Ye Shenyue calmly looked at the wine glass in her hand. The transparent glass material allows all the light in this world to transform into more beautiful things on it. Of course, these things are not necessary, it is naturally the embellishment of this world!

"Big brother, you don't seem to be the same tonight! And before!"

Tina was holding her doll, and she always felt that the big brother seemed to be very worried after returning from the warehouse. In short, he didn't say anything good!

"Yeah! Big brother is different, but it's not big brother's fault. This is really the world that makes big brother feel hopeless!"

Ye Shenyue smiled softly at Tina, maybe the little girl was kind-hearted, or maybe the little girl seldom thought about the big propositions of this world, in short, when Ye Shenyue knew that the thing she found was produced by Sima Heavy Industry for Osaka. At that time, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that she had been deceived. She always thought that the Sima family was wronged. The bureaucrats of the Metropolitan Police Department told Sima Heavy Industry to stop production, but now I know that maybe the Metropolitan Police Department just couldn't. Make those people obedient, because they only follow the orders of an old man!

"Big brother, don't think too much, the world is so big, no matter how much we see, it's the side that the world shows us, it's not the whole of the world!"

Tina is holding her doll, and she always feels that people who are depressed are pitiful, but the current appearance of the big brother makes Tina feel very respectable. How many adults in this world are still paying attention to these things?

"Hehe, big brother just has nothing to do after he's had enough to eat. If he suddenly talks about such a thing to Tina, will Tina feel uncomfortable?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly walked in front of Tina, such a good child is indeed rare now, I wonder if saying these unreasonable stupid things to Tina will make the little girl think too much like herself?

"The Son of Heaven is back!"

Accompanied by bursts of shouts, Ye Shenyue heard Tiantong Mu's rushing over from stepping on the floor. This does not seem to be in line with Tiantong's childhood education!

"Then let's welcome you!"

Ye Shenyue dragged Tina up, and then went out of the living room with Tiantong Mugeng. When they reached the gate, Shengtianzi's motorcade had already driven in, but in the end, the car was in the middle of Shengtianzi, Ye Tianzi. Shenyue is not sure yet!

"Sure enough, he's a master! I can't even tell the difference between these vehicles!"

While Ye Shenyue sighed in the refresh, she saw these vehicles approaching one by one, and then a [-]-degree turn, lined up on both sides of the road!

"And a red car!"

Tina suddenly pointed to the approaching convoy and said, this red car is particularly conspicuous in the convoy, which also made Tiantong and Ye Shenyue a little puzzled. They should not have made the mistake of covering up!

"It's actually a vehicle of Sima Heavy Industry!"

Of course, Ye Shenyue didn't understand the car logo, but Tiantong understood it very well. He pointed directly at the car logo on the approaching car, and the doubts in his eyes naturally became heavier!

"The Son of Heaven is here!"

With a loud shout from the ceremonial officer, Ye Shenyue and Tina hurriedly bowed their heads to welcome the Son of Heaven, but when Son of Heaven appeared in front of Ye Shenyue.There was an old man beside him!

"President Sima!"

Ye Shenyue and Tiantongmu were even more amazed in unison, only to find that the Son of Heaven actually walked over this President Sima's arm!

Chapter 0131 Sima Weizhi's face

"Two, what's the matter? Are you surprised? In fact, there are even more surprises!"

Walking down the steps with Son of Heaven, President Sima let go of Son of Heaven's hand, then turned to one side, and behind him appeared a bejeweled beauty in a kimono!

"Sima Weiwei?"

Ye Shenyue looked at it for a long time, only to realize that the white foundation on her face was painted almost like a ghost, it was actually Sima Weizhi!

"Junior tributary! You still remember me! I'm so happy!"

The blood-red lips moved, and Sima Weizhi's appearance immediately shocked Yeshenyue and Tiantongmu!

"Sister Sima? Is it really you?"

Tina obviously hadn't reacted from the shock. It took a long time to hold her doll and asked timidly. It can't be said that Tina was afraid, mainly because the innocent girl who used to hold an iron fan suddenly dressed like a geisha. Tina couldn't react for a while!

"Of course! Isn't Little Tina shocked?"

Sima Weizhi seemed to have reacted from the torment in his heart, and immediately took out his iron fan, it seemed that he was about to perform a Noh drama!

"Okay, alright! The little girl was excited when she saw her old friend, please don't blame the two generals! Let's do this, let's go to the official residence with Lord Saint Son of Heaven. I believe there must be a lot of things to say between us!"

President Sima commanded everything around him like a domineering guest, and Ye Shenyue's eyes were completely split when he saw Ye Shenyue.I don't know what to say, but I feel that the smile of the Son of Heaven is indeed a bit silly!

"All right!"

Tiantongmu didn't think so much. Anyway, he had too many questions about President Sima and Sima Heavy Industry!


Ye Shenyue didn't think so much. With the intelligence of the Son of Heaven, it should be something that really changed her attitude towards President Sima so much. Ye Shenyue felt that it would be better to just wait and see!

"Okay, I think we all met in my office this afternoon, and we are all old acquaintances. Of course, these young people are my saviors! So, let's just Open the skylight and speak eloquently. If you have any questions, if I have already told the Son of Heaven, let the Son of Heaven tell you later! I will only answer the things that I have not yet explained to the Son of Heaven!"

President Sima didn't even bother to drink his saliva, so he started talking nonstop while sitting in his seat, and the Son of Heaven next to him nodded his head and said a few "um", and it was over!

"I'll come first! What's wrong with the Son of Heaven! Why are you so lacking in spirit?"

Tiantongmu looked at the old man in front of him even more puzzled. Why was the Son of Heaven so uninspired when he came back after going out for a while?

"Because I'm thinking about how our new Tokyo will take Osaka without a single soldier!"

The Son of Heaven, who had been keeping his head down, suddenly raised his head, and there was a strange brilliance in his eyes, as if he had received a dose of stimulant!

"Uh, we won't listen to this military plan! Since Lord Sage is fine, I'll ask! Is this thing used by the Osaka government?"

She also brought over the blueprints she drew. Ye Shenyue did not expect it to come in handy so quickly. Of course, the reaction of the Son of Heaven made Ye Shenyue feel that all the questions she had raised before, Sima Heavy Industry used a set to listen to. Sounds like a reasonable explanation!

"Of course! This is the most important part of our operation! I just don't know, as a tributary of Osaka people, Yagami-sama, what does it mean to ask this question?"

Playing with his pipe, the old man seemed to be talking casually, but the guards behind him started to draw their guns one by one!

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