
Ye Shenyue also gave up her plan to make the bed and sleep. The ammunition in the revolver behind her was specially made, and Ye Shenyue didn't want to be wiped out in a single shot!

"Because I doubt you!"

Zicun's tone was also a lot more indifferent, and his eyes looking at Yeshenyue were even colder. No matter what, Zicun now has the right to arrest anyone in the official residence of the Son of Heaven!

"It seems that the Lord Saint Son of Heaven must be disturbed!"

Ye Shenyue took two steps forward and stopped, followed by grabbing the spear of the head of the Zicun guard at the same speed as light, and then shot at the window behind him!


The smell of a large piece of gunpowder suddenly permeated, and before Zicun could react, there was an overwhelming scream from outside!

"Chief Guard of Zicun, it seems that tonight will be a sleepless night!"

After dismantling all the bullets in the revolver, Ye Shenyue handed the scrapped gun back to the head guard of Zicun. Of course, Zicun stared at Ye Shenyue in disbelief, not paying attention at all. To this handed gun!

"Who the hell are you?"

Zicun tried his best to recall the scene of grabbing the gun just now, but he couldn't believe that a human arm had such power to make his gun disappear from his hand within a second!

"I am a righteous man!"

Ye Shenyue smiled softly, and then heard a burst of crazy footsteps downstairs. It seems that there are many people who care about the safety of their bosses!

"Lord Zimura! What happened?"

A bodyguard rushed over and opened the door, only to find that Zicun was already stunned on the spot, while Ye Shenyue smiled at this competent guy, and said, "Go and ask Lord Holy Son of Heaven for instructions, such a loud gunshot, it is estimated that Lord Saint Son of Heaven is restless!"

After speaking, he poured a cup of coffee, and then began to calmly wait for the arrival of the Son of Heaven with Zicun, and Zicun also reacted from the shock, looking at Ye Shenyue with more doubts!

"Can I go in? Mr. Tribute?"

Not long after, the Son of Heaven dressed and came over. When he entered the door, he greeted Ye Shenyue very politely, and suddenly made the guards next to him uneasy!

"Lord Holy Son of Heaven! This is your official residence! As for being so polite? Or to an outsider!"

The little guard who went to tip off the letter to ask for instructions from the Son of Heaven became restless for a while. He whispered in the ear of the Son of Heaven, and looked at Yeshenyue, who was drinking coffee calmly. He really didn't know what was so special about this guy. Yes, it will make the Son of Heaven take this seriously!

"This is my official residence, I don't need you to tell me how to do it!"

The Holy Son of Heaven snorted in his heart dissatisfied, saying that when you know that he is God, you will know why I am so humble!

"However, it is against the rules for Lord Saint Son of Heaven! He is only a major general, and you are a grand marshal in terms of military rank! I wonder how much higher than him?"

Son of Heaven's personal bodyguards don't plan to point fingers, and they are good at attacking from side to side. This time is no exception, and they begin to criticize Ye Shenyue's identity!

"Get out of the way! It's my business!"

Lord Saint Son of Heaven did not give them a chance to speak. After a round of inspections, he let these irrelevant guys leave!

"Is it true that Lord Shengtian has taken a fancy to this major general? Why do I feel that the eyes of the Lord are wrong when looking at this guy?"

The guards who were forced to leave began to discuss together, but did not find a string of crows on the head of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Chapter 0142

"What the hell is going on? Someone actually shot at the Son of Heaven's official residence. If nothing else, this will definitely be the headline of tomorrow!"

Putting down Yeshenyue's coffee, the Son of Heaven calmly looked at the head guard of Zicun who didn't know what to say. Even the Son of Heaven had this attitude towards Yeshenyue. What he said, would the Son of Heaven listen? ?

"Yeah, the sound of gunshots at the Son of Heaven's Mansion, it seems that you have to hold a press conference as soon as possible, otherwise, this incident will be detrimental to New Tokyo!"

Ye Shenyue didn't even look at the head of the guard in Zicun. The Son of Heaven has this attitude, and this guy is the problem of how to take the blame!

"Yes, Chief Zicun, you made the gunshots, right?"

The Son of Heaven naturally poured himself a cup of coffee, and then looked at the chief guard of Zicun with the same warm eyes as coffee. This chief of guard may become the shortest chief of guards in the history of the Son of Heaven's official residence!

"Uh, this..."

I didn't expect that I hadn't said a word yet. The Son of Heaven had already sent such a hint to himself. Did Zicun move in surprise? In the end, he lowered his head under the suspicious gaze of the Son of Heaven, and then helplessly Put his own gun on his chest, and respectfully send it to the Son of Heaven!

"Forget it, this thing is out of bullets, so let the head of the guards in Zicun keep it for himself as a souvenir!"

Ye Shenyue stood up calmly and looked at the Son of Heaven with a slight smile. It seemed that the Son of Heaven's authority here had exceeded her expectations. Since the Guard Chief has already disarmed, she will do her own favor. !

"Do you mean that the chief of guards in Zicun will continue to be in my mansion?"

The Son of Heaven thought that Yeshenyue, who was provoked, would be furious, but Lord God actually kindly planned to let Zicun stay.This seems very different from what the Son of Heaven had expected at the beginning!

"Of course! Where can I find such an obedient and obedient subordinate? Lord Shengtian, this is your good fortune! As far as I know, the head of the guard in Zicun is concerned about my safety, so I came here to see. As a result, the pistol went off without knowing why! Is that so? Chief Guard of Zicun?"

Hearing what Ye Shenyue said, Zimura was still puzzled for a while, but when Ye Shenyue finished speaking, Zicun suddenly realized that he could still be saved, and nodded quickly, saying fiercely, "Yes, yes! That's it, everything the tributary major general said is the truth! Lord Holy Son of Heaven, please enlighten me!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ye Shenyue with grateful eyes, repaying his grievances with virtue, that's what happened!I didn't expect that this guy didn't get down on himself!

"Then what should I say at the press conference? When my captain of the bodyguard and the captain of my immediate bodyguard were chatting together, did something go wrong?"

The Son of Heaven was immediately stunned by Ye Shenyue's attitude!What's going on here?Could it be that God's mind is so broad?This is not like Ye Shenyue's previous style!

"That's right! That's it! Look! This is physical evidence! This is human evidence! How can people question us when the human and physical evidence is gathered? Isn't that right, Chief Guard of Zicun?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Son of Heaven calmly. Anyway, it's better to turn this matter into a big thing and a small thing. For me, my children are my everything. These guys who like to be a man's arm and a car when they have nothing to do, let them know Do your best!Otherwise, the Son of Heaven really ordered this guy to be dismissed, not to mention whether Zicun would go outside and talk nonsense, just the arrival of a new chief of guards is enough to give Ye Shenyue a headache. In the environment in which people live, the most uncomfortable thing is to always adjust themselves to adapt to new interpersonal relationships. As a god, Ye Shenyue also deeply understands this!

"Okay! Now that you have said that, what else can I do? Chief of the Zicun guards, I will leave this matter to you! It is [-]:[-] in the morning, and we will hold a press conference in half an hour. reception!"

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