Hearing what Tiantongmu said, the little brother's face immediately became happy, and he nodded repeatedly to say that Tiantongmu said it well, and Ye Shenyue followed calmly, and got on the battery car and faced the factory. rushed in!

"You are really a master of reasoning! You can actually deduce Sima from a small detail... what the president thought!"

When she said the word "Sima", Ye Shenyue saw the driver in front of her glance at her in the rearview mirror, and immediately changed her mind to say the word "CEO".

"Come in! Give me these things, and I'll pack them up for you!"

A smiling girl at the door walked over to Yeshenyue and Tiantongmugeng with a smile and nod, and then led Yeshenyue and Tiantongmugen to the abandoned office!

"He's still working here! Isn't that saying that the president is very superstitious? Why are you still in this unfortunate place?"

Ye Shenyue smiled speechlessly, since if you feel that Feng Shui is not good, you should change places quickly!If you think the feng shui of this world is not good, can you let Chairman Sima live in another world?

After Ye Shenyue finished speaking, the girl who was leading the way couldn't help laughing out loud, but she still led people in under Tiantong Mugeng's reminder. After explaining it to President Sima naturally, Ye Shenyue was brought in. To the negative first floor!

"It really is superstition!"

I thought the office here would continue to be used, but I didn't know that this place was actually changed to an elevator. After calling from here, I took the elevator to the basement!

"Welcome! The youngest general in the history of our new Tokyo!"

The old man stood up and gave Ye Shenyue a big hug, then nodded with Tian Tong Mu, and sat in front of his desk!

"President Sima really has style! Just by looking at the decoration of this office, you can see that you are really amazing!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the surrounding environment. The appearance of this office is the same as the one above. It is very reminiscent of the place where many ancient monarchs lived. The aesthetic taste of the a little question!

"Don't worry! My daughter is not here, it's useless to praise me! As far as I know, I'm going to attend your celebration tonight, why did you come to see us at Sima Heavy Industry at this time? Did you come? Invite the old man to participate?"

President Sima looked at Ye Shenyue calmly, but the brush in his hand kept on, as if he was still critiquing something!

"You should be very anxious now, why do you still have the time to participate in this or that activity? Can you build the megalithic monument well? Is it the most important thing for you now?"

Ye Shenyue took a beautifully decorated pipe from the table next to it. Such a pipe filled the entire table and seemed to be a gift at any time!

"Hehe, what you said is quite good, but I believe that Lord Saint Son of Heaven has already told you about my difficulties. I know that you just satirized my extravagance. To tell you the truth, I know I won't live for a few days! So enjoy Let's live! Have a look at the office above me? That's where I do business! And here, only enjoy!"

The old man suddenly stood up and looked at Ye Shenyue with solemn eyes.

Chapter 0120 Helpless

"Uh, are you going to give up the rhythm of life?"

Ye Shenyue was suddenly puzzled by the eyes of the old man. From President Sima's superficial thoughts at this time, it could be seen that the old man was indeed planning to give up his life, and he seemed to have enough energy. What is the secret of the old man who can't get in the middle of the mirror!

"Give up? Who wants to give up? As long as there is a slight possibility, I will not give up, otherwise, I will not turn Sima Heavy Industry from a small workshop into the largest heavy industry enterprise in the world, but now I can only Give up! Do you see the documents in my hand? You don't need to read these documents, just write the word 'agree'! These people are leaving, and when I die, these debts will be mine I will entrust my daughter to you!"

President Sima's voice was a little hoarse. It was the result of long-term high pressure. Although it was only one day after returning, the old man had a lot of gray hair!

"Does this look like you're going to take on everything? Don't you think we have the possibility to make amends?"

Tiantongmu was even a little anxious. Seeing President Sima like this, it seemed that he really felt hopeless!

"Have you seen the pipe on the table? Look carefully, the boxes of this pipe are piled up to form this table. Every person who comes to visit me these days, I will give them a pipe, this brand The pipe is my favorite, just keep it as a souvenir! You two, take it as a souvenir too! Last night, I already engraved all my signatures on it!"

The old man's eyes are a little cloudy!When she looked at Ye Shenyue, her body even trembled a little. This kind of reaction seemed to tell Ye Shenyue that the old man's heart was ashes!

"Excuse me! You're welcome to my celebration tonight! I promise, as long as these kids of mine are around, I'll take my kids against those coelenterates!"

Ye Shenyue stood up suddenly, President Sima's words were all for this sake, why do you need to stay behind?Are you here to watch an old man complain to himself?It's a joke!

"How much do you have in your potion?"

The expression of the old man did not change much, but a pair of eyes suddenly emitted a sharp light, which of course was immediately absorbed by his turbid eyes!

"No! But we still have people! This is our home! How can we give up so easily? President Sima, you can't give up either!"

Speaking loudly to President Sima, Ye Shenyue even put her hands on the table. At this time, the old man was also shocked by the power of the slap on the table, so he could only nod gently. Then he murmured: "Give up? I don't want to give up, but you can block one gap! Can you block five gaps? When all the monoliths are damaged, can you block them all?"

As he said that, the old man shivered and sat down. It seemed that he was exhausted!

"Uncle! Are you alright!"

Saki hurried over to help the old man, Tiantongmu didn't even know what to say, he just felt that the old man was so helpless and pitiful at this time!

"What did you just say? Five gaps? Ten gaps? You mean..."

Ye Shenyue thought for a second, suddenly thought of something, raised her head abruptly, and stared into President Sima's eyes!

"Yes, I mean, these megaliths will collapse sooner or later! And it's not just our new Tokyo that will collapse, all the megaliths in this world will collapse, and it's just a matter of time!"

The old man waved his hand gently, then sat up, looking at Tiantong Mugeng's sad face.

"If my daughter knows this, she will definitely lose the courage to live, so please help me keep this secret, although time is running out, but I still hope that in the days to come, my child will be able to live without Live in a carefree environment, even for a few days!"

After speaking, the old man waved his hand at Ye Shenyue and closed his eyes by himself, looking like he was going to take a nap.

"Uh, let's go!"

Seeing Ye Shenyue's unwillingness, Tian Tong Mu was also a little silent, but now is not the time to continue communicating with the old man. Obviously, the old man is already tired.

"All right!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the old man again. Although she had a lot of doubts in her heart, she still didn't want to disturb the old man. She felt that there was something strange in it, so it didn't mean she had to keep asking questions here!

"What about the kids?"

Walking out of the door, Tiantong Mugeng finally couldn't bear it anymore. The world of these children was about to be destroyed, but he didn't want them to know that this matter was like a heavy stone, pressing on the top of Tiantong Mugeng's head. This What the hell is wrong with the world?Why is it always full of crises?

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