Seeing that Ye Shenyue was talking behind him, Tian Tongmu was still a little excited, but looking at Ye Shenyue's mocking face, he couldn't help feeling a little unhappy, and he yelled at Ye Shenyue!

"Ha ha!"

Ye Shenyue didn't come to quarrel with Tiantong Mugen. Looking at Tiantong like this, she knew that she was no longer suitable for this action!If you walk over directly, you will pull Tiantong Mugeng down!

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing? Do you know that since I was a child, only my grandfather dared to touch me! You actually, and you actually want to pull me down! What are you going to do?"

While clinging to the wall hard, Tiantongmu yelled at Yeshenyue right after her!Even if this guy doesn't help, he's still dragging himself back!

"Tina! Bring the team over there! Look for it, don't expose it! Leave this stupid sister to me!"

Smiling at Tina, who was looking at her in confusion, Ye Shenyue pulled Tiantong Mugeng down, and then...

"Uh, you are so heavy!"

Unexpectedly, Tiantongmu would suddenly let go, Ye Shenyue was thrown to the ground, and then he saw Tiantongmu stand up from the ground with a face full of shyness and annoyance!

"Do you know that people are wearing training clothes today!"

Looking at the dirty clothes, Tiantongmu was even more unhappy. How could this guy let himself be so unlucky?In front of the team members, he said that he couldn't do it, what did that mean?

"Got it! It's not a skirt anyway!"

Ye Shenyue patted the dust on her body, this girl is really cruel, she pressed herself down and came down, what is she doing?

"Bah! Dengzizi!"

With a loud cry, Tiantongmu hurriedly took two steps away from Ye Shenyue. Since this guy can drag himself down, there must be a conspiracy!

"Okay! We're here to carry out a mission, Tentong Mugda High School! Now is not the time to be childish. Excuse me, do you know where you can buy decent clothes around here?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the clothes that were completely soiled, and knew that it would be difficult to enter Sima Heavy Industries like this!

"Uh... What are you doing shopping for clothes? Don't you know these kids are working so hard to find information for you? You actually want to buy something! You..."

Suddenly, Yeshenyue got angry, Tiantongmu even stared at Yeshenyue with his waist stuck, and suddenly realized that he was so pitiful for those lovely children, but he would do things with great interest for such a shameless guy. , what a waste of everyone's heart!

"Uh... I feel that you are very restless now! Can you let me say a few words?"

Finally, she found that she and Tiantongmu lacked foreshadowing when communicating, Ye Shenyue stood up speechlessly, and then pointed at her clothes and said helplessly: "My clothes are dirty, and the next task for the two of us is to scare the snakes. In fact, you know, how is it possible that truly classified documents appear after we can easily hide? The task of these children is not to find those documents! Because we don't know whether they exist or not, and what really matters is whether we can Find out the existence of these materials! And the two of us, we will do this next!"

Ye Shenyue didn't even take a breath, she directly stated her current plans. It seems that if she can't be honest, the chances of Miss Tiantongmu misunderstanding her are very high!

"But what about the kids? They're going to lurk in there for two hours! Aren't you kidding them?"

Suddenly realizing that his mission was very important, Tiantong Mugeng's tone was also much better, but those children suddenly occupied a lot of place in Tiantong Mugeng's heart, which cannot be ignored!

"No no no! I hope these children have such qualities, because such qualities are their mission! Just imagine, who in this world has such qualities as children, who exist as a natural lurker What? Besides, these children can always surprise people! If we find any clues, it will be good for us in the future! Tiantong, you are the vice-captain, can you help me take a look at 3.4 from a global perspective? ?"

Ye Shenyue was somewhat defeated by Tiantong Mugeng. Why did this guy suddenly care about these individuals?The Tiantongmu I saw back then was a person who was very eager to become a leader!

"Um... help you?"

Pointing lightly at Ye Shenyue, Tiantongmu suddenly felt a burst of honor!Can you actually help Ye Shenyue, or as a vice-captain?Doesn't she feel like she's a burden?

"Of course! I need your help! Tentong, I don't want you to be forced to join this group! I hope this group can reach your potential!"

Ye Shenyue has a sincere face, even though her body is already dirty...

"Is it a group or a team? Why can't you tell the difference?"

Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue even more strangely.

Chapter 0119 Hedonism

"This store will do! You are still a poor man! At least in the eyes of Chairman Sima, so this store is not bad!"

Seeing Ye Shenyue looking at this store with disgust, Tiantongmu couldn't help being a little annoyed, this is his favorite brand!

"But...but this store sells women's clothing! Miss Tiantong! What are you doing? Don't think it's a suit hanging in it, I don't know English!"

Pointing at the sign above, Ye Shenyue couldn't control it!Looking at the things you are carrying in your hands, which bag is yours?All are Tiantong Mugeng's clothes, and Tiantong is already wearing new clothes!On the other hand, he looked like he had just returned from the battlefield, in a muddy training uniform!What's going on!

"Uh! Is that so?"

Take a closer look, Tiantongmu is really a little embarrassed!Are you a little too excited!This is the duty-free area of ​​the port, and many places are much cheaper than the places I have been to before. Under the excitement, Tiantongmu couldn't hold back his shopping urge! 07 "Let's just find a men's clothing store and buy something!"

As soon as Ye Shenyue turned her head, she walked towards a men's clothing store opposite where business was bleak. After entering, she bought a suit and bought a pair of shiny leather shoes at the boss's prompt. Then he pulled Tiantong Mu more and walked out of this man's sad place!

"If I hadn't earned my money, I would have been pissed off by this eldest lady!"

Looking at the heavy shopping bag in her hand, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but admire the level of this young lady!Although you can't see it yourself, you can know that these things are still very tasteful. Of course, tasteful things are expensive!

"You are?"

Seeing that the two people who came back from shopping suddenly prepared to step into their factory, the guard at the door quickly stopped Ye Shenyue and the two.

"This is a key security unit in New Tokyo. Without a letter of introduction and approval, we are... the Great Colonel Tendo and the great hero of Yagami! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm disrespectful! Please, we have a special vehicle to escort you there. Our President's Office!"

Looking at the documents handed over by the two, the arrogant little guard quickly changed his tune and took Ye Shenyue to the factory-specific battery car!

"Uh, Mr. President? What is this title? Isn't the boss here Chairman Sima? When will a president come out?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but feel a little strange. When he saw him yesterday, Chairman Sima still looked like he was in control. How come he became the president today?

"The president is my president Sima... That word made our president Sima have an accident! The old man thinks it's unlucky, so don't let me call this title again!"

He changed his habit with a mouthful of words, and the little brother of the guard was also helpless.On the other hand, Tiantongmu couldn't help but smiled and said, "It seems that President Sima thinks that title is really unfortunate. First, he was caught, and then he was hospitalized, followed by less than [-] hours after his successful return, and he went out. Such a thing is really unlucky! Ok! Thank you for reminding me, we will honor him as president!"

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