Ye Shenyue digged and finally got the tachi with an unusually smooth curve that he thought was lost.

The knife was drawn out of its sheath, a faint silver flash.

"Natural teeth?" The girls were curious.

"Well, I'm not boasting about Fei Ju, this knife is a lot more powerful than your An Gangyuan..." Ye Shenyue grabbed the handle of the knife and slashed fiercely, but it was in the direction of Jing Shuijiu.

"Young Master, what are you doing, didn't you say you won't kill Jing Shui Jiu?"

Fei Ju hurriedly came to Jing Shuijiu and blocked Ye Shenyue's attack with An Gang's scabbard. She didn't draw her sword, and she never would. How could she draw a sword against her own young master's man?

But seeing Ye Shenyue's move to cut Jing Shuijiu, Feiju resisted, and looked at Ye Shenyue carefully to see if he was being controlled.

She had heard of some very powerful knives that could control the user and drive the user mad.And now the young master suddenly wants to kill Jing Shui Jiu, is he also mad?

"That's right, Yue, although I don't like them very much, but I don't need to kill her." Rinko also helped.

Ye Shenyue has always dealt with monsters by peaceful means, but suddenly wanting to kill monsters makes Rinko uncomfortable, and more importantly, still water has grown so kawaii for a long time, it is a pity to kill them.As for the spider spirit that appeared in the school at the beginning, Rinko completely ignored it. It looks so scary that it has done countless bad things, killing it and killing it.

A girl's heart is really simple.

Only Ming Xiayu, who was tied into a zongzi, felt dark in his heart. Sure enough, Gui Zhan Yao was about to start killing monsters?Finally exposed his dark heart!

Yes, when Feiju said she wanted to kill Ming Xiayu, Yeshenyue stood in front of her to stop Feiju, saying that shemales can get along with each other.

If it's just this stupid remark, she still has nothing to complain about, but she can't pretend that she didn't hear the last sentence "I don't want Feiju to get his hands dirty", it's really hateful, what does dirty hands mean to kill her? ?

Where is she dirty!

unacceptable!Obviously he went to take a shower last night!

As for Shaye, hmph, as long as she doesn't kill her sister Feiju, she doesn't care. Anyway, she's not familiar with Jingshui for a long time.Wen is hiding behind Saya to see how things develop.

"Stupid cat, get out of the way. I said that if Yue wanted to abandon me, he would abandon me. Now even if he wants to kill me, it is voluntary. No complaints or regrets!"

Jing Shuijiu's hand did not know where the strength came from, and he slapped Feiju abruptly, took two steps forward, and looked at Ye Shenyue.

The eyes are beautiful wine red, and the look is very determined.It looks like it's all about to die.

At this time, Fei Ju, who was slapped away, stopped talking. This was Jing Shuijiu's choice. She really couldn't intervene.

At this time, Ye Shenyue raised the knife, and at a slow and slow speed, it went from top to bottom, starting from the beginning, and slashed towards Jingshui for a long time.

Jing Shui didn't dodge for a long time, and slowly closed his eyes.

Some Rinko silently closed her eyes, she did not dare to see this tragedy.

The cat gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.


It was the loud noise of the knife touching the ground.

Ye Shenyue held the natural teeth, and the knife fell from Jing Shuijiu's head from top to bottom.

And Jing Shui Jiu didn't disappear because he was chopped off, he still stood, still maintaining the look of dying indifferently.

, "Huh? Impossible! What's going on?" Ming Xiayu stared blankly and muttered.This is not only her doubts but also the doubts of everyone present.

How can a knife cut a person in half without hurting him?

In their eyes now, Jing Shui Jiu still remains the same, and it doesn't look like something is happening no matter what.

Didn't the knife just cut off?But at this time the knife has fallen to the ground!

How is it possible, what is going on here! !

" you need to be so terrified? I just want to confirm that this knife of mine can't kill people, it won't hurt people at all. If you don't believe me..."

Almost everyone looked at him as if they had seen a ghost, and Ye Shenyue hurriedly continued to demonstrate. He had already tried it. Not only can he not kill, but he can't even hurt, because its function is to save people.

The reason why I have to cut the still water for a long time is that I just want to perform directly to attract more attention.

So cute loli, how could he be willing to hurt?

Ye Shenyue held the knife in her right hand and slashed her left hand violently, just like chopping vegetables, one knife and two knifes, several in a row, when the knife touched his body, it was like turning into a soul, directly from his body. Passed through the arm without any damage.

Sure enough, it's a knife that can't hurt.

Ye Shenyue stuck her natural teeth on the ground, but hugged Jing Shui Jiu like a child, "Little fool, why are you so stupid that you really let me cut? If this is a real knife, you still have to hang up. It's gone!"

Ye Shenyue vigorously kissed Jing Shui Jiu's fair and lovely face. Jing Shui Jiu was so good. Without any explanation, he stood there unprepared and cut him without any complaints.

I really gave my whole heart to him.

How could he not feel sorry for such a girl?

"You are the only one who can kill me in this world."

Jing Shui Jiu accepted Ye Shenyue's kiss and hugged him tightly, which scared her just now, but now her heart is still thumping.

But she was telling the truth. If Ye Shenyue really wanted to kill her, she would not resist...

She couldn't bar her fangs at him.

"Hold me tight...the hug of rebirth after comfortable to say."

Although it is to tell Ye Shenyue to hold her tightly.But Loli hugged him tightly... How should I put it, her arm was not long enough, it seemed that she deliberately stretched her arm with her demon power and wrapped Ye Shenyue around.

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