Yashenyue still remembered that he was finally killed by hatchet in the world of the school on the Kingdom Day of the hatchet because of too much care. He had died five times in his life.

He was not afraid of death, but was shocked. Why was it not the words Ye, the world or Yuno, who had already decided to be sick and black, but the chrysalis and Qingpu Wu who finally cut him down.

"Father, if you are smart enough, you shouldn't deceive women. Women who are deceived are the most easily blackened creatures."

In fact, Xiao Shan was still thinking of saving him, but the source of the incident was finally exposed because of her!

If it weren't for her "Octopus" confession, the world that had finally settled down would not have exploded, and they remembered the past.

There will be no good people taking pictures and finally let Pupa and Qingpu Mai find out.

So where do you go after you die this time?

He will not die. He has already left a way out. After all, how can he do it without taking precautions in a blackened world? He still has Gaia and Alaya. Even if Gaia is dead, Gaia will restore him. of.

And now, when his consciousness regained consciousness, he must have recovered.


Ye Shenyue suddenly opened her eyes, and then rubbed her dizzy head, while the sun was shining brightly outside. It was like a new day, and there was a new piece of information in her mind.

He came to this world after he was killed on campus in Japan. This is a world where gnawing species and humans coexist. The gnawing species can eat people, and they really eat people.

But daily life is still relatively safe, as long as you don't go to those small alleys and the like, you will not be attacked.

However, what makes people a little depressing is that his power has been sealed. At this time, he is only the agile skill of the first zombie world. He once heard Miss Yuko say that some worlds are too fragile and will be destroyed if you don't pay attention. It is destroyed, so if you want to enter, you can only seal your own power from another system.

But the power that exists in the world itself can be used, and now Ye Shenyue feels that there is a power in his body that is constantly flowing and pouring over his body like strong wine.

It's just inexplicable, that power can't be summoned or used, just like a person who has a golden mountain but can't find a tool for digging.

Well, anyway, I have been on campus for more than ten years in Japan, so a change of taste is not bad.

Although she doesn't know the plot of this world, Ye Shenyue is not afraid, instead she has a feeling of openness.

Unknown things are more exciting, and people are full of interest in exploration and exploration. It is because of the unknown that we can have the kind of happiness of discovering new things and meeting people we have never seen before.

He is accustomed to his identity, and he is not created out of thin air. He owns a house in this area, which is planned to be the 20th district, and also has a small cafe, where he is the manager.

Then, like an ordinary person, as the store manager, I have contact with the beautiful female clerk in the store.

West fog.

She is a lively and cheerful blonde girl. According to herself, she has only one younger brother, Nishio Nishiki.

And now, she is working for her younger brother Nishio Nishiki to go to Jingjing University. She is really an admirable sister-like figure.

Ye Shenyue got up and took a shower, and especially looked in the mirror. It was still his appearance, the clothes were removed, and the stomach that had been stabbed by the chrysalis had healed.

Everything is OK!

Ye Shenyue is in a good mood, because today is the day to confess to Xiweiwu.

When he left his home, he happily went into the store to prepare everything, such as roses. It seemed that girls liked this stuff. After all, after staying in this world for a long time, he had to understand something.What else do girls like?cake?No, I own a cafe, and the store has everything in it. If I give her something so ordinary, will she feel ordinary?Oops, my brain is about to burst.

Because she was beaten by a hatchet once, Ye Shenyue already doubted her judgment of the girl.Or should I conform to my identity, because it is a new beginning, so... pretend to be tender?

"Manager? What's wrong with you?"

Xiweiwu came over and happened to see Ye Shenyue's embarrassing appearance.


Ye Shenyue showed a faltering expression.For girls, tolerance is innate.


"I..." "What do you want to say to me?"

Miss Nishiomii really took the initiative to speak up. She also found a large bouquet of roses that Ye Shenyue was hiding behind her back, and her heart skipped a beat. The store manager was very gentle and considerate to her. a feeling of liking.

Although Xiweiwu is a gentle person, gentleness does not mean that she is very dull about love. She also hopes to have a love worth remembering like a little girl. For example, facing the person in front of her, her boss, Ye Shenyue, is a personable and personable person. beautiful teenager.Although I don't know his background, so what, I'm still a ghoul, aren't I?A love with a secret is called love. If you know everything about each other, what's the point of being together.She was so relieved, waiting for Ye Shenyue's next words to say.

"Miss Wu, uh..."

When she opened her mouth, she was still called "Miss Mist", which was very unfamiliar, which made Nishiogi feel as if she needed to work harder.

"Manager, if you hesitate again, I'll go greet the guests."

Xiweiwu turned around to leave, but Ye Shenyue grabbed her arm.

"Mist! I've liked you for a long time! Please associate with me!"

Ye Shenyue made her first confession, very jerky and nervous.


Xiweiwu gave Ye Shenyue an interesting look, "Did you forget to give something?"

His eyes were fixed on him, but he also glanced at the rose behind him.

"Ah! Yes! This... I... prepared it for you, please accept it!"

Embarrassingly, he pulled out the prepared roses from behind.Lost like a novice, "What's the point of my life in this world..."

He muttered in a low voice, but Xiweiwu could hear him clearly.

"The meaning of your life in this world is to pursue me and take good care of this cafe."

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