Of course, Ye Shenyue knew what Sheng Tianzi meant by this sentence, she snapped her fingers lightly, and then picked up her own coffee. Sheng Tianzi's elegant way of drinking coffee left a deep impression on Ye Shenyue. Impression, this innate elegance is something many people want to emulate!

"Okay, can you find out what's going on with this thing?"

The Son of Heaven is not as elegant as Ye Shenyue. It was the first time that the big guy beside him had so many secrets, and the Son of Heaven's instinctive thirst for knowledge was suddenly aroused!

"do not know!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head calmly. At this time, she wanted him to answer the question of the Son of Heaven. Ye Shenyue was really powerless. Every world has so many secrets. If Ye Shenyue knew all about it, what was the point of living?The joy of life comes from the unknown. If everything is under control, Ye Shenyue is probably bored to death!

"Okay, can you tell us what we should do next?"

There was a black line in the Holy Son's heart, and even God didn't know, who should he turn to next?Are you going to hold those in the intelligence services accountable?The entire government is subordinate to Archon Tiantong. If Archon Tiantong doesn't want to let him know, then he won't be willing now!

"Looks like I'm going to ask Archon Tiantong. Although we had a lot of estrangement in the past, and his shameless comments on my children, but at this time, I believe he will show something!"

Ye Shenyue quickly drank the coffee in her hand. Although she really wanted to make an elegant gesture, the coffee of the Son of Heaven really tasted good, and Ye Shenyue couldn't wait to pour herself another cup.

"Uh, since he didn't tell me before, do you think she will tell me now? I doubt it!"

The Son of Heaven snickered in his heart that God also has a gluttony time, but he still nodded to Yeshenyue, and then his expression became solemn. The Tiantong Archon asked how he knew it, and what should he say at that time?

"Don't be afraid, just bring Tiantong, you know, the older the old man is, the more he will fall in love with his family. Bringing his granddaughter will not only show his openness and honesty, but also dispel his doubts, save you all. The two are fighting each other over the source of the news!"

Ye Shenyue is more like a staff advisor at this time. Although God is powerful, self-improvement still needs human beings. Ye Shenyue will always help pure people like children or those who never give up. God's favor is very It is not easy, and naturally many people will succeed.

"Uh, in fact, let me tell you, I have already met the elder Tiantongmu just now!"

After thinking about it, the Son of Heaven felt that he should be open and honest with God. Although the surprise can only be digested by watering the flowers in the garden, in front of God, the Son of Heaven is more eager to control his own destiny!Also hope to be favored by God.

"Well, I went out from the main entrance when I left, so I still know about the entry of the Tiantong Archon, but I don't know what you all talked about?"

Ye Shenyue doesn't want to drink coffee this time. Although this doesn't affect the conservation of energy, it does affect Ye Shenyue's thinking. If she is always awake, her thinking will become lazy and it will be difficult to think comprehensively. Coffee is better in front of people who are used to drinking it. A god like Ye Shenyue who never feels hungry on his own initiative is naturally even more uncomfortable!

"We talked about a very important topic!"

The Son of Heaven walked over gently and put the coffee in his hand on the tray. There was still half a cup of coffee left, and the Son of Heaven also sat on the sofa. Every time he saw the reaction of Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue knew that the Son of Heaven was going to have a good talk with her!

"I know the murderer..."

In a word, the Son of Heaven seemed to be relieved, and put his head on his chest fiercely. This matter has made it difficult for the Son of Heaven to accept, but it is always good to say it.

"Does it have anything to do with the Tiantong Archon's family?"

I used to just guess, but since the Son of Heaven has said that he knows, it must be said by the Tiantong Archon himself. The name of a murderer can alarm the always calm Tiantong Archon. It seems that his identity is also unusual!

"Yes, it's Tiantong Heguang. I used to be a minister under my command, and he was also the grandson of the Tiantong Consul, and the elder brother of Tiantong Mugeng. Although he was not the one who killed himself, he was the mastermind behind the scenes. The Tiantong Consul told me a lot of things in the past. If I don't know what to say, I'm going to suffer!"

The Son of Heaven seemed to be a helpless little girl at this time, looking at Ye Shenyue eagerly, the tears on her little face had already emerged!

"Well, that is to say, Tiantong and Guang accidentally stopped the heart that keeps New Tokyo running?"

Yagami took the coffee cup in her hand, and New Tokyo was similar to this cup, just as fragile and fragile!

Chapter 0124 Lost Contact

ps: It seems that everyone doesn't like what they're writing now. Next month, I'll be writing about Tokyo Eating Seeds, and the dark bullets will stop first.

"Yeah, who would have known that such a thing happened? Originally, the destroyed megalithic monument was made by Tiantong and Guang by cutting corners, but the inspector at that time was Mr. Zichuan. At that time, Mr. Zichuan was also on a whim, and it turned out that There is a problem with this megalithic monument, but in the face of Lord Tiantong, he didn't say anything, and as a result, Tiantong and Guang killed themselves because their own affairs were not exposed!"

The Son of Heaven was also saddened, what happened to this matter?A small impulse actually caused such a terrible result. At that time, when Tiantong and Guang were crying bitterly in front of him, Sheng Tianzi really wanted to kick him to death!

"In that case, what are you going to do with Tiantong and Guang?"

Ye Shenyue doesn't really want to express her thoughts on this matter. People can't be resurrected from the dead. At this time, the trial begins, and it can't save the critical situation in New Tokyo at this time. Of course, Ye Shenyue asked this question not to rectify the unfortunate Tiantong. Archon.

"Uh, why don't you think about it, I don't think it's very important... Do you mean to use this trick to make the Tiantong Consultant tell the truth?"

The Son of Heaven suddenly reacted. Although the trial of Heavenly Child and Light had no effect at all at this time, it was a thorn in the heart of the Archon of Heavenly Child. Taking the initiative to tell the Son of Heaven was actually a show of goodwill!

"Yes, in fact, I guess if you ask, the Tiantong Archon will tell you! Who will confess his grandson, who seems to be the only grandson?"

Ye Shenyue wanted to laugh even more. Faced with such a situation, the little girl seemed to be a little flustered in her heart, and she actually forgot the very good leveraging technique she did yesterday!

"Makes sense!"

The Son of Heaven suddenly felt that there was an open field in front of him. After Ye Shenyue's thinking, the Son of Heaven also understood what he should do, and the haze on his face disappeared!If you can get God's guidance, this world is the head of the Holy Son of Heaven, and the Holy Son of Heaven at this time also understands what it means to be blessed by God!


Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and then opened the timeline. At this time, the Son of Heaven should have no problem, and Ye Shenyue didn't want to stay in such a space with the Son of Heaven for too long, because who Everyone knows that there will always be a kind of power that will breed in the stillness of time and space, and Ye Shenyue does not intend to give them a chance!

"I still have something to do. I want to know the secret of the megalithic monument. I think you can take Tiantong Mugeng to ask Lord Tiantong. I firmly believe that the Tiantong Archon will stand with you on such a big event!"

Ye Shenyue naturally rejected the suggestion of the Son of Heaven to have a private conversation, and without waiting for Tian Tong Mu Geng to respond, she stood up and said to Tian Tong Mu Geng: "The children are still performing special tasks, we two One of the captains must stay and one to help the Son of Heaven get more information, it is best for you to stay! I will go and see how the children are doing!"

Ye Shenyue quickly said this decision, then put on her training hat, saluted the Holy Son of Heaven, and then left!In this world, Ye Shenyue cares most about her own children!

"Um, Lord Fuhrer, you won't stop him?"

Sitting on the sofa and looking at the Son of Heaven curiously, Tiantongmu always felt that there was a conspiracy in it!

"Stop him? What did you stop him for? You provided this information, of course, to ask what's going on! Let's go, let's go and visit the busy consul!"

The Son of Heaven smiled slightly, then stood up, nodded at Tiantong Mugeng, and then asked his guard to prepare the vehicle for travel!

"All right!"

Tiantongmu looked out the window more worriedly. Since things have come to this stage, it should be fine to communicate with his grandfather, and thinking of the previous bad relationship between Ye Shenyue and his grandfather, Tiantongmu suddenly felt that he had a kind of lubrication. The role of the agent!Although he and his grandfather had a bad relationship before.

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