Chapter 0122 Yes or No

"Are you busy?"

Looking at the documents of Ye Shenyue, the gatekeepers are a little emotional. Other officials only come once for dozens of days, and since this young man was appointed as the captain of the major general, it feels normal to come three or four times a day. Today I didn't come in the morning, but I came very often in the afternoon, and everything from the clothes to the vehicle was changed to a brand new one. It's really rich!

"Haha! You are not free!"

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and then drove a jeep into the official residence of the Son of Heaven. Since she entered through the front door this time, she will exit through the front door at that time, and also make a sound, and let those people report themselves. Still smarter than them!

"Is it a bit of a joke? What is it to be my doorman? Are you just joking?"

Ye Shenyue was about to start the jeep when she suddenly heard a familiar voice. She turned her head and saw that it was Lord Shengtian with what looked like a kettle in his hand!

"This is you?"

Ye Shenyue didn't understand, and Tiantongmu didn't understand even more. He opened his mouth and asked, and even forgot to get out of the car and salute when he saw the Son of Heaven!

"Water the flowers! If you are idle, you are idle!"

Lifting up the teapot-like thing in his hand, Sheng Tianzi's face was taken for granted, but Ye Shenyue and Tiantongmu who had seen Sheng Tianzi's appearance were even more surprised!

"You are free! I have something to tell you. Would you like to change this gardener's clothes?"

Pointing to the strange attire of the Son of Heaven, Yeyoushen suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of joy. Faced with such a situation, the little girl was quite happy!

"All right!"

The Son of Heaven smiled lightly, and then handed the tools in his hand to the servant beside him. He and Ye Shenyue walked into his official residence and asked the chief guard to entertain Ye Shenyue, and then changed his body. The clothes appeared in front of Ye Shenyue!

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Rao had a critical gaze, and Tiantongmu also spoke in admiration, wearing a beautiful pink evening dress with six different flowers hanging diagonally on it, and each one of them was lifelike, as if they were decorated with flowers!

"Thank you for the compliment. Since the vice-captain has approved it so much, I will wear this dress to open a celebration bar for you?"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, the Son of Heaven had a calm look on his face, as if he didn't know Ye Shenyue was God.

"No no no! Let's wear military uniforms. Knowing that you are the grand marshal will make the children feel that you are all the way! Isn't it right?"

Ye Shenyue really wants to create a sense of belonging for her children. If the Son of Heaven can dress the same as her children, doesn't it mean that the head of state of this place has recognized these lovely children?

"No way! Unless it's a title, I won't wear a military uniform! I hope you understand, this is the rule!"

The Son of Heaven directly denied that, in any case, the past experience could not be discarded, especially now that the Son of Heaven was not used to the pain of strangling his body in military uniforms.

"Okay, let's get down to business, this is more important than our celebration banquet. In short, old man Sima told me that the world is almost over!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Son of Heaven calmly, as if the destruction of this world was as simple as pinching an ant to death!


The Son of Heaven suddenly didn't know what to say. Did the words come out of Ye Shenyue's mouth? There was always a sense of disobedience in it, not to mention that Ye Shenyue said it so lightly that the Son of Heaven didn't even understand this. Are you kidding yourself!

"Aren't you surprised?"

I was looking forward to seeing the fading appearance of the Son of Heaven, but after waiting for a long time, I saw that the Son of Heaven kept his head down and blinked. Tiantongmu suddenly felt the gap between professional politicians in his own industry, and it really was Taishan. Collapse in front without changing face!

"Surprise, but is it true? Isn't the sun still rising?"

The Son of Heaven looked back at the sun outside the window. It looked like it was [-] o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was just right. It would be a good choice to water the flowers outside. God said that the world was going to perish.I don't know how to scream, it seems that the deterrent power of God in my heart has been reduced to the extreme!

"Uh, I mean, we are from Chairman Sima, uh, now it's called President Sima, he said he was powerless, he said it was a few days to live, then he would take care of everything and let others live a few more days. !"

Suddenly, Tiantongmu realized that he and President Sima didn't say anything specific, not even the name of the deceased Mr. Zichuan. How could the old man actually convince him of every word he said?

"Didn't you make an unannounced visit? How did you meet with Sima... the president? Could it be that Sima Weizhi became the president so soon?"

The meaning of the Son of Heaven was as if he didn't know anything, and he looked at Tiantong Mugeng curiously, not understanding what the words meant.

After a long time, I explained to the Son of Heaven, and finally I introduced these strange terms and my experience to Sima Heavy Industry this time. Son of Heaven understood what was going on, and his expression changed from curiosity at the beginning to the end. Calm till the end with sarcasm!

"Uh! It seems that you, like Ye Shenyue, suspect that Chairman Sima is acting!"

Seeing Son of Heaven's sneer, Tiantong Mu felt that his IQ was once again looked down upon. Son of Heaven's expression was clearly joking that he was really taken seriously!

"That's not true. Maybe Chairman Sima really has no hope, but we can't judge that our megalithic monument may collapse. After so many years, nothing has happened. If it suddenly collapsed, it would be God. It's unfair to our world! But it's obviously impossible! That's my judgment!"

The Son of Heaven took a light sip of coffee. No one could judge something like this, but Son of Heaven's perception told her that it was impossible!

"But it's also possible!"

Tiantongmu did not give up, but suddenly wanted to understand something.Suddenly he jumped up and said solemnly to Yeshenyue and Shengtianzi: "When I was young, I once again heard movement in Grandpa's house..."

Chapter 0123 The identity of the murderer

"At that time, I was still young, but I knew that my grandfather took my brother to our shrine. At that time, I was curious and followed quietly. Then, I heard him say to my brother, saying that this is the The megalithic monument is actually getting bigger little by little, but no one paid attention to it. I don't know how the megalithic monument grew up, but since then, I really started to pay attention to the megalithic monument. I found that this megalith is really growing!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue seriously, Tiantong Mugeng finally told others what he had done for so many years. This secret has been hidden in my heart for so many years, and it is only now that Tiantong Mugeng relaxed a lot, but Ye Shenyue He Shengtianzi's brows could not help frowning!

"It seems that this megalith has many secrets for us to dig deeper. This thing is not simple!"

Ye Shenyue pointed to the megalithic monument in the distance. Those human beings' last line of defense against coelenterates seemed even more fragile at this time. Since they were growing up, it meant that the effectiveness of the megalithic monument might be weakened. In other words, the megalith needs maintenance!

"I think the two of us need to have a good talk!"

The Son of Heaven looked at Ye Shenyue, and his heart was filled with sadness. When he became Son of Heaven, he felt that the secrets of the world were in his control, and the secrets that he had never seen before were all captured by the personnel of the intelligence department. I told myself, but now, I found out that I was actually the object of deception!


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