"These children are very safe. There is nothing at all? It's been so long!"

When Ye Shenyue drove her car to the abandoned warehouse, she got out of the car and saw that her watch was already pointing to [-]:[-]. She couldn't help but admire the children a little. The first time she went there, she could go unnoticed for more than an hour. There was no danger either, which is a remarkable achievement!

"Let me see where the kids are now sneaking!"

...Yishenyue opened her inner mirror, then put the map of Sima Heavy Industry in her memory, and immediately began to track the children's signals!

"Nani? How come there is nothing left? I have installed the emitters in those amnesty orders!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly found that she couldn't collect the signals from the children, and she was in a hurry. Although she didn't know what happened, an ominous premonition had already shrouded Ye Shenyue's mind!


Ye Shenyue didn't have any hesitation at the moment, she just let the time stand still, and then rushed in! , "Where are the children in such a big place?"

Ye Shenyue overlooked the entire factory area from the sky, the huge factory area made Ye Ye Shenyue have no way to do it!The whereabouts of these children, Ye Shenyue, can't be found!

"There must be a shielding system!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly understood what was going on. It turned out that this place actually blocked all signals, and the alarm itself that was selected for the children used ultrasonic waves!

"Looks like it's time to stand still long enough!"

Ye Shenyue reluctantly landed in the factory area, and then entered the headquarters building of Sima Heavy Industry. At this time, it was unrealistic to find a shielded eye. Ye Shenyue planned to check the surveillance inside. What about in a flash?

"It should be fine. Even if there is one or two accidents, the children will definitely be able to escape. If my children will be wiped out in one sweep, wouldn't that be hitting me in the face?"

Ye Shenyue comforted herself in her heart, but she never thought that after a handful of salt was thrown into the sea, no matter how salty it was, it would be more diluted!

"I'm so drunk! Is this building so complicated?"

Although she has a perspective eye, Ye Shenyue is almost drunk when she sees the structure of this building. There are more than [-] doors in this building, and the doors are covered with small doors, so Ye Shenyue is also drunk when she sees it. !

"Is there no map for this place? Wouldn't they get lost?"

Ye Shenyue walked in, but did not see a schematic diagram, not even any hints in the elevator!

"It's so weird..."

Chapter 0125 Smart Qianshou

ps: It seems that everyone doesn't like what they're writing now. Next month, I'll be writing about Tokyo Eating Seeds, and the dark bullets will stop first.

"Am I going to get the blueprints for this place?"

Although the world is still, Ye Shenyue finds that she doesn't even have anyone to discuss with, so she can only go around in circles in Sima Heavy Industry like a blind man, as if everything here is beyond the scope of Ye Shenyue's understanding, here Things are not as simple as Ye Shenyue imagined!

"It seems that Sima Heavy Industries does need [-] secretaries!"

After taking a glance at all the factories and buildings in the factory area, Ye Shenyue also understood that this game is simply a place that one person can maintain. Every place is as difficult to read as an encyclopedia, and it also makes People feel powerless!

"That's right! Three hundred secretaries! Since those three hundred scumbags are the coordinating agency of this place, then which office should I go to check?"

Ye Shenyue immediately felt a burst of excitement, and immediately moved to the office, and then looked at the three hundred people who were working, but was disappointed to find that all their desks were empty!

"What the hell are you doing?"

Although I guessed that most of these people are novices, the pile of information in the imagination did not appear, and everyone has a special thing in their hands, which is long like a chopstick, but when I saw these people in the With her fingers in the air, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but be surprised!

"What is this?"

Picking up the chopstick from a person's hand, Ye Shenyue looked at it with a perspective eye, but found that the inside of the chopstick-like thing is loaded with an unimaginable circuit, and this chopstick can obviously form against the air. A telescreen or something, and then human fingers can operate on it!

"It's really high-tech!"

When it was discovered that these things were the main equipment for people's office, and the thinking was still stuck in the era of human beings relying on paper, Ye Shenyue did not say a word, and began to read the data inside these things, when these things were in front of him After forming the eye of God unique to Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue herself was all shocked!

"In such a small thing, it is so all-encompassing, and there are even multiple ways to read it. There is such a good thing, why does the Son of Heaven still use an ordinary computer to work?"

While Ye Shenyue was surprised, she also found the location of Sima Heavy Industry's monitoring room from here. These equipments look more like Sima Heavy Industry's internal use, and outsiders should have no way of knowing!

"Old Sima is not simple! It doesn't look like he is planning to die, he obviously has a big conspiracy!"

Ye Shenyue kept the chopstick in her heart, and planned to negotiate with the Son of Heaven after she found her children about how to rectify the profiteer, President Sima. Now it seems that the old man is clearly planning to take advantage of this crisis. Better for your own benefit!

"Central monitoring room! Here!"

When Ye Shenyue arrived at the central monitoring room depicted in the data, she saw a piece of green grass. The grass was real, and there was an obvious smell of oxalic acid. It seemed that the grass had just been trimmed!

"Fortunately, I have clairvoyant eyes, otherwise I would have been deceived by you guys!"

Ye Shenyue worked hard to let her perspective eyes pass through the thick soil layer, and finally saw the appearance of various monitoring and monitoring equipment below!

Going in from the entrance, Ye Shenyue followed and saw the monitoring equipment that was undergoing screen transfer at this moment. Because these monitoring equipment were all monitored in real time, it could reach [-] frames per second. The footage is also strange. Of course, Ye Shenyue did not intend to play any jigsaw puzzles here, but directly took out the storage devices of those videos and collected the surveillance images of the last one and a half hours!

Ye Shenyue looked at the picture in front of her helplessly. Because time is still, sometimes Ye Shenyue would turn her head and bump into the dust in the air.

"Eh? Isn't this Tina?"

Ye Shenyue smiled softly. It turned out that Tina had reached the center of her area, and it seemed that she had also entered the data room above. Although it was a flash, Ye Shenyue still looked carefully. Immediately after that, I put down these surveillance cameras and moved to the place where Tina just appeared!

"Look at how hard it is to make a small head!"

Ye Shenyue was also speechless for a while, seeing Tina from the corner looking curiously at the staff in the reference room holding the projection object one by one, it is estimated that the little girl is also embarrassed, what is going on?The information that big brother wants doesn't seem to exist!

It was found that Tina hid her team members very well, and Ye Shenyue admired it greatly, but she still put the small device that she just created without any transmission medium, as long as there is a situation, it can remind Ye Shenyue by emitting an ultraviolet laser. On Tina's small card, it quickly merged with this card!

"Tina's team is fine! The rest of the children are still to be found!"

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