"Cough, cough... The warm drama fades away..." Fei Ju was also taken aback, and her heart finally calmed down, but she still felt very uncomfortable watching her young master and the water demon stage a warm drama in front of her. of.

He quickly pulled away a certain water demon who took the opportunity to "show affection" with Ye Shenyue.

The cat is still jealous.

"Yue, since you said that this knife can't hurt people, then its function is..."

As a childhood sweetheart, Rinko also helped the cat to change the topic, oh no, in fact, it was actually diverting Ye Shenyue's attention, but she couldn't continue to hold the water demon, she had never been treated like this.

Rinko, who pursed her lips, quickly received the cat's admiring look.


How could Yagami Yue not know about Rinko and Cat's little tricks?Ignoring them for now, Ye Shenyue pulled out the knife again, took a fancy to an ant on the ground, stepped on it, and the ant died immediately.

But he grabbed his natural teeth and slashed at the ants on the ground. The ants that were supposed to be motionless climbed up swayingly, but they were slow at first and quickly ran away. It seems that the speed is even faster than the beginning.

Is this... a resurrection?

Everyone opened their mouths wide.

This is fake!

"It's true, it can't be true anymore." This is the natural tooth that Alaya trained with part of the zombie ability he acquired in the zombie world. If the products made by God are useless, let Alaya Rye find a piece of tofu and mutilate himself.

"A knife with resurrection ability!"

This is natural teeth!

Crazy knife!Who doesn't want to live forever?

With this knife, anything is possible!

Hang up and then chop it with a knife, it will be resurrected immediately, endless life!

"Young Master, these two monsters know such important secrets, what should we do with them?" Feiju's face was serious, An Gang was already unsheathed, and the sharp blade was tightly pressed against Ming Xiayu's neck. As long as he exerts a little more force, he can cut Ming Xiayu's neck.

Feiju's worries are not unreasonable. As long as the news that the young master has a sword that can resurrect people is spread out, it will definitely cause an uproar, and not only monsters but also people will come to surround and kill the young master.

She didn't think they could resist so many monsters and humans!

The people present are my own family members. If it can't be spread out, the only ones who will be spread out are...

Ming Xiayu and Shasha are two strange monsters!

Feiju deliberately wanted to destroy these two dangerous guys.

"They...don't worry, we can tie them to the same boat with us, as long as we become our own, then...we can't escape even if we are attacked!"

Ye Shenyue walked towards Ming Xia Yu step by step, with a terrifying smile on her face in Ming Xia Yu's eyes, it was an evil smile.

The glances that swept away seemed to fall on all parts of her body, and there was nothing to block, as if even the soul was shown to the other party.

The rebellious Ming Xiayu felt... scared.

Chapter 0027 Capture two pets (2 more monthly tickets)

"Young Master, how do you want to subdue them?"

After Ye Shenyue expressed her thoughts, Fei Ju asked such a sensible question, and it was just such a question, which became the current situation.

In a dark and dark room, under a huge boom, there are two people hanging like rice dumplings.

One has shoulder-length hair and the other is pink.

The two have the same characteristic, they are both hung up and can't escape no matter how much they move.

This can be regarded as punishment for their crime of attacking Yagami Yue.And the room was also named "Punishment Cabin". Only the extremely sensitive Saya quickened her pace as she passed by this room. It seemed that she remembered some unbearable past, and her buttocks still seemed to be aching.

And Jing Shui's eyes staring at Ye Shenyue for a long time made him even more ashamed. He really didn't have that tendency, he just wanted these two monsters to surrender and become his pets.

The so-called involving them is to take them as pets. As long as they become pets, Feiju can use secret techniques to make a contract between their souls and his, giving them a barrier and they must not leak their secrets.

Although it is good to cut it with a knife, Ye Shenyue is a person who loves fragrance and jade, and it is a pity that the two beauties died like that.

Jing Shui Jiu, who was not aware of the situation, glanced at Ye Shenyue one more time. She once asked him about his relationship with Yokai 06. At that time, he replied, "Don't kill monsters indiscriminately." Now, it seems that he has done it.

Of course, this is unknown, Himari and Rinko once thought that someone was attracted to the beauty of a certain monster.For example, what Rinko is more concerned about is a certain Flying Fate Demon's Opie, Oupie or something, this monster actually has big breasts, so how can she live with it!

She remembered Jing Shui Jiu's evaluation of her.

"Take them as pets!"

This is what I said to Feiju and the others. Of course, the truth is that these two monsters are still good looking, and the training and training seem to be good... Cough, I have gone too far, in fact, Ye Shenyue is not worried about the natural teeth. The news of the fiend was spread out. He has Feiju, a powerful weapon, and even the strongest being, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, can be wiped out. What is he afraid of?

But now, the first priority is to train these two ignorant monsters first!

Ye Shenyue walked into the "punishment hut" Shasha also woke up.Now staring at him with wide eyes.

Well, it is indeed staring, not Ming Xiayu's staring.

The appetizing aroma of rice wafted into the nose, and Shasha was already struggling to slide towards Yeshenyue.


Shasha's voice is still cute.The face is also very cute.Although half strands of long powder blue hair cover half of his face, some fleshy faces are still very cute.

Moreover, she was still working hard and looked really hungry.

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