebrows before, but I didn't find anything!

"Since there is no problem in that person's house, then we have two places left to find these materials, Sima Heavy Industry, and ready-made samples!"

Pointing at the mountains in the distance, Ye Shenyue's purpose is also very obvious. Since these things do not exist, then find some things that exist!

"Are you going to take down one of those megalithic monuments and take a look?"

The Son of Heaven was stunned. Not only did he never think about such a thing, he also didn't have the guts to think about it. If a giant stone monument was destroyed artificially, the crisis in New Tokyo would come to the fore, and the people who finally stabilized would definitely lead to further developments. The retreat trend!

"Since you're not willing, let's go to Sima Heavy Industry first. It happens that Tina is here. If you take it with you, you can ask us some professional questions!"

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