"The Cursed Child Has Coelenterate Gene!"

Recalling the warning Tiantongmu once gave to herself, Ye Shenyue suddenly understood what these guys were going to do!This is killing my own children!When Ye Shenyue walked up to put Lan Yuan and the others down, she accidentally discovered that on the children's bodies, the gray paint was painted behind them, and it was just a small area!

"This is going to kill the children with these terrible radiation!"

Ye Shenyue's heart is desolate, the last beautiful existence in this world is going to be wiped out by these shameless scum!And it was silent, Ye Shenyue knew that if she hadn't arrived in time, these children would have disappeared here forever, and she might never see Lan Yuan and the others again!

Chapter 0127 Open and honest

ps: It seems that everyone doesn't like what they're writing now. Next month, I'll be writing about Tokyo Eating Seeds, and the dark bullets will stop first.

"No! I can't destroy them so easily! I want to find out who is behind them!"

Ye Shenyue screamed, and the seeds of hatred had already been planted in her heart. Sooner or later, this kind of seed will make those bastards who destroy the world pay the price, and Ye Shenyue will unconsciously change the world and become her own goal. And the incentive is these children!


Ye Shenyue turned on the time at once, then slapped these guys and shouted, "You are courting death! How dare you attack my children!"

After speaking, he kicked two of the guys into the air, followed by giving the last remaining bastard a speed stick, and then watched the bastard who had reacted and ran back!

"Big brother!"

Looking weakly at Ye Shenyue in front of him, Lan Yuan's first sentence was unexpectedly: "I didn't complete the task you gave us..."

"It's okay! Big brother is not good, big brother let you take risks!"

Ye Shenyue hugged Lan Yuan painfully, and then put the children on the car that she had conjured at the bottom of the mountain, carried these children back to the warehouse, and then used her own energy to put these children in the car. The radiation was eliminated, followed by Tina, Qing Zi Liu and Qian Shou who were waiting to come back.

"Shameless! I'm going to make these guys pay!"

After hearing what happened to Lan Yuan and the others, Tina, who was originally the most quiet, was instantly filled with righteous indignation. Although the time together was not very long, Tina has really liked this team. The members of this team are so friendly, so It makes people feel at ease, and naturally makes people feel a little warmth in their hearts!Whoever hurts this team member now is against Tina!

"This matter is not that simple! Now that these bastards have found a way to deal with you, you have to be careful in the future! Big brother will also develop a cracking method as soon as possible! If nothing else, your safety is my greatest concern. of!"

Ye Shenyue stopped Tina, the impulse is the devil, anyone can say this, but when encountering such a thing, Ye Shenyue's mind even flashed the idea of ​​destroying the world and taking the children away, but the night Shenyue finally held back her thoughts and calmed everyone down, followed by taking everyone out of the warehouse and preparing to return to the Tokyo hotel for self-cultivation.

"Don't worry everyone, we are working hard. Big brother said that there is no more potion. I just hope you don't put your hopes on this kind of external force. Only by taking action can we truly become a force to defend this world and change this world! Come on! !"

Holding the walkie-talkie and shouting to some of the lost children, Ye Shenyue also felt a lot more comfortable, and immediately took the children back to the Tokyo hotel. Although there were a lot of stalkers behind them, they were too lazy. With their hide-and-seek Yagami, the tires of these cars blew out! l "You have angered God, how are you?"

Ye Shenyue did not blink an eye in the face of the car accident that happened behind her, and immediately parked the jeeps and covered them with an invisible cloth. Ye Shenyue felt that the world could no longer live with confidence!There are always black hands behind to make the world not peaceful!

"Big brother, it's sister Tiantong's phone number"

As soon as these jeeps were put away, a child rushed over and took his mobile phone. Originally, Lan Yuan was the first to rush upstairs, but unfortunately, although there was no serious health problem, Shan Si was in a low mood. Lan Yuan was still crying with Ye Shenyue in his arms, so this child was the first to discover the missed call on his mobile phone!


Ye Shenyue lightly stroked the child's head, followed by picking up the phone. No matter what, her emotions could not delay her career, and now, Ye Shenyue felt that she was more capable of fighting!

"I am the tributary, Yeshenyue!"

Speaking coldly to Tiantong on the other end of the phone, Yeshenyue's tone made Tiantongmu on the other end of the phone even more stunned, but the situation was urgent, so she didn't bother with Yeshenyue and said directly on the phone: "Come to my grandpa's house, by the way, the children's celebration has been postponed! The current situation..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Shenyue hung up the phone directly, and then said to the child who was looking at her phone, "I'll buy you a new phone!"

After speaking, he put the phone on the ground and smashed it, followed by holding Lan Yuan back to the hotel room!

"Good! Big brother will come back as soon as possible, you have a good rest, I will make those bastards pay a thousand times the price!"

Looking at Lan Yuan with bloodshot eyes, Ye Shenyue gently kissed Xiao Lan Yuan's head, then left the hotel, and went directly to Tian Tong's house in her unreplaced training uniform!

"Welcome, Lord Tribute!"

As the master, Archon Tiantong personally greeted Yeshenyue, which was considered quite a courtesy in this place, but the upset Yeshenyue had no such mood, so he waved his hand casually and said, "Excuse me, Archon Tiantong, are you? How many secrets do you know that you haven't told? I know that I must have told a lot of surprising information to the Son of Heaven, but this is my problem, and I need your full cooperation!"

Ye Shenyue said lightly, and nodded to Tiantong Mugeng and Shengtianzi at the same time. Although she was angry, Ye Shenyue still knew this etiquette!

"No more! I have told Lord Saint Son of Heaven everything I know, let's talk!"

Archon Tiantong replied with a blank face, and then left on his own, seemingly pissed off by Ye Shenyue!

"You shouldn't talk to Archon Tiantong like this, he really was honest with me just now!"

The Son of Heaven lightly placed his hand on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, and then turned his eyes away. What appeared in front of Ye Shenyue was a room of neatly arranged documents!

"Hopefully! How much do we know about this matter?"

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and her face was filled with a lot of relief. To be able to cooperate at this time is considered to take care of the overall situation!

"My brother has also committed suicide in fear of sin! Before we come!"

Tiantongmu pointed to the wing next to him, and when he smelled it carefully, there was still some bloody smell in the air.

"A loyal and strong family, there is no room for stigma, it is indeed a famous family!"

Ye Shenyue sighed sincerely, and then entered the dark room behind the reference room with Sheng Tianzi. From the temperature remaining on the tatami, you can know that Sheng Tianzi was here with his consul just now and frankly!

Chapter 0128 Overeating

ps: It seems that everyone doesn't like what they're writing now. Next month, I'll be writing about Tokyo Eating Seeds, and the dark bullets will stop first.

"This is probably the case. What President Sima said should be true. If these megalithic monuments are not repaired and maintained in time, they will indeed be useless!"

Telling the general situation, the meaning of the Son of Heaven is very clear, and the news that Ye Shenyue and Tiantongmu have inquired about after they went to Sima Heavy Industry is indeed correct. At least, the megalithic monument needs to be maintained!And this kind of maintenance method, only Tiantong Archon knows about it!

"Did you spray it with a grey paint?"

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