"Yeah! That's why I think it's an honor to be interviewed, even if you're not a reporter at all!"

The old man gently brushed away the tea leaves in the teacup, and then drank the whole cup of tea, leaving only the embarrassed 07 Ye Shenyue standing beside him, not knowing what to do!

"Haha, didn't you expect me, the white-bearded old man, to find your flaws?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue standing beside him, wondering if he wanted to show his IQ, the old man looked at the young man in front of him calmly, as if he was still immersed in the emotion of winning his IQ!

"Since you've seen it all! Then I'm welcome. I hope you can explain to me the current situation in Osaka and the relationship with New Tokyo in the future!"

Yeshenyuexin said that she would not pretend to be surprised, and then discussed with the old man where he had revealed his flaws. Anyway, he was exposed, and these people couldn't do anything about him!

"You're really not a reporter!"

This time, it was the old man's turn to be surprised, he put the teacup in his hand on the table, and stood up in a hurry!

"do not!"

I didn't expect that the old guy's first reaction was to call people, Ye Shenyue was convinced, and she knew that politicians were intriguing, but you don't need to scare yourself like this, you just talked to yourself so calmly, so Start worrying about your own safety in no time!

"Who are you? You let me go!"

Although his mouth was covered, the old man's meaning was still very clear, that is, he was determined not to be captured alive by Ye Shenyue!

"I'm an official in Shin-Tokyo, and I just want to ask about the situation in Osaka, nothing else! Can you calm down, old man! I'm not here to assassinate you!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the old man speechlessly, thinking that your body is still struggling so hard, what would you do if it fell apart later!

"is it?"

The old man took the initiative to break Ye Shenyue's hand and looked at him with a puzzled expression, as if he was glad that he escaped the catastrophe!

"Of course! This is my certificate... um, the letter of appointment! You know, the trust between people is very weak now, and the letter of appointment signed by the head of state is more able to prove my identity!"

Ye Shenyue wanted to show the old man his ID card, but when he thought about it, if it was accidentally remembered by the old man, Osaka would just forge his own ID number and so on, and then he would be unable to guard against it, so why not? This pure Chinese character thing to scare this old thing!

"Oh! You are a major general at a young age! Young people have a bright future!"

Looking at the letter of appointment that Ye Shenyue took out, the doubts between the old man's eyebrows became much less. After all, it is something that can write Chinese characters. From the material to the various details above, it is enough to show that Ye Shenyue's identity is a fake bag. Of course, after questioning Ye Shenyue's identity, the old man was even more strange!

"It says that you were only appointed to this status yesterday morning. Why did you arrive in Osaka tonight? Isn't the sea route in the middle difficult to walk recently?"

After listening to the old man say this, Ye Shenyue realized that she had not been in this position for a long time, and immediately opened her mind and began to frantically search for a reasonable and legal argument. Of course, this type of argument is not difficult to find, Ye Shenyue Quickly remembered!

"I am the direct guard of the head of the Holy Son of Heaven. How can I be compared with those ordinary civilian ships? I have a special passage!"

After Ye Shenyue's explanation, the old man was relieved, and he quickly waved at Ye Shenyue, sighing at his ignorance, and then looked at Ye Shenyue even more puzzled.

"The old man doesn't have any secrets, and your intelligence gathering function will not be so bad that you can learn about the rectification and adjustment made five years ago? Are you also here to escape?"

Hearing the word "fleeing", Yashenyue couldn't help but come to the spirit, even this guy who sits and eats in the parliament every day and waits to die knows that people from New Tokyo will come to escape!Then there must be several famous people who came to flee!

"This, it's true! In fact, I came to escape, and this appointment letter was issued to me by the Lord Saint Son of Heaven. You also know that our new Tokyo is facing the threat of coelenterates, so if I can have it With this position, you will naturally be able to escape to your blessed land as soon as possible! I just don't know, there are those people who came here like me?"

593 "The name this old guy can name must be a very powerful guy. After I go back, I know that those people are targeting us!"

Yashenyue also knew that after she brought her children to save New Tokyo, the congressmen and officials who fled in advance lost their jobs, and their revenge against Yashenyue was also in progress, so Yashenyue also thought about coming to Osaka. To inquire about the intent of the situation!

"Ah, what I said! A few days ago, more than a dozen high-ranking officials and members of your new Tokyo came over and planned to come to my Shimizu Yamen to take a post. Since you want to know who your competitors are, take a good look. Come on! Young man, you have a future, you know that I like reporters, and you use this to please the old man!"

Speaking of this aspect, the old man became very excited, and he didn't notice Ye Shenyue's depressed face dripping out of water at all!

"Which lunatic would come here to compete for parliamentarians!"

While thinking about it, Ye Shenyue really opened the letter of introduction in front of her, and just opened the first letter, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but be stunned!

"Haha, I didn't expect that, there are quite a few people from my Qingshui Yamen who have come to take refuge recently!"

The old man laughed and sat down to drink tea slowly, not seeing Ye Shenyue's gloomy face at all!

Chapter 0140 There are still people!

"Kazuo Funato? Lieutenant Colonel of the New Tokyo Self-Defense Force! Thirty-five years old!"

Ye Shenyue read out the personal introduction of the first letter word by word, and a sincere and patriotic image immediately appeared in her mind!

"What's wrong? Is this Funato Kazuo your political enemy? To tell you the truth! When this guy came, it was specially taken care of by the Osaka government, so I can't help but give face! It seems to have a lot of background, boy You better look at others, maybe you have a chance to attach to me?"

Of course, the old man didn't expect Ye Shenyue's gloomy face at this time because she discovered the name, and thought she saw the enemy, so she gave a few words of relief, and then sat down to drink tea with peace of mind!

"No! I'm leaving! Thank you!"

Ye Shenyue didn't even have the courage to open the letter of introduction below!If you see something like Tiantong and Guang in it, it's really too late to regret it!

"Oh? You gave up so soon? Don't do this, young man. In fact, our parliament is divided into two houses. It's not easy for me to enter the upper house, but you can go to the lower house. It's really not good. This old man can help you. Tell me about the small houses of the various towns in Osaka, there will always be one who lives and lives..."

The old man was talking vigorously, Ye Shenyue snapped her fingers, and then went over to set things up, and then erased the memory of this very talkative old guy!No matter how you explain it, Yagami can't explain what happened to her in Osaka!

"The next one is the one who poured the tea!"

Ye Shenyue turned right when she went out, ran straight to the tea room and rushed over, but she didn't find anyone!


Time stood still again, and Ye Shenyue rushed out directly, and then began to search for all the people in the entire council seat in the dark!

"No! No! Not yet!"

Ye Shenyue even used teleportation, but she still couldn't find the guy who poured tea for her, but went to the monitoring room to destroy her image!All that's left is to start looking for someone who doesn't seem to exist under the Osaka night sky!

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