"Let everyone continue to look for it. I always feel that we can't listen to President Sima's words and give up all our efforts. Didn't some people think that our children couldn't solve the last crisis? But how? We still spend it safely. That crisis, and the old man hasn't said when those megaliths will collapse, we have time!"

Ye Shenyue sighed softly, and then walked forward with Tentong Mugeng.

"Sir, I am taking you back to the intersection on the order of the president. There is a long distance from here to the door. It is really hard for you to walk like this!"

It was the same battery car, the same driver, who seemed to be waiting here, and suddenly appeared in front of Ye Shenyue!

"Really? I don't think it was ordered by the president. It should be that you haven't left here since the beginning, haven't you? Although you lied about your president, I still admire your professionalism. Come on, Explain to me what happened to those Jeeps?"

Pointing to a parking lot not far away, Ye Shenyue's face was a little bad!

"Oh? Those? It is said that the guests were invited by the president. The old man who got down from the inside is the owner of those cars? Do you have any questions?"

The driver's eyes passed through Yeshenyue, just looking back at the door on the same steps, Yeshenyue and Tentong Mugeng turned around together, only to find that Marshal Funato was leading a group of people here!

"Grandpa Funato! Why are you! Scare me!"

I thought it was his jeep that was taken out of the warehouse, but Tiantongmu even mentioned that the heart in his throat could finally be put back!

Chapter 0121 Coaxing

"Eh? It's Tiantong's little granddaughter! You can't see clearly with my dazzling eyes! Come, come, tell grandpa what you are doing here? Isn't it your celebration party at night? What? Come and invite Will President Sima participate?"

After staring at him for a long time, Marshal Funato's face returned to normal, and he quickly greeted Tentong Mugeng, but his movements were a little slow.

"Do you want to be so nervous? They are all so old!"

Ye Shen Yue Yi Zheng was suspicious, but Tian Tong Mu, who was next to him, didn't think too much. He just took a few steps and rushed up. He greeted the old grandfather in front of him in a friendly way, and the two of them looked very happy. !

"What are you looking at? Why don't you come to see Marshal Funato! This is the founder of our army!"

With a dissatisfied snort at Yeshenyue, Tiantongmu was even more embarrassed to explain to Yeshenyue, and then pretended not to know about the festival between the two, and began to introduce the old man to Yeshenyue with great interest when he was young. great achievement!

"Excuse me, what did Marshal Funato come here for?"

Ye Shenyue was silent for a long time, but she still asked. It was really strange that Marshal Funato came here at this time!It's not good to retire at home and come here in a jeep?Obviously not for vacation!

"Who are you to talk to our Marshal like that?"

An adjutant next to him decisively shouted at Ye Shenyue, looking very domineering!

"Sure enough, it is the adjutant of the marshal! It's actually a lieutenant colonel! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Ye Shenyue gently waved the epaulette on her body, and then said seriously: "I just want to know what Marshal Funado is here for? Really, I'm very curious!"

"Uh, haha, of course I came to Sima Heavy Industry to ask about our troops' ammunition! When President Sima was away, the bastards from the Metropolitan Police Department provided our army with basically useless bullets, so We didn't emerge a hero like Tribute-kun!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue a little unhappily, Marshal Funato pointed directly to a person who looked like a supervisor behind him and said, "This is Mr. Le Yun Mulike, the head of the weapons department of Sima Heavy Industry, if you want to know what is my relationship with Sima Feel free to ask what the heavy industry talks about, I'm old. I don't have a good memory, and I didn't say everything, what did the tributary major generals catch! Collusion between military enterprises is a big no-no!"

After that, Marshal Funato walked past Yagami with his own people, got into his jeep and left here!

"Forget it, I have nothing to ask!"

Seeing the minister's grinning appearance, Ye Shenyue also knew that she couldn't ask anything in front of such an old fox, so she naturally took Tiantong Mugeng to the battery car with a flick of her hand and prepared to go to the gate.

"What a talent!"

Annoyed, he grunted in the car, and Tiantongmu felt that it was all in vain to play tricks in front of Marshal Funado, but he was actually resolved by three words from Ye Shenyue!And it seems to make the old man very unhappy, this thing is not fun!


Ye Shenyue didn't want to say anything, she could only sigh softly, and then she was speechless all the way. When she got to the gate, she got rid of the two crappy agents who followed her, and Ye Shenyue and Tiantongmu returned to the abandoned parking lot more smoothly. storehouse!

"What on earth are you going to do? Are you planning to offend everyone and then be punished to death?"

Finally, I couldn't help venting it out. Tiantongmu was basically in a state of hysteria. In the face of such a thing, who wouldn't be annoyed?

"Don't you know that the world is going to end soon? Do you still care what these ghosts know about useless relationships?"

Ye Shenyue blinked her eyes a little unaware, fortunately she still had such a reason, otherwise she wouldn't have been yelled at by Tiantong?

"Uh, is that so?"

Tiantongmu was also stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that yes, this world has not existed for a few days, why do you care about these details?Don't you find something for yourself?

"Of course!"

Ye Shenyue opened the car door and asked Tiantong to go in. At this time, she had more important things to do!Why waste time with Tiantong on this?

"But... But aren't we dead yet? You are going to live on the same trajectory as before? Who doesn't want to be the last person to die? Before that, he was trapped by these high-ranking people. Now, don't you feel very pitiful?"

Tiantongmu sat in the car for a long time, and then helplessly discovered this truth, and suddenly felt that he was still smart. Did this idiot think that the world is hopeless and plan to give up like this?

"Hehe, that's right! Let's go to the Son of Heaven to study what this old guy means, and even scare me that this hard work is about to end! If this world is really over! What is he doing so superstitious for? Just kidding! "

Ye Shenyue said the purpose of her driving, and then she heard Tiantongmu froze for a while, and then directly pinched Ye Shenyue's neck with her hands!

"Didn't you just say that this world is only a few days away? Why are you saying that you don't believe it now! What the hell are you thinking? You old and cunning fellow! You said that this world is a few days away, is it a use? to comfort me?"

Speaking angrily, Tiantong Mu suddenly realized how stupid he was. Although President Sima said it nicely, it seemed that he was really hopeless, but from the employees who dared not say "chairman" to avoiding Feng Shui, this old man's life is not at all. It's like knowing that this world is going to end, but it's like planning to live for a long time!

"Haha, are your hands sore?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head gently, although she really wanted to make an uncomfortable expression, but as a god, she really didn't feel uncomfortable at all. After all, this body is just a body chosen by herself, and what really dominates is own thoughts!

"I won't tell you! You actually lied to me! Just wait! When I reveal the true face of the old thief Sima, I will take the time to take care of you! Did Miss Tong's reputation be called casually that day?"

Tiantongmu also imitated Lan Yuan and shook his little fist in front of Yeshenyue, but Yeyoushen didn't think it was cute at this time, but it felt a little scary!

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