The old gentleman left with his tools, leaving Tiantongmu to look at Zicun's body in disbelief. After being shot twice, Zicun couldn't breathe anymore!

Chapter 0145 Inference of the Son of Heaven

"What should I do? It seems that this night is destined to be written into history!"

Yawning, looking at Ye Shenyue and Tiantong Mugeng in front of him, Sheng Tianzi is really tired, think about it carefully, since the crisis came, he slept well last night, and the rest of the time is to deal with a problem. One by one caught off guard!

"Block the news!"

Ye Shenyue nodded helplessly to the Son of Heaven. The other party was able to target a person with such a tight plan, which must show that the other party no longer cares about the outcome of this matter!Although judging from Ye Shenyue's suppression of the Metropolitan Police Department, the other party may be waiting for chaos in the world!

"How to block?"

Although the Son of Heaven believes in Ye Shenyue's strength, he doesn't believe in his lovely compatriots. If time is all right, those reporters should have heard Tiantong Mugeng's sharp point in Ye Shenyue's room on their satellite car. shout!

"It's just that Zicun has been dismissed! Because of the improper management of firearms, as for Tiantong's screams, it is said that a mouse was trampled to death by me at that time, and then was seen by Miss Tiantongmu. As for the rest, Anyway, it is impossible for us to hold a press conference, just post an announcement on the Internet!"

Speaking of crisis public relations, Ye Shenyue is really not an expert in this area, so she can only make such a boring solution. Although Tiantong Mugeng and Sheng Tianzi listened, but there is no way!

"Where's the family in Zicun?"

The Son of Heaven can ignore the chattering reporters, but for the deceased, the Son of Heaven cannot help but give an explanation.

"Let's talk after a while! Isn't that enough to bother us?"

Ye Shenyue really wanted to visit the family in Yizi Village in person, but she thought of these broken things, the reconstruction of the megalithic monument, the death of Mr. Zichuan, and the mysterious Sima Heavy Industry, who could no longer be mysterious. Shenyue has a headache just thinking about it, and naturally she doesn't care about this matter!

"But even if we hide the news from the family of Zicun, will those who assassinated Zicun inform the family of Zicun in advance, and then embarrass us?"

Tiantongmu doesn't even know that Yeshenyue is an omnipotent God, and she is very dissatisfied with Yeshenyue's attitude since she was a child. Tiantongmu even knows the truth that human life depends on the sky, and naturally there is no other idea!

"That's right!"

Son of Heaven also agrees with Tiantong's analysis and finds that Tiantong's analysis is more thorough than Ye Shenyue's in terms of interpersonal relationships. Of course, this may also be related to Tiantong's exposure to politics since he was a child!

"Then what do you say should be done?"

Ye Shenyue really wanted to have a good way to completely eliminate the impact of this accident, but she didn't know if she got too much information this day, or if God's brain would also be short-circuited, Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly. , also kicked this problem back to the Son of Heaven and the others!

"Uh, first of all, I, Moen, need to know the mastermind behind this incident!"

Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue helplessly, and from the beginning he didn't know what happened to these two guys.Who knows how to solve it?Ye Shenyue didn't even say the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, and Tiantongmu is not Zhuge Liang's Jiang Ziya's.

"Uh, you said the two of us! All right! I'll tell you the truth!"

Although Ye Shenyue couldn't think of a way, but Tiantongmu thought more clearly, Ye Shenyue saw it very clearly, she waved her hand and told about the incident where she and Zicun had rubbed guns in the room!

"So, is it correct that the female guard said that Zimura suspected that our guards would have an impact on his status?"

Tiantong Mu was even more surprised when he heard that the sound of the gun was actually made by Ye Shenyue, but this was not the time to be surprised. The female bodyguard’s conversation was recounted. After Ye Shenyue admitted that this was the case, she told the Son of Heaven’s handling plan and the matter of Zicun later. Of course, the secrets that Zicun said were also shared by the two high schools. Sounds stupid!

"I didn't expect that, it turns out that there is such a large force in ambush beside the Son of Heaven!"

Tiantongmu looked at the Son of Heaven with a bit of awe. Who would have thought that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which is usually not visible, is actually the oldest military force in New Tokyo!

"Then, this assassination may not be aimed at Zicun!"

The Son of Heaven thought about it in his head, and helplessly told Ye Shenyue his conclusion!


When Ye Shenyue heard it, she felt incredible!What the hell is going on here?Did you hear it wrong?

"Every one of us has the mineral water you mentioned. If those people are targeting Zicun, or if they are targeting you, don't Tiantong and I also have this possibility? If I die at this time! Those Mineral water is the focus of investigation, and with the bad relationship between the Tiantong Consulate and the Metropolitan Police Department, those guys will definitely be brought to justice!”

The Son of Heaven spoke his reasons quietly. No matter what, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department would not dare to attack the Head of State, and Ye Shenyue knew this very well!

"However, Zicun fainted after drinking the coffee in your cup! We can ask the doctor to see if the cup is poisonous! Besides, the sniper should have been aiming at your room, otherwise, from the Someone notified Zicun to come to your room, and then to the sniper to take the position and aim, this is a complicated process! Unless I personally direct it, otherwise, it is impossible!"

The Son of Heaven knows the situation of his official residence quite well. In fact, there are not many guards in the whole official residence, and most of them are subordinates of Zicun. How could he suddenly plan to kill Zicun?This is what the other party doesn't want to see!

"So... Zicun died for me?"

Although the word "death" is very strange to Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue still feels a burst of sadness.

"Yes, let's check the surveillance and see what happened in your room during the press conference!"

Son of Heaven said, he stood up, and then brought Ye Shenyue and the others to the monitoring room!

ps|: This volume will be stopped first, and the Tokyo Eating Seed will be updated first. The Eating Seed is the text that will continue to be written on campus the next day!

That is the story of Yagami, who was entangled by a woman again after being stabbed by the hatchet.

In the end, was it eaten by the gods, or was it eaten by the gods?

Stay tuned!

All you can see here are good oil!

Ziji bowed.


Chapter 0001 After the hatchet is hell?No, it's a confession!

After the hatchet is hell?

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