Ye Shenyue reluctantly flashed back to the central monitoring room, and then continued to start a long and boring career in film reading. Although she knew that this would have side effects, Ye Shenyue didn't want her children to be accidentally caught, but she didn't at all. You know, if the shameless promoters who use children as tools are replaced, it is estimated that after five o'clock, the children will not be anxious before they show up!


When Ye Shenyue was so bored that she almost dozed off, a blue figure suddenly flashed across, and this figure was very thief. Every time, it left a small spot on the monitor, and then flashed by, making people unable to find it. here!

"It's Chishou!"

Ye Shenyue watched for a long time and finally found out that it was Qianshou Xia Shi, and then started to stare at the screen closely, and then found that in this monitoring, Qianshou often appeared, and 3.4 was in a different environment, of course night Shenyue also saw Qianshou's recent pictures in this monitoring!

"Eh? That's not right! This surveillance is fixed, how can there be a follow-up? Qianshou ran more than one place?"

When Ye Shenyue thought about it, she was surprised, and then she moved to Qianshou's side!

"It really is a talent!"

It turns out that Qianshou actually cut off a small section of his clothes and hung it on a balloon. As a result, the mobile monitoring equipment behind him was simply distracted by Qianshou...

"It's really dolphins who are smart!"

Ye Shenyue sighed and walked in the opposite direction, this little girl must have reached her destination!

Chapter 0126 Suffering

ps: It seems that everyone doesn't like what they're writing now. Next month, I'll be writing about Tokyo Eating Seeds, and the dark bullets will stop first.

"Uh, Shenlong sees its head but not its tail!"

After walking in the opposite direction for a long time, Yeshenyue did not see the figures of the children, so she could only helplessly go back and look at the surveillance cameras. Although she watched it in her own heart, Yeshenyue observed it very carefully, but Since then, Qianshou has not been seen, but a man who did not know how to go to the toilet and never came out again, making Ye Shenyue look very irritable!

"Let's look elsewhere!"

She felt that since Qianshou could think of such a clever way to escape the unique mobile tracking and monitoring equipment here, Ye Shenyue felt that there should be no problem with this group of children, and then began to watch the monitoring in other areas. The speed this time should be good. , Yeshenyue felt that time passed quickly, and then found that Qingziliu brought her team members closer to her goal. Although these children must be disappointed in the end, Yeshenyue is not worried. These children can be safe, and they are very satisfied!

"Where is Lan Yuan? Where is Lan Yuan? Lan Yuan is under surveillance!"

Ye Shenyue was really looking bored. Not only did she speed up the monitoring and screening, but she also hummed a little song. Time is gone forever for people in the world, and it is also gone for Ye Shenyue. Back, although he could occasionally call a time-out, the past events could not be changed. Otherwise, Ye Shenyue would directly take the children to travel back, and these shameless prejudices would no longer exist!

"Can't find it?"

Ye Shenyue was speechless for a while, Qianshou is too smart, he can always find a blind spot for surveillance, but Lan Yuan has no such IQ, Ye Shenyue is very suspicious!

"Go and see again!"

Ye Shenyue still can't believe it!Will my own children disappear for no reason?Besides, that area was originally desolate. Basically, it was the warehouse of Sima Heavy Industry and the area to be developed. It shouldn't be found at all!

"This place is desolate enough!"

Ye Shenyue came to the center of this area in a flash. It is also the largest building in this place, a very complicated warehouse. Ye Shenyue looked at it with perspective and found that the layout of this warehouse was very unreasonable, and many things were right. It was piled up in one corner, while the rest was empty. In this case, Ye Shenyue naturally limited the search area to this place!

"Sure enough, there is a dark room!"

When Ye Shenyue walked to the last floor, she saw a pile of goods that were thrown out at will, and in the middle of the pile of goods that had been opened, a very strong iron gate appeared!

"Looks like there's a lot of stuff in here!"

At first, Ye Shenyue planned to open the door, but found that the door was locked, so she went straight through it. After entering, she found a lot of red potions, which were neatly placed in a glass corridor. !

"Where are the children?"

Ye Shenyue saw that there was no surveillance in this place, so she gave up going back to the surveillance room to find the things monitored here, and slowly searched this huge warehouse with her own perspective, little by little!

"still none?"

Looking at the entire warehouse, Ye Shenyue didn't see anyone, and the iron door of this place was locked from the inside. Ye Shenyue didn't need to think about it and knew that there was something wrong here, so she began to slowly tap on these Since the wall is the bottom floor, it should not be surprising that there is a tunnel or something, and Ye Shenyue's suspicion of Sima Heavy Industry is getting deeper and deeper. If it is an enterprise that focuses on heavy industry, there are so many here agency?


When Ye Shenyue walked to the center of the warehouse, she felt that the floor was a little sunken. Although the ground was still solid, this place, like the central monitoring room, was under the thick soil layer. It took a lot of energy to find the tunnel below!

"It's only so narrow? What is it used for?"

Under the surprise of Ye Shenyue, she could only pass through the tunnel quickly, and immediately found a huge open area in front of her!

"Wow, there's nothing like it!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly arrived at an open area, and he also saw some gray ear material on the ground here, and more importantly, Ye Shenyue found a strange thing on the ground!


Taking a closer look, Ye Shenyue found out that this thing was actually the siren on the amnesty order for the children!

Now that the alarms have all fallen here, don't think about it, Ye Shenyue knew that Lan Yuan and the others had suffered an accident!

"Don't let me find you! Otherwise, I will make you cursed!"

Ye Shenyue was almost pissed off!Immediately after, he rushed over, and the things along the way were constantly confirming Ye Shenyue's speculation that a pardon order from the children was actually thrown on the ground, and Ye Shenyue never looked at it from a distance. Here comes the sun!

"Where is this?"

Ye Shenyue was surprised, how could there be such a long tunnel leading to the mountains?With countless questions, Ye Shenyue rushed to the sky, and here, Ye Shenyue finally saw her children from the sky!

"Blue Yuan!"

Found that the children were actually on the edge of the huge stone monument in the distance, Ye Shenyue screamed and rushed over, but when Ye Shenyue approached, she found that her children were actually tied up with five flowers and placed in a complete piece. on the megalithic monument!


He kicked one of the bastards flying, Ye Shenyue was about to question what these guys were doing when she suddenly saw the painful expressions on Lan Yuan and the others, and the reaction was obviously tormented by silent pain!

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