"Haha, I didn't expect that Sima Heavy Industry has advanced to such a point that the office is paperless! I never thought it would be like this!"

Yeshenyue drank champagne and said to Tiantongmu, for some unknown reason, since she came to this world, Yeshenyue felt that the food in this place was not flattering, but the drinks were all delicious!

"By the way! Didn't you say that there is still some gain? How do you say it?"

Tiantong Mugeng put the rest of the sandwich on a plate, and then curiously asked Ye Shenyue, on the way back, Ye Shenyue was very interested to show this thing to Tiantong Mugeng!

"Uh, when I came back, I was surrounded by these children, and I didn't have time to draw the drawings! Just wait!"

After Tiantong Mugeng's reminder, Ye Shenyue immediately put down the wine glass in her hand, entered the room that the children had arranged for her, took out a piece of paper from the printer, and started to draw seriously!

"What the hell are you doing?"

Tiantongmu even saw Yeshenyue's high interest, and immediately felt very incomprehensible, and then he could only helplessly walk over with Tina. As for why she took Tina?Of course, it's because Tina and Tiantongmu are more partners, and they don't drink much!

"This is it!"

When she found out that someone was stealing in, Ye Shenyue instinctively thought it was Tiantong Mugeng. Although it felt a little strange for a girl to enter her room, Ye Shenyue really didn't care much about the reason.Immediately after that, I handed over the drawn drawings!

"Uh, it's Tina!"

Ye Shenyue looked up and found that she was standing in front of her was Tina, but it didn't matter, Tina was well-informed, but Ye Shenyue didn't feel that there was any problem in this regard, anyway, this thing It's just a handheld projector, what's the problem?

"Big brother? Did you design this?"

Although she came in with Tiantongmu, but after seeing this drawing, Tina fell into deep memories. Even if Tiantongmu was already behind her, Tina still didn't feel it, and there was only this drawing in her eyes. , and the complicated circuit on the drawing!

"What's wrong? It wasn't designed by the big brother! It was the big brother who happened to see this thing!"

Ye Shenyue also felt that something was wrong with Tina. Anyway, this little girl has given herself a positive answer to many unsolvable problems. Could this thing have something to do with Osaka, where Tina once lived?

"Where did you find this thing?"

Tina held the blueprint in one hand and pointed at this thing with the other. No matter what, this game should be no ordinary thing, and Tina's eyes suddenly calmed down!

"It's... it's at Sima Heavy Industry!"

Ye Shenyue saw Tina's serious look, and naturally couldn't bear to deceive this lovely child, and she still wanted to know what secret was there. Tina, as her own, would definitely not cheat her!

"Then it's fine!"

Tina suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, put the blueprint on Ye Shenyue's table, then picked up her doll, and sat quietly on the sofa, as if caught in memories...

"At that time, I was still a member of Osaka. Of course, I have seen this thing, and it is really powerful. Senior officials in Osaka are using this thing. I was very curious at the time, but they didn't tell me, I didn't ask. , and then, I heard someone say that this thing was developed by Sima Heavy Industry specially for Osaka, so I knew this, so when I saw this thing, I thought it was big Brother is going to take us to Osaka!"

Tina finished softly, there were a few drops of sweat on Ye Shenyue's face, I didn't see it, this little girl thought a lot, and she was able to infer what Ye Shenyue really wanted from this thing. what to do!

"Did you just say that this thing was developed specifically for Osaka? That means that the relationship between Sima Heavy Industry and Osaka is very different, and they will develop this thing specially for Osaka. Although I have not been to the executive government, I know , we still use paper for office more!"

Tiantongmu leaned against the wall with a more gloomy face, no matter what this thing means, in short, there must be a conspiracy!

"Then go and check with Lord Shengtianzi! Tina, let's come together! Maybe Lord Shengtianzi is having dinner with President Sima at this time!"

Ye Shenyue's face showed some kind of hilarity, no matter what, she has mastered a method to blackmail President Sima!

"Don't be too happy, I always feel that we are not the opponent of Sima Heavy Industry!"

Tiantongmu even looked at Ye Shenyue's excited look, and suddenly sighed softly, and then took Tina to change clothes first!

Chapter 0130 Waiting for the accident

"Sorry, the Son of Heaven is not here!"

The Zicun guard politely brought Ye Shenyue and his party into the mansion of the Son of Heaven, but as soon as they sat down, he gave Ye Shenyue such an answer!

"Where is that? Captain Zimura, you should understand that we are not here to chat with Lord Shengtianzi to relieve boredom, we are here to report the situation!"

Tiantongmu's face was a little unhappy, and the words were even more blunt. As soon as the words were finished, Captain Zimura stood up and said, "Forgive me, I have no comment, if you plan to continue to wait here, just wait, I'm going to work first!"

After Captain Zimura finished speaking, he left the living room, leaving Ye Shenyue, Tiantong, and Tina to stare at each other.

"Could it be that Captain Zimura has lost his love?"

Apparently, he didn't realize that he was talking about nonsense, and Tiantongmu was still speculating about something incomprehensible. Of course, these things were all nonsense!

"I think it's because we come so often that people here are tired of it!"

Ye Shenyue picked up the wine glass on the table and played with it. In any case, she came here for the good of this world. If the staff here think that they have taken up their time to flatter the Son of Heaven, it is a big mistake. !


Tina felt that everyone had eaten and drank enough, and was very curious about why the big brother kept turning the wine glass!

"Are we just waiting here?"

Tiantong seemed to have the least patience. Seeing Tina quietly watching Ye Shenyue playing with the wine glass, she couldn't help being a little curious. Naturally, she directly interrupted the process of Ye Shenyue playing with the wine glass!

"Hehe, what should I do if I don't wait? Would you like to call Sheng Tianzi and ask where she is? Then we'll go straight to find Sheng Tianzi!" Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and continued to look at the hand in her hand. Wine glasses, these glasses are well made anyway, but few people have the time to look at a well made glass alone!

"I got you!"

Seeing Ye Shenyue's calm face, Tiantongmu also lost her temper, so she could only go out alone in the back garden of Shengtianzi's official residence, because this place is really strange, Tiantongmu I've come here so many times, but I haven't had a chance to see it. Instead, I let this busy place have a back garden that only belongs to the Son of Heaven!

"Big sister just went there alone? Won't there be an accident?"

Tina saw that Ye Shenyue was very calm, and she couldn't help but worry about Tiantongmugeng's safety. In the past, the two were in charge of the security work of the Son of Heaven. Naturally, they knew what kind of environment the Son of Heaven lived in. Speaking of the previous Saint Lord Son of Heaven died because of insufficient security. Of course, this is why the current Lord Son of Heaven is so young!

"No! If this place cannot be guaranteed to be safe, then there is no need for New Tokyo to exist. Even the head of state cannot be protected. It will be a matter of minutes for this place to be captured! Don't worry about Tina! I believe in Saint After the emperor comes back, he will let us come to see her, rather than come back after going back, it is better to take a good look at this center of power!"

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