Ye Shenyue looked at the scenery outside the window, and felt the great power of power for the first time, and said nothing else.This geographical location alone, whether it is the coelenterates that suddenly appeared from the river or the army of coelenterates glaring outside the walls, is far enough away from here, but the ports that can escape, etc., are very far away from this. close!But there is also a mountain ridge, and one can only escape from the middle of the tunnel here. Who has such unique conditions?

"Osaka? This place has been mentioned so many times, what kind of place will it be?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a burst of curiosity. At night, Ye Shenyue is always the most difficult. Of course, Ye Shenyue had just stopped time, and then went back to the hotel to see how the children were doing. After the news of not going back, these children began to sleep under the leadership of their respective detachment leaders, and they were all so well behaved. When Ye Shenyue was moved, she drew a circle around the place and followed closely. After erasing Tina's memory, they tucked the quilts for the children one by one, and came back!

"Idle is also idle, go and see!"

Yashenyue simply planned to go to Osaka to see it. It was considered to have survived this boring night. She did what she said. By the way, Yashenyue drew a circle around this place and left. As long as outsiders entered, night Shenyue will be reminded, and she will be handy when she comes back to clean up the situation. After Yashenyue is fully prepared, she will fly over to Osaka on the map!

Of course, except when she left, Ye Shenyue made time stand still for a while. The rest of the time, Ye Shenyue made time pass very quickly. After all, nothing should happen this night!

"Wow, this is Osaka!"

When Ye Shenyue saw a silvery glittering area from the sky, Ye Shenyue landed. After leaving the boundary of New Tokyo, Ye Shenyue saw countless coelenterates occupying the entire continent, leaving the middle The forests, rivers and lakes in the area are quiet, and there is no trace of human development at all. Only when you go west, did you discover this light belt!

"Hello sir? Are you planning to take a tour?"

A guy in a puppet costume suddenly jumped up in front of Yeshenyue, and immediately presented a poster in front of Yeshenyue!

"Uh, your place doesn't seem suitable for me to go to!"

Looking at the turtles, crocodiles and other things above, Ye Shenyue suddenly understood why this guy came to this bustling central street to attract customers!This cold-blooded animal, who would have nothing to see?

"No no no! Boy, this thing will be very suitable for you to see, you don't think these animals are very cold-blooded, but our animal trainers are very hot! Do you know..."

Before this guy could finish speaking, Ye Shenyue knew what he was going to say, and without saying a word, he just walked away and kicked this shameless businessman into the sky!

"I am a dignified gentleman, but I would be entangled by such a person. What a sweeping sweep!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the guy who was mentioned to outer space by her own kick, and thought bitterly...

Turning around, Ye Shenyue walked to the big screen on Central Street to learn about a country and see what its biggest propaganda agency was doing.

Chapter 0137

"Dear viewers, we all know that an extraordinary story happened in New Tokyo recently, that is, New Tokyo used the blood of the Son of the Cursed to drive away the coelenterates that invaded New Tokyo! The result actually tells us that the Son of the Cursed was unscathed. , I originally planned to hold a celebration party for these survivors today, but perhaps because of their guilty conscience, or because these people discovered their conscience, they acquiesced to our previous speculation! The coelenterates were driven away, and then the [-] or [-] surviving children were forgotten forever. Instead, they felt that they drove the enemy away by themselves! Such a big lie will never happen in Osaka City. of!"

Looking at the dancing host on the square TV screen, talking nonsense to the camera, Ye Shenyue is also drunk, even if these people want to eliminate their fears, they don't need to slander their children like this, right?Didn't they see there was a live broadcast?

Just when the question in Ye Shenyue's heart arose, sure enough, the host answered the question in Ye Shenyue's heart, of course, in a more bloody way!

"Look! This is the so-called live broadcast of NHK TV at that time. Although this reporter named Ye Yang used a very immersive language to create a real feeling for us, as long as people have a little thinking, they will find that this reporter In the shot, it was always blocked by the coelenterates in the sky, although they deliberately arranged a so-called sniper to shoot those coelenterates, but the little space that leaked out, as long as people with a little computer technology You can see it! That's from PS!"

| Having said that, the host began to use various boring methods, and the so-called experts began to evaluate the authenticity of the video. Naturally, from a professional perspective, the children's heroic deeds were bred into a show, by the way. Yes, and endless digs at the government and army of New Tokyo!

"These guys! I really owe it to death!"

What Yashenyue watched below was the blue veins throbbing violently. Except for what Yashenyue agreed with when they teased the new Tokyo government, Yashenyue would not agree with any of the rest!

"What did you say?"

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and just happened to be overheard by a man who looked like a policeman, and walked over with a baton, looking very bad!

"I just said this group of people should be damned!"

Ye Shenyue pointed at several so-called experts on the TV screen and the schadenfreude host, her anger could no longer be contained!Naturally, he will not be polite to this person. He is just an ordinary person. Will he take it seriously?

"Oh? Can you tell me why they should die? Is it because you are not from Osaka?"

The policeman held his baton, put it lightly on his hand and hit it slowly. As soon as he finished speaking, a few guys who looked like gangsters surrounded him with cigarettes in their mouths, looking very presumptuous!

"As far as I know, smoking is not allowed in this place. That huge warning sign was made by your Osaka Police Department, don't you know?"

Ye Shenyue didn't react at all, she was just a few clowns jumping on the beam, just moved her fingers and cleaned it up!

"Hehe, boy! You are quite observant, I just smoked, what are you doing to me? Smoking is harmful to health! Could it be that you are a pregnant woman? Besides, what about a pregnant woman? Who knows if it will be? A dead pervert with red eyes was born!"

The gangster headed directly slammed the cigarette butt on Yagami's feet!He looked extremely arrogant, and he even shrugged shoulders with the policeman with a baton. The pedestrians next to him saw the situation and left at the fastest speed. Their eyes looked at Ye Shenyue with a lot of expression. pity!

"What did you say just now? What kind of child is a pervert? Say it again!"

Ye Shenyue's figure didn't even move, and her eyes were even more indifferent when she looked at this ruffian. This scum has the face to say that those lovely cursed children are perverts?It seems that the world has no idea what is black and what is white!

"I said the damn perverts who were cursed! What's the matter? Could it be that you are with them? Ouch! I forgot! Don't you speak Tokyo dialect? Look at my memory! New Tokyo has passed. What bird act says those kids are as stupid as everyone else? You seem to be a good law-abiding citizen!"

... ·The ruffian arrogantly lit another cigarette, and what he said was even more courting death!

"That's it! It looks like Piggy from New Tokyo! My family is almost finished! I'm still here to be arrogant!"

The ruffian's companion is still a ruffian, and what he said is still so disgusting!It makes me want to vomit, and of course it also makes people think of a lot of things that should not be thought of!

"You! Show your ID! Hurry up!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue didn't respond for a long time, this shameless policeman thought that Ye Shenyue was frightened, and pointed his baton directly at Ye Shenyue's head, as if he would smash the head accidentally!

"This world is indeed full of scum! When the police and the ruffians call themselves brothers, they lose the need to exist! Do you have parents or relatives?"

Ye Shenyue gently peeled off the police baton in front of her, and then said these words in a cold tone. Since the beginning of this world, lovely children have used their unique love to treat Ye Shenyue to this. The prejudice of the world is trying to reverse, and when she is with the children, Ye Shenyue will also imagine that the whole thing is like this, but obviously, these scumbags use their actions to tell Ye Shenyue that they think too much!

"Bastard! What did you say!"

The leading ruffian suddenly understood that Ye Shenyue was insulting himself, and immediately kicked Ye Shenyue's collarbone!


Without waiting for that dirty foot to come over, Yashin Yue directly bent his knee at a [-]-degree angle, and then the sky above Osaka's commercial street was filled with screams like killing pigs!

"And you!"

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