After the Holy Son of Heaven finished speaking, he sent the Zicun guard Changsha!Then when there was no one in the room, he looked at him with strange eyes.

"Why is this?"

"If you are dismissed immediately, who knows who is behind such an honest child to sow discord?"

"Boom boom boom!"

Ye Shenyue had just said a few words to the Son of Heaven when she heard the door of the room being knocked anxiously!

"Come in! The door shouldn't be locked!"

Ye Shenyue shouted at the door, and the person who came in came after getting the news and changing clothes on the bed before coming over. It seemed that it took a lot of effort to fly from the left side of the official residence to the right side. , covered in sweat!

"what happened?"

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Shenyue's calm eyes, and Tian Tong Mu Geng immediately felt a little lost. It turns out that this guy is all right!Make yourself worry about it!

"Of course someone's gun went off! What happened? You thought someone could break through the security and come here to assassinate someone?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tiantong Mugeng with a calm face, and with a flash, she exposed the Lord Saint Son of Heaven behind him!

"Is it here to assassinate the Son of Heaven?"

Seeing that the Son of Heaven was also there, Tiantong Mugeng suddenly forgot to mess around with Yeshenyue, and rushed over to look left and right at the Son of Heaven with a tired face, lest something really happen to Son of Heaven. !

"Don't worry! I'm here to see Ye Shenyue! Don't worry!"

Facing Tiantong with a faint smile, the Son of Heaven did not leave. The press conference was about to be held, and Son of Heaven really didn't need to go back to his bedroom!

"Uh! Did the two of you meet in such clothes in the middle of the night?"

Pointing at the two of them, Tiantong always felt that he was a party light bulb here!

"Uh! No! I just changed it at the time... and it wasn't. At that time, the head of the Zicun guard came over, so I didn't change my clothes! I'll change it right away!"

Only then did she realize that she put on her pajamas in front of Zicun, but she never noticed it. After Tiantong Mugeng's reminder, Ye Shenyue realized that she was wearing such clothes to meet the Son of Heaven. Kind of weird!

"Alas! How careless! The gunshots that deserved to be heard in a thousand years will be heard in your room! What a bad luck!"

Tiantongmu even looked at Ye Shenyue hurriedly walking to the bathroom, shaking her head and looking very sorry!

Chapter 0143 Zizun Poisoning

"That's how it is! On behalf of all the staff at the Mansion of the Son of Heaven, I sincerely apologize for the adverse impact of this incident! I hope the reporters will not misinterpret this incident! We will conduct a comprehensive inspection of our guns. to make sure that this will not happen again!"

Accompanied by Sheng Tianzi and Ye Shenyue, the whole press conference was basically a confession meeting of the chief guard of Zicun. He told reporters the story he had made up. In this case, you become the protagonist!

"Then what is the model of the firearm you have fired?"

When the reporters asked questions freely, all kinds of strange questions came to my face, from the model of the firearm to what they were doing when they happened, and even what the head of the guard in Zicun was doing in another male's room in the middle of the night. These reporters are shameless. He started to make various contacts. Fortunately, Ye Shenyue had already told Zicun before the press conference that too much words would be lost. Therefore, when he was not sure of the answer, the head of the Zicun guard shook his head calmly. One sentence: "No comment"!

"Then may I ask, Lord Yashenyue, have you always lived in the official residence of Lord Saint Son of Heaven? We would like to interview you as a hero, but we can't get through the phone or can't find it, and we can't find your specific address. I don’t know! This makes us very embarrassed!” A familiar face stood up, and Yashinyuki took a closer look. It was actually the reporter Yeyang who had disappeared for two days, and suddenly felt a burst of laughter. It was this reporter from Yeyang. If the old man remembered the name, wouldn't the reporter from Yeyang not be able to wash it out even if he jumped into the Yellow River?

"Okay! Then you continue to be embarrassed! I believe in the investigative abilities of the reporters!"

Ye Shenyue took the microphone and said something casually, and then urged the Son of Heaven to quickly end the press conference that had already started to go astray!

"This press conference is over! Thank you for your hard work!"

After the Son of Heaven stood up, the reporters who had been discussing below suddenly stopped, then the man took off his hat, the woman bowed, and watched Lord Son of Heaven leave!

"Sure enough, the head of state, these reporters dare not despise!"

Ye Shenyue whispered in Tiantong Mugeng's ear, and I have to say, in a country.Rights still work!

"Humph! You haven't seen the Holy Son of Heaven when he first took office, because he didn't use his authority and was almost asked to cry by those difficult reporters!"

Tiantongmu walked with his eyes on the front. If he and Yeshenyue whispered, whoever found out at that time, it would be a dead end!At least Archon Tiantong couldn't spare Ye Shenyue!

"Everyone rest!"

From the press conference downstairs, the Son of Heaven threw his hands and went to sleep. Anyway, Son of Heaven was still a high school student as big as Tiantong Mugeng, and he still had a great need for sleep!

"Thank you!"

When Ye Shenyue walked to the door of her room, the head guard of Zicun, who did not speak all the way, finally came over and extended her hand to Ye Shenyue!

"Nothing! I think we misunderstood!"

Ye Shenyue gently held Zicun's hand, and it could be seen that after the press conference, this guy's heart has calmed down a lot, not as nervous as when he was in his room!

"Yeah! We have a misunderstanding! Would you mind if I go in with you now to explain the misunderstanding between us?"

As if he had made up his mind in his heart, Zicun suddenly looked at Yeshenyue with excited eyes, and then got into Yeshenyue's room without any explanation!

"It seems that the water is still very deep here!"

Ye Shenyue locked the door when she entered the house, and Zicun pulled the curtains as soon as she came in. It seems that this behind-the-scenes mastermind is not easy!

"Yes! The water is deep! In fact, you don't know, not even Lord Saint Son of Heaven. The position of Chief Guard is actually appointed by someone, not as Saint Son of Heaven thinks. You can appoint one at will. people!"

Nodding to Ye Shenyue, Zicun, who was lying on the sofa, seemed to be quite relaxed, while Ye Shenyue went over and poured a cup of coffee for this guy. People don't feel sleepy when they are highly concentrated. But once there is self-relaxation, it is easy to fall asleep!

"Really? This means that there is a person, or even a group, that monopolizes the selection authority of the head guards of the Son of Heaven! If I am not bad, when the Son of Heaven selects these chief guards, those candidates are actually from Recommendations from people from the same group, or even the same person, eh?"

Like this kind of trick that gives people a false sense of justice, Ye Shenyue had actually seen it when she was wandering around in other worlds, so she naturally guessed it. Of course, Zicun also immediately showed a surprised look, and then ruthlessly. He took a sip of coffee and said: "I told my subordinates that I didn't deal with you because the name of your direct guard was in conflict with the name of my chief guard. Literally, our title is actually a job, that is to protect the safety of the Son of Heaven, but in fact, I was instructed to get rid of you, at least from the Son of Heaven, and you actually live today I've arrived at the official residence of the Son of Heaven, I'm sorry, those people are not allowed!"

After speaking for a long time, Zicun couldn't help standing up and poured himself a cup of coffee. Since the press conference, Zicun felt very thirsty!

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