At this moment, Ye Shenyue was like a murderer, and rushed directly to the middle of the group of people, hitting them from top to bottom, followed by rushing over, and brought the group of guys flying in the air. One kick, and then a little bit of darkness appeared in the starry sky.

"It's a spoiler!"

Originally, Yagami, who had planned to experience Osaka's folklore here, could only take advantage of the chaos to leave here and walk to a high ground!At this time, on a river far away from Osaka, a few old men who were fishing suddenly saw a few black shadows falling from the river, and they suddenly came to their senses, thinking that the big fish had been hooked!

0138 Osaka's Decorations

"Osaka City Council? It seems that this is the center of power in Osaka!"

Ye Shenyue felt that she had come to know about Osaka this night. Since she came to Osaka, it should be necessary to come to the power center here, so Ye Shenyue flew in directly and saw that several rooms were still in the air. There was a light flashing, and the members of the assembly here were suddenly lifted up very hard. Unlike the New Tokyo Parliament, those members disappeared except for the meeting!

"who are you?"

Ye Shenyue had just bypassed the guard and entered this place when she heard the voice of an old man in the darkness in the distance, but it sounded a little weak, but Ye Shenyue was not worried that this old man was the same as those shameless policemen Bad for yourself!

"I'm here to visit the Osaka Council!"

Ye Shenyue naturally won't reveal her identity to this old man. Seeing that the old man has been wearing a black robe all his life, it is estimated that he is a left-behind person here!

"Hehe, someone else came to interview the Osaka City Council? You reporter!"

The old man came out of the corner with a small lamp in his hand. If he hadn't observed it carefully, Ye Shenyue would have thought it was something like a child playing with a laser stick!

"Sure enough, an old man with such back ears!"

Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart, since this old man thinks he is a reporter, he just pretends to be a reporter to interview and interview, maybe this will help him better understand the operation mechanism here, maybe one day he will use this place to give Children an equal status too!

"I'm a reporter for New Tokyo NHK TV, I'm Noyang Hirakawa, please give me more advice!"

Ye Shenyue thought about it for a while, and decided to use the name of New Tokyo for the interview, otherwise, Ye Shenyue really didn't know the dialects of other places!

"Okay! It turned out to be from New Tokyo. I said why did you come to interview the parliament! I heard that the parliament came to legislate in your place!"

The old man nodded lightly at Ye Shenyue, then turned around and took Ye Shenyue upstairs, as if he knew what Ye Shenyue was looking for!

"Uh, that's true, isn't it here?"

When seeing the old man talking about the word "parliament", there is always a bleak feeling coming out of his mouth, Ye Shenyue doubts whether this council is a decoration...

"Of course! We are also the power center of the country!"

Although the old man was deaf, he still reacted very quickly ρ After hearing Yagami's questioning, he took Yagami to a small room and began to tell the glorious history of the Osaka Council. I don't like to listen, but I can't stand the old man's ability to talk, so he can only listen and wait for the opportunity to interject!

"Please use tea!"

A man who seemed to be in his [-]s or [-]s walked over from the outside, put a cup of hot tea in front of Yeyoushen, and as he walked, he carefully whispered in Yeshenyue's ear: "No one has been there for three or five years. I came to interview when the lord was away, and the speaker is very excited, you should be tired and listen carefully, you have been imprisoned here for seven or eight years, and the old man still doesn't know the situation outside!"

After saying that, the servant went down, leaving Ye Shenyue looking at the old man in surprise!

"It's probably like this. In the beginning, it was our old people who saved the people on the island of Benzhou. Who would have known that now they are no longer in contact with each other. Is that old guy Tiantong still alive in your place?"

The old man suddenly mentioned the surname Tiantong, Ye Shenyue silently counted the time in her heart, and then nodded affirmatively, as if she was kind and didn't say anything bad about the Tiantong Archon!

"That's good! How could we old people think that the island of Honshu would be divided like this? What a sin!"

The old man sighed at Ye Shenyue. Seeing Ye Shenyue's embarrassed expression, he seemed to understand. He quickly stood up and led Ye Shenyue out!

"Uh, where are you asking me to go?"

Seeing the strength of the old man who climbed the stairs in front of him, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a little scared. This is not played by an expert, right? It looked like he was dying, so why is he so excited to go upstairs now?

"Of course it's where you want to go! The old man has told you so much. If you don't take notes and take pictures, you definitely don't plan to interview me. You definitely plan to see what our parliament is like! No! Problem! Come on!"

Saying that, the old man took out a long rope from his belt. There were naturally many keys on the rope. The most eye-catching one was a red key, and this key opened the door in front of him. A narrow door!

"Come in! Take a look! This is the panorama of our Osaka parliament! I have been researching for so many years! I found that the entire Osaka parliament was photographed from this place, and it looked magnificent!"

The old man was very bold and explained to Ye Shenyue, and Ye Shenyue hurriedly changed a camera when the old man was distracted. No matter what, Ye Shenyue couldn't let the old man find out that he was not a reporter!

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Ye Shenyue was about to pull out the camera to take a few random pictures, the old man suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped in front of Ye Shenyue, then excitedly ran to the rostrum, and then stood in the position of the speaker!

"Look! How's it going? Are you in good spirits? Old man, I organize councils every year!"

After speaking, the old man put on a lecture and asked Yeshenyue to take a few pictures of himself. Although Yeshenyue thought it was really boring, but seeing the old man's innocent smile, Yeshenyue also endured it. I can't stop accommodating the old man. It can be seen that the old man has been very lonely all these years!

"Young man, you've worked hard! Old man, I was also excited at 1.7. To be honest, since the signing of the Supreme Act, my speaker has been a display!"

After Ye Shenyue took the last photo for the old man, the old man suddenly came over and held Ye Shenyue's hand. , But since you know that you are a decoration, why do you still live in your own fantasy?

"What Act?"

Yagami took out a pen and paper from behind. Perhaps, this special act established the political landscape of Osaka today!

"The Supreme Special Act combines the head of state and the consul, and then I become a decoration!"

The old man shrugged and took Ye Shenyue to the elevator downstairs!

Chapter 0139 Accidental Discovery

"The Supreme Act is to temporarily hand over the power of the country to the Supreme Leader when Osaka encounters a crisis. When the crisis in Osaka subsides, it will be returned to the parliament for use. That's the kind of bill!"

The old man handed over a stack of very new documents to Ye Shenyue. The time on it was exactly five years ago. Ye Shenyue looked at it casually and understood why the old man said he was a decoration, although it was said that after the crisis, it would be released. The power is handed over to the parliament, but the power to judge whether the crisis is over is in the hands of the head of state, because the head of state at that time happened to be the consul of Osaka!

"It seems that you have made a mistake and hatred for eternity. I don't need to read what is written on it, I already know what happened to you!"

Ye Shenyue put a stack of paper back in place. It seems that the situation in Osaka at the time no longer allowed the old man to read the terms carefully. From the signature above, it can be seen that the old man was in a hurry!

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