"Why did that person say to himself that reporters are very welcome by the elderly? Why would he remind a stranger so kindly? Why did he disappear?"

Countless questions lingered in Ye Shenyue's heart, which naturally made Ye Shenyue troubled by thinking for the first time... Just what kind of person would disappear out of thin air?

"Uh! Toilet!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly looked back and saw the entire building with a perspective eye. After passing through several walls in a row, Ye Shenyue could be regarded as discovering the guy who was in the toilet. After the incident, Ye Shenyue came to the front of the toilet very carefully!Looking up, I almost fainted!

"Isn't it! Women's toilet? This dude? Do you want to..."

Ye Shenyue is already out of shape, but in order to erase the traces of her own existence, Ye Shenyue bravely entered!

"Oh! I almost forgot, there are no women in this council, and it's justifiable that the women's toilet is in such a hidden location!"

Only when Ye Shenyue came to this world did she realize that in this standard machismo country, there are very few women participating in politics. Most of the female politicians came to the political arena because of family reasons!

"Nani! What is this guy doing?"

Walking slowly into this guy, Ye Shenyue finally realized what the guy was doing, actually holding something that looked like a signal transceiver, and tapped something similar to a click with his finger. Launch something!

"Let me see what this thing does!"

Ye Shenyue's brain also stores a lot of encyclopedic knowledge of this world. After looking at this thing, Ye Shenyue quickly understands what it is!

"I can't believe it! Even the person serving tea and pouring water beside the Speaker is someone else's agent, so this old guy deserves to be beaten by those bastards!"

After understanding that this thing is a simple telegraph transmitter, Ye Shenyue's position of the speaker of the old man is clearly understood. Every bit of life is under the control of others, how can he play politics with others? game!

"By the way, how much information did this guy send?"

Ye Shenyue looked at this man's nervous appearance, and understood what this guy was going to do.Directly scan the air in front of you to get a lot of information, and then follow this information source to start looking for a place to receive information. During this process, Ye Shenyue certainly did not let time continue to walk!

"Okay! It's here!"

When Ye Shenyue followed the signal in the air and came to a secret warehouse, Ye Shenyue immediately turned on the radio station for sending and receiving messages, and then read all the information inside.

"Fortunately, I found it, otherwise the old man's memory will be erased. These guys have these things in their hands, won't it cause chaos in time and space?"

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and then rearranged the things in the radio station, and then made all the things that had been written on the paper disappear, and after rewriting some irrelevant things on the paper, Ye Shenyue just Go back and delete a little bit of the memory of this guy who eats inside and outside, then packed up and left!

What will happen next in Osaka, Yagami is too lazy to care, it seems that there is still a behind-the-scenes manipulator who is threatening the new Tokyo that he and his children have finally protected!

"Why waste so much static time, it's really not easy to live in this intriguing world!"

Ye Shenyue roughly counted the time she spent at rest in the past two days, and felt that it had almost surpassed the time she spent in other worlds, but when she reached the sky above the mansion of the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue reluctantly stopped the time. Ready to go in and study what's next, only to find that my room is brightly lit!

"I'm going! Didn't I just leave for a few hours? Why is this!"

Before Ye Shenyue had landed, she quickly put back her hand that was about to snap her fingers, and then went into her room, helplessly consuming precious still time, and extracting the memory of the chief guard of the village in her room. come out!


When Ye Shenyue found out that this guy broke into her room with a gun, she found out that she was missing, and immediately after the inspection, Ye Shenyue's lungs were about to explode!

"Are you going to do this to me!"

Ye Shenyue thought helplessly...

Chapter 0141

"Hello? What's wrong?"

Ye Shenyue was too lazy to let time stand still. She came out of the small kitchen in her room and looked at the head guard of Zicun with a gun.

"Huh? Did you go to the kitchen just now?"

Looking at Yeshenyue coming out of the kitchen, the head guard of Zicun was also a little surprised. He really didn't expect that he would not go to the kitchen, but Yeshenyue was in the kitchen.

"Of course! I've been listening in the kitchen for a long time, and I feel that you care about me very much. I didn't leave in the middle of the night, so I came out to meet you helplessly!"

Ye Shenyue sat on the sofa calmly, as if she didn't see the gun in the hand of the head guard of Zicun, and picked up a piece of fruit from the table in front of her, as if she hadn't left just now!

"Uh, isn't it? Seeing that I misunderstood, I thought you were kidnapped, and I specially led my men to come down here to search. Since you are all right, I will let my men stop. You can rest assured, Lord Saint Son of Heaven. Not disturbed!"

The head guard of Zicun felt that it was not right for him to stand here, and it was even more wrong to sit. He thought about it helplessly, and then planned to leave here. He was so depressed tonight, and thought that this guy was doing something bad at the mansion of the Son of Heaven. To be able to hold the handle by yourself!As a result, I got this answer!

"Don't worry! I don't want to disturb the Son of Heaven because of this trivial matter. Please come back. It's so late, it's time to rest!"

Ye Shenyue stood up naturally and took off her jacket, then walked to the window and changed into her pajamas.

"Didn't you just wear your pajamas when you were in the kitchen? Weren't you cold for so long?"

Zicun suddenly found some dust on Ye Shenyue's clothes, and suddenly felt wrong. Doesn't this mean that Ye Shenyue has just gone out?

"It's not cold, you don't know, the water pipe in the kitchen is always dripping water, which makes me sleepy, so I went to repair the water pipe. Of course, the thing now is whether I get dusty when I repair the water pipe. Want to give you a sample?"

Ye Shenyue looked back at Zicun with a calm expression, as if she was really repairing the water pipe just now!

"You can completely inform the administrator here about such a thing, do you want to go there in person?"

The head of the guard in Zicun is not someone who gives up. Tonight, I finally found evidence that Ye Shenyue was not in the room. How can I not break the casserole and ask to the end?This is not the purpose of the chief guard of Zicun's visit!

"My pleasure!"

Ye Shenyue is too lazy to talk to Zicun. Some people say that if you talk too much, you will lose. In Ye Shenyue's view, this is obviously a misunderstanding. Whether you will talk too much will be lost, it all depends on the mentality of the person you are talking to. If you break the casserole like Zicun and ask to the end, if you have to pick a bone in the egg, Ye Shenyue feels that there is absolutely no need for a dialogue!

"I'm sorry, please come with me!"

Zicun suddenly raised the pistol in his hand, and then looked at Ye Shenyue quietly, no matter what, he was still the head guard of the Son of Heaven, and he had the right to inquire about the safety of the Son of Heaven's official residence!Since Ye Shenyue is so uncooperative, then use coercion!

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