Ye Shenyue pointed at Tina, who was rendered unresponsive by the still time. Seeing the little girl holding her little doll, Ye Shenyue hoped that children all over the world would be like Tina. , let people pity, let people love!

"All right!"

Only then did I realize that I was so engaged in chatting with Ye Shenyue that I forgot there was a child next to me, the Son of Heaven pressed his brow lightly, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Then may we stop the time? What kind of position was it before? I don't want to scare Tina!"

Poured himself a cup of coffee again, the Son of Heaven felt the same tiredness in the still time and space. Although it was said to prolong his life, this strange feeling was still very uncomfortable. The only excitement was also absorbed by this world. In a world where nothing has been upgraded, what's the point of being alive?

"It seems that I am sitting by Tina's side!"

The Son of Heaven looked at the tray on the table. It was obvious that the Son of Heaven used more luxurious ones than his own. Although this world is already a world that claims to be equal, but just from these details, we can understand that this is definitely not the case. It's easy to understand!

"Okay! Then we should be able to make a proposal when we are seated, and then go with Tina!"

The Son of Heaven seems a little anxious, living in a three-dimensional world for a long time, it is really difficult to feel that the time is enough now!

"Of course, without your company, if I saw the moths from Sima Heavy Industry again, I might have reimbursed them all in a fit of anger? In that case, even if we found the information on Stonehenge, no one would help us cast it. these things!"

Ye Shenyue joked calmly, then switched places with the Son of Heaven, and snapped her fingers, then calmly looked at the Son of Heaven and said quietly: "Our primary problem now is to find what we need. Since the casting of these megalithic steles was done by Sima Heavy Industry, I would ask the Son of Heaven to give us a light to accompany us?"

Ye Shenyue's acting skills are okay, at least Tina, who was holding the doll just now, is still holding her doll calmly, and then the Son of Heaven naturally reacted 997, and then asked his bodyguard to prepare his own vehicle.

"Master Shengtian, are you and your big brother going to the event or looking for information?"

Blinking her big eyes, Tina suddenly looked at the two acting schools curiously.

"Of course I'm looking for information. You also know that the deceased person is the chief engineer of Sima Heavy Industry. We came to cast Stonehenge. Naturally, we're looking for information! Is Tina willing to come with big brother? Where are you going?"

She smiled softly at Tina, Ye Shenyue was still very sorry for letting the little girl stay there by herself, while she and the Son of Heaven had been together for so long in a still time and space, and she had to let her stay there. Tina disappeared the memory of that moment, feeling that she was still cruel!

"Then the convoy of the Son of Heaven will be exposed as soon as it leaves. How can you find the information? Sima Heavy Industry is the largest heavy industry company in the world, and of course it is also the company with the strongest confidentiality. Since they did not send the data to the Son of Heaven. In the hands of the big sister, it means that they either don't have it, or they don't intend for you to see it?"

Tina calmly finished her words, and then saw Ye Shenyue and Shengtianzi both stunned in front of her!

Chapter 0115 Both hands in favor

"Yeah, why didn't you think of that?"

Ye Shenyue was annoyed for a while, she didn't even think that the Son of Heaven could reveal our purpose?Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue didn't care that it was him who asked Sheng Tianzi to go to Sima Heavy Industry just now, so she stood up and said, "Then let us investigate this matter! Lord Sheng Tianzi still has to continue to maintain the entire New Tokyo. Stable!"

After speaking, he took Tina away with a black line on his face!He still claims to be God, how can his IQ not be comparable to that of a child?

"Big brother looks nervous?"

Sitting in the car, Tina looked at her eldest brother with a strange expression. Ye Shenyue has always been a confident person, how could she be so shy?


Ye Shenyue didn't want to tell Tina that her IQ was a little anxious just now!Just step on the accelerator and rush out!There is no chance to say hello to the doorman who is already familiar!

"Big brother, we seem to be doing the opposite... Didn't the Son of Heaven say it? Many people are waiting at the front door to interview you!"

Tina looked at the door that was getting closer and said in a low voice, what's the matter with big brother today, why is he so anxious?Could it be that what you said broke your elder brother's heart?

"I'm going! How did you forget about this?"

Ye Shenyue was speechless for a while, and when she was about to turn around, she suddenly saw a luxurious Rolls Royce driving across!

"Uh! It actually appeared at this time!"

It is not allowed to park at the official residence of the Son of Heaven. Of course, Yashenyue knows that since there is a car on the opposite side, she can only continue to drive forward!

"Look who is sitting in that car? Why did you come to see the Son of Heaven at this time? I don't know if this is to disturb the Son of Heaven's lunch break?"

Ye Shenyue said to Tina angrily, and then she could only rush out at the fastest speed!

"It seems to be the consul of Tiantong, you seem to be in a hurry too? I'm looking at you!"

Tina's eyesight was very good, and she immediately saw that the Rolls-Royce that drove over was an old man with a white beard written by herself, but Ye Shenyue left with a helpless mood when she heard the name!This old man is of course justified to come here. Now that the magical man is dead, the old man can only stand on the same front as the Holy Son of Heaven. New Tokyo is really over, and his family will also fall!

"Big brother, where have all the reporters gone?"

When I walked out the door, I didn't see the reporters, nor the familiar satellite car. Tina felt weird!

"It seems that these reporters all have acquaintances in the mansion of the Son of Heaven. In such a short period of time, they knew that I was entering through the back door. This is a crooked fight! Let's go! Let's go pick up Lan Yuan and the others. It's time for action!"

From the tire marks on the ground, Ye Shenyue can easily guess where those reporters have gone. Of course, the most depressing thing is that even though she is the direct guard of the Son of Heaven, what she did did not go through the written application of Son of Heaven. To put it badly, I and my children are now more like a group of agents in the hands of the Son of Heaven, and they always have to do things that are right in the end!

Tokyo Grand Hotel "Did you sneak into Sima Heavy Industry?"

Staring at Ye Shenyue with his eyes wide open, Lan Yuan's eyes didn't look surprised, instead he was more frightened!

"What's wrong? Is there any difficulty?"

Ye Shenyue has never seen Lan Yuan like this before. Could it be that this little girl who is not afraid of the sky is afraid of going to Sima Heavy Industry?

"Of course! Big brother, you haven't seen the surveillance system of Sima Heavy Industry. It is said that even if we are sitting in the car, our face is very clear!"

Speaking seriously to the big brother, Lan Yuan seemed to be very worried.

"Have you ever been in?"

Tiantongmu also wants to say that the relationship with Sima Weizhi is not good, and naturally he has not been to Sima Heavy Industry for half a step. At first, he quarreled with Sima Weizhi because of a little argument, and naturally he does not want to understand Lan Yuan like that!

"Of course! I personally went to the monitoring room! At that time, Sister Sima was testing a strange doll, and I saw that every fiber inside the doll was clearly seen in Sima Heavy Industry's laboratory. , I was very surprised at the time, and then Big Sister Sima told me, if I didn't go in with Big Sister, those people would be able to see if there was any metal in my body through the camera!"

Sitting on the table and speaking in a heavy tone, Lan Yuan seems to have lingering fears now!

"That's it, it seems that Sima Heavy Industry has a very high level! Why can't you create a giant stone tablet?"

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