"Put down your guns, there is no doubt about the loyalty of the tributaries to New Tokyo!"

Waving at his subordinates, the Son of Heaven continued to fall into contemplation. Although he didn't understand what the Son of Heaven looked like, Ye Shenyue nodded lightly, which at least showed that Son of Heaven's consciousness was normal!

"Hahaha! Let me just say it! Girl! The Son of Heaven must have a lot of trust in the tributaries. So, under the auspices of the Son of Heaven, the two of you will definitely be able to get back together!"

President Sima was slightly taken aback.Immediately after that, he patted the shoulders of Sima Weizhi, who had been silent for a while, which relieved the somewhat tense atmosphere!

"I don't know how the president knew that I was from Osaka?"

Ye Shenyue won't be led by President Sima at this moment. No matter what, this guy is one of the potential stumbling blocks for her to change the world. She must not be dismissed by such a few words!

"Uh, of course I heard this!"

I didn't expect Ye Shenyue to ask this question. Although her daughter has already put her head down, of course a father can't say that his daughter was forced to ask it by himself!

"Okay! It seems that President Sima can take time out of his busy schedule to pay attention to me as a nobody. I'm very pleased! Anyway, we have no problem! The president should also go back and hurry up to implement the plans made by the Son of Heaven and you. The military plan to occupy Osaka without a single soldier!"

Ye Shenyue squinted her eyes and issued an expulsion order for the Holy Son of Heaven!It made the guards next to him look dumbfounded!This is obviously the official residence of the Son of Heaven!How come two guys who came over to see him order this and that?

"I have a question!"

At the moment when President Sima was embarrassed, Tina suddenly stood up, pointed at Sima Weizhi's face and said, "Grandpa, can you tell me why Sister Sima put on such a thick foundation? How do I feel? What is this covering up? Can you ask Sister Sima to wipe off the foundation on her face?"

When Tina said this, Ye Shenyue felt doubtful for a while, and then she carefully looked at Sima Weizhi's face with her own perspective. Although Sima Weizhi had lowered her head deeply, but Ye Shenyue still saw the intricate little scars hidden under the foundation!

"Bastard! Have you disfigured Sima Weizhi!"

Ye Shenyue can no longer tolerate this sane bastard sitting on top of her!He was able to attack his own daughter!Are such people still human?

"This has nothing to do with my father!"

Sima Weizhi suddenly raised his head, a line of clear tears slowly turned into a turbid stream on his face, and then he picked up his iron fan and stood up.

"This is my struggle! Don't misunderstand my father!"

After he finished speaking, he left the living room alone, leaving behind a room of people who were dumbfounded!

Chapter 0132 Whitewashing grievances?

"It seems that we have a deep misunderstanding!"

President Sima sighed softly, and then left with his bodyguard, leaving Shenyue and the others in the room for a night!

"You all go out!"

The Son of Heaven raised his head and looked at his guards. The performance of these guards today did not seem to satisfy her!


The Zicun guard quickly let his companions go out, and closed the door directly, and then stood happily behind the Son of Heaven, looking at He Yeshenyue with suspicious eyes!

"You go out too!"

The Son of Heaven seems to be very tired, and he doesn't even bother to ask for his honorary title!He gave an order to the Zicun guard officer directly, and then poured himself a glass of water and drank it!

"Uh, the head of state, that tributary, Yashenyue, is from Osaka!"


Zicun just wanted to remind Sheng Tianzi that he was doing it for his own good, but he was yelled out by Lord Sheng Tianzi!

"The head of state has a good temper!"

Ye Shenyue took the cup and poured herself a glass of water. The water here is specially supplied, and there is no need to worry about being contaminated by coelenterates. Therefore, Ye Shenyue is still very envious of the Son of Heaven. If the Son of Heaven is pregnant someday Then, because of drinking water containing coelenterate genes, a cursed child was born. The world's attitude towards cursed children is expected to be a little better!

"The meeting with Chairman Sima was very effective, to the point of shocking me. Are you willing to listen? It will be very long!"

Drink a glass of water in one go!The Son of Heaven looked extremely embarrassed, and Ye Shenyue didn't have to think about it to know that this girl must have been stimulated by something!

"Let's talk about that weird plan to occupy Osaka without a single soldier! It seems that this plan made President Sima your guest!"

Ye Shenyue also drank the water in her hand, what happened tonight?This is very important to Ye Shenyue. When President Sima took the Son of Heaven out of the car, Ye Shenyue felt that she was being deceived!The reason why Ye Shenyue is still willing to stay here is that Ye Shenyue just wants to make sure that the Son of Heaven is under any threat!

"Indeed! I admit that I got a good answer to my question tonight. He explained all our doubts about him, and of course, he also indicated a clear path for me. I plan to take any hope in Meiyuou. Take the risk, I think that's it!"

The Son of Heaven was frank. After nodding to Ye Shenyue, he stood up, refreshed himself, and said, "What time are you going to go home? This way I can control the amount of information I say. To be honest, I The first thing I found was that thinking was a very laborious thing, not to mention that Chairman Sima was obviously testing my IQ, so I actually ate very little at night!"

Saint Tenko said softly, and then began to draw a map on the whiteboard behind him, of course, the map of Osaka!

"We can go back anytime! Tell as much as you can!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Son of Heaven calmly. From her eyes, Ye Shenyue clearly saw a hint of disappointment. Maybe Son of Heaven felt that she should tell her story this afternoon in a time and space where time stood still, but Ye Shenyue clearly saw a trace of disappointment in her eyes. I feel that I have been still for a long time today, especially when I am protecting my children, the moment I use is extraordinarily long, Ye Shenyue knows that nothing good will happen like this!

"Okay! First of all, we are talking about the problem of the megalithic monument. First, the megalithic monument needs to be maintained. This chairman Sima has already introduced it to me, and I can tell you bluntly, according to the chairman of the board of directors Sima. Said that the ones that hurt Lan Yuan today are precious maintenance materials, its refining is as complicated as making a megalithic monument, and there are not many left!"

The Son of Heaven finished the question first. Seeing that Ye Shenyue had no response, he could only continue to talk with moisturizing his throat with water. Of course, he explained why the giant stone tablet could not be manufactured after leaving Mr. Zichuan. Of course, the craftsmanship is still there In Mr. Zichuan's mind, Sima Heavy Industry only purchases and processes it. As for how it was made, President Sima does not know!

Although Tina and Tiantongmu asked a few questions in the middle, the Son of Heaven answered the original words of President Sima, and it sounds like this megalithic tablet is really not easy to use!

... "The second question is about superstition when you and Miss Tiantong went to visit President Sima today. As for this issue, President Sima said very clearly, that is, he didn't think of the Osaka plan at the time. That’s why I feel very pessimistic, as for the superstition issue, I’m sorry, after I heard him say too many things like the Five Elements and gossip, I also determined that this person has a lot of research on Feng Shui, that’s all!”

The Son of Heaven casually repeated what the professional order of gold, wood, water, fire and soil should be knowledge of wood, fire, soil, gold and water. The three Yeshenyue, who had no research on this thing at all, even disarmed and surrendered, and then began to listen carefully to the Son of Heaven. Explanation on that Occupy Osaka!

"Because our home can't be saved! So, when Chairman Sima started to work paperless today, he found that these small projectors were indeed supplied to Osaka, and then he thought that Osaka had purchased a large number of those machines! So That's the plan!"

The Son of Heaven nodded to the blueprint on Ye Shenyue's hand, and admitted that the appearance of the blueprint made Son of Heaven believe what President Sima said. Obviously, President Sima's words made Son of Heaven preconceived and felt that President Sima was on his side. of!

"What about the specific plan?"

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