A piece of shrapnel made by myself, even Tina feels that it belongs to Osaka, so there is no problem. I don't want to tell my children that I am God, otherwise, these children will definitely keep a distance from me. Yes, after all, whoever sees God will not feel fear!

"Let's take it back and test it!"

Tiantongmu didn't think much about it, but just thought this thing was very strange, why Ye Shenyue didn't say anything along the way, but she took this thing out now, isn't she enough to make Ye Shenyue trust her?But thinking that he suddenly suspected Ye Shenyue just now, Tiantongmu was relieved. It seems that the two of them will have a good chat when they go back tonight!

"It's almost Osaka!"

The Son of Heaven did not say that everyone should go back and test this thing, because Son of Heaven suddenly remembered that Osaka has a very good relationship with a country in the southern hemisphere, especially the trade relationship. !

"How to say?"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly turned her head to look at the Son of Heaven. Obviously, she had already made Son of Heaven think of something. As long as there is one day between countries, there will be a day of battles. Now, in the predicament of New Tokyo, does Osaka know? Ye Shenyue has no way of knowing!

"I know that there is a country in the southern hemisphere called Uruguay. This country has this poison dart frog, and it has a good relationship with Osaka. Therefore, this poison at least came to Honshu through Osaka, otherwise no country would Let Uruguay's goods pass through customs without inspection!"

The Son of Heaven firmly judged where these curares came from, and the rest of the people were silent. In any case, Osaka has always been the number one country to assassinate Son of Heaven, two countries that want to unify Honshu Island. Naturally there will be a lot of friction!

"Then are we going to negotiate with Osaka?"

As one of the killers who once came to assassinate the Son of Heaven, Tina was still a little embarrassed at this time, but fortunately everyone didn't look at her in a strange way, but thought about this issue very seriously. Better to focus on the bigger picture!

"Tomorrow I will let the Tendo Consultant negotiate. After all, we can only urge Osaka to increase the scrutiny of these two things, but we can't accuse Osaka of it!"

Son of Heaven is also someone who has experienced countless assassinations. He is very clear about what kind of answer he will get with such evidence, and then he instructed the head guard to prepare a room for Ye Shenyue and the others!

"Tina! Go back and explain to everyone that the vice-captain and I will not go back! Don't let the children worry about us!"

Although I really wanted to go back by myself, but knowing that Tina and Tiantong definitely felt that they couldn't do it, Ye Shenyue simply told Tina to go back. As a result, the little girl looked quite cute and had a lot of heart...

"Then what's the difference between you and big sister here? The assassins are here, and you can't protect the Son!"

After Tina said this, Tiantong Mugeng, who only played guns, was speechless for a while, but instinctively took out his two guns and showed them to show that his marksmanship was invincible, and then used his first discovery. The snipers insisted on staying here, while Ye Shenyue could only use the handsome man she was good at!

"Good Tina! You're so kind, to think that big brother is very hard here, but don't worry, with big brother's brain, there will definitely not be any problems for Lord Saint Son of Heaven. Don't forget that big brother was in the most At the moment of crisis, choose the right way to deal with it!"

After that, let Tina go back alone!And although Tina was still uneasy in her heart, it was not easy to think about the big brother, so she went back to inform everyone, and everyone was worried about themselves!

"Oh! Tina is such a good boy!"

Ye Shenyue felt really warm in her heart when she was cared for, so she looked out the window and sighed, while Tiantongmu next to her was also looking at the sky, but her eyes kept peeking at Ye Shenyue, as if she wanted to say something!

"Aren't you two cold on the balcony?"

Seeing Tiantong Mugeng's hair being blown apart by the evening wind, although it looks like a waterfall, it also shows how strong the wind is outside. Sheng Tianzi couldn't help but sigh with emotion while holding his thermos. It can be seen that there is a grudge in my heart!

"Uh, it's okay, just right!"

Ye Shenyue immediately heard the teasing in the words of the Son of Heaven, and then smiled slightly, and made up a reason casually.

"Me too! Nothing! It's very comfortable!"

Not to be outdone, Tiantongmu waved his arms, then curled his body, followed by curiously asking: "Did you think I was going too far?"

"What's too much?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head gently, and she could clearly see the mirror image of Tiantong Mugeng's heart, and Tiantong didn't have any palace, so he naturally showed all his thoughts in his mind!

"That's right, I suspect you are poisoned..."

Tiantongmu's voice was getting smaller and smaller.It's so small that I feel like I can only hear it, this matter is really shameful, and I actually doubt Ye Shenyue!It's really frustrating!

"Hehe, this matter, it's alright, I know that some people will speculate wildly after they have no clue, as long as they can give a reasonable explanation!"

Ye Shenyue waved her hand gently, and then left the inner balcony. Since Tiantongmu sincerely apologized to herself, she naturally forgave her. Without a broad mind, who would become a god?

"Uh... do you mean that you have forgiven me?"

Tiantongmu also turned around, always feeling that many things are uncertain, just like Ye Shenyue, he has never given this person an accurate label!

Chapter 0136 Boring Night

"This is your room!"

The door opened gently, but Zicun's guard's expression was still stern, as if Ye Shenyue owed him money!

"Thank you!"

Knowing that people are a little nervous, Ye Shenyue didn't care too much. If they were troubled by everything, people would have gone crazy!

"Okay! Here's the key! Take it!"

Throwing the key on the table casually, Zimura left from the temporary room of Yashenyue, and in the room of Tentong Mugeng on the other side!A female guard humbly opened the room and gave the key to Tiantong Mugeng, but when he was leaving, Tiantongmu suddenly remembered something and called the female bodyguard!

"Excuse me, why does your guard eldest son village seem a little disgusted with our guard captain this afternoon!"

Tiantong Mugeng's words didn't make sense, but the female guard understood, she smiled helplessly, then sat beside the bed and shook her head and said, "Actually, that's because our chief guard is more upright, today. We have all heard the rumor that the Son of Heaven established your direct guards to disband our guards, probably because the cursed sons had to have a promoter to be a legitimate existence, and now the cursed sons are in your captain's guard You are already an independent resident of this country with your hard work, so it is only possible for the children of your direct guard to defend the Son of Heaven. Naturally, we are all worried!"

The words of the female bodyguard completely made Tiantongmu even more speechless. First, he suppressed the resentment in his heart!Tiantongmu said in a more calm tone: "Who spread this shameless rumor? Our guards were formed to resist those invading coelenterates!"

Tiantong Mugeng's words became louder and louder, so frightened the female guard quickly closed the door, and then said softly: "You don't need to say it, we all know that you are righteous, but the heart of our captain is actually the same for everyone. If you say that your guards exist to resist coelenterates, is there still a threat of coelenterates? You still go in and out of the mansion of the Son of Heaven so frequently, it is normal for our captain of the guard to be a little worried, after all, he sat on the The position of the captain of the guard is more than a week..."

The female guard said apologetically that she couldn't drink Tiantongmu, and then left Tiantongmu's room, leaving Tiantongmu to rest in the room alone!

"These people! They are actually worried about this. I should have practiced and improved myself if I knew earlier!"

Tiantongmu became more and more angry, and finally yelled at the window, then turned off the light and went to sleep.And this loud roar made Ye Shenyue feel relieved for a while. There are still straightforward people in this world.

"The night of human beings is always the most difficult. How many people toss and turn at this time? How many people burst into tears when no one is there? When others are there, people are in one state, and when they are not, they are in another state. Another state, who deceived whom?"

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