"Uh, Sister Tiantong, it's the first time I see you so happy when you discover a person's flaws. In the past, you were the first to criticize other people's omissions. Why did the big brother make a mistake this time, who are you better than anyone else? Excited!"

While driving the car, Tina asked curiously, this is the first time I have seen such a big sister!

"Uh...is that so?"

After being reminded by Tina, Tiantong Mugeng suddenly felt puzzled, why is he so happy?Is it because he caught one of Ye Shenyue's shortcomings?Or, deep down in my heart, I long for something like this to happen?

"Of course! We can see it clearly from the back, and what Team Tina said is right!"

A small head leaned over and nodded seriously to Tiantongmu Geng. The pink face made everyone feel ashamed for a while. This kind of skin is the best in the world, without any modification, it is so enviable .

"Maybe it's the first time he's been like a person!"

Tiantongmu was even more helpless, and could only play haha ​​at the children. If such a topic goes further, it will always make the children feel that they are unfair!

"Yeah, what big sister said is right. For the first time, we also felt that big brother is like a person. In the past, big brother was always able to do many things that we never dared to think about before. Since big brother came, we have I feel like my life has been completely turned upside down! In our hearts, Big Brother is a god-like existence!"

With a pink face, the words spoken by the children are also very true. These children were discriminated against and rejected by others before, and they could only hide in the sewers.And since Ye Shenyue came, everything has changed. No matter how Ye Shenyue hides it, Qing Zi Liu's eyes can suddenly see it. This fact cannot be changed!

"Uh, is it?"

Tiantongmu listened to the silence for a while. These children used to look at Ye Shenyue like this before. They are omnipresent and omnipotent. And I used to aspire to be such a person, but in the end I can only watch the children here. Let's go to worship Ye Shenyue!

"What's wrong? Sister Tiantong, your face doesn't seem very good!"

Tina followed the convoy in front and was approaching the port. Seeing Tiantongmu running away, she couldn't help but be a little worried. This time she was going to be a spy, how could she just run away?

"it's okay no problem!"

Tian Tong Mu, who was just thinking about it, reacted at once, nodded to Tina, and then raised his eyes to look at the car leading the way in front, his brows could not help wrinkling.

"Should the car in front be turning a corner! With such a large team going in directly, it's hard not to be discovered!"

"It should be, let me ask!"

Tina also discovered this problem, picked up the walkie-talkie at hand and pressed it.

"I'm a three-car, I'm a three-car, should the vehicle in front be turning? Please answer!"

"No! There is a large warehouse in front of it that is abandoned. I have been there before, and everyone just follows it!"

Lan Yuan's voice came from the other end. As the lead car, the little girl is still very shrewd. Although she has only been to the port once, the abandoned warehouse in her impression has not changed, and she was recognized by Lan Yuan. With Shenyue's consent, Lan Yuan led everyone to that place!

"Sure enough, it was a premeditated plan! I thought he was slow again!"

Tentong smiled softly, and then sat in the car to look at the scenery on both sides. This port is the largest in New Tokyo, and the goods that can be unloaded here are the most valuable things in the world, and the security inside is of course needless to say. , which is also the reason why Tiantongmu even disagreed with Ye Shenyue putting the infiltration site here.

... "It's here! Everyone, get off!"

Seeing the jeeps parked in the warehouse stably, Yagami, who was standing at the back, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Anyway, getting close to the goal is half the success, and from the whole process, I didn't pay attention to it. There are too many vehicles here, and there are many big people. It is not uncommon for a team to come.Of course, what Ye Shenyue didn't know was that before them, a team of military jeeps had come here, so no one paid attention to them.

"Then let's get a map and prepare to go in? Remember, when you are discovered, you must take out your amnesty order. These people are not as amiable as the big brother!"

Smiling softly at the children, Ye Shenyue didn't tell them that the amnesty on each of them had a special device, and this device was in their hands. If there was any danger, Ye Shenyue would be there. Appeared for the first time!

"Okay! Come on! Let the big brother see how good our team is!"

Smiling at the friends behind him, Lan Yuan still waved his fists habitually, as if to show his strength!Of course, in Ye Shenyue's view, this action is that the little cutie is trying to please herself!

"Come on! Everyone, don't take it too seriously! It doesn't matter if you can't find it, maybe those materials really don't exist!"

Ye Shenyue smiled softly, looking at the children who were gearing up for a big fight, she was a little worried about Sima Heavy Industry.

"You can't eat while secretly infiltrating! Aoyagi, remember?"

As an older sister, Qing Ziliu checked her sister's equipment a little uneasy, and sure enough, she found a bag of potato chips behind Qing Zi Liu!

"Mr. Sister Mo Ru!"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but feel a little funny, but when she saw Qingluliu was about to cry, she hurried up to comfort her!

"Don't worry! Wait until tonight, will big brother buy you more fries?"

"It's potato chips..."

Chapter 0118 Treat each other sincerely

"Who are you following?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue still standing in the same place, Tiantong Mugeng, who was ready to sneak in with Tina, came over and said with a bit of dissatisfaction, looking at the appearance of this young master, he has a plan to let the children complete this task by themselves!

"Of course I acted alone! Big sister, we are here to sneak in to find information, not to capture this place. What are you panicking about?"

Ye Shenyue took out her pocket watch from her arms and looked at it calmly. The time was [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and it was still two hours before she brought the children back, although these children could arrive alone in two hours. All the locations in this factory area, but where are the data actually placed?There should be not many places to put it!

"Don't be a donkey with a good heart! Tina, let's go! Let's go to the tallest building in our area first!"

After speaking, Tiantongmu turned around and took Tina and three other team members away. As the vice-captain, Tiantongmu actually hoped that Ye Shenyue would be by his side, but this guy even called out his sister, didn't he? Do you hate yourself for getting old?

"This anger? Where did it come from?"

Ye Shenyue smiled, and then walked straight out, Tian Tongmu is an ordinary person, whether he can keep up with the children's pace is hard to say!

"Uh, I really can't keep up!"

Looking at Tiantong Mugeng who was struggling to climb the wall, Ye Shenyue, who came out of the warehouse, couldn't help but feel a little scared. This level is obviously slowing down the rhythm of the children!

"What are you looking at? Why don't you come and help me?"

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