
Daigo-like enlightenment suddenly realized!This is sour, unimaginable.

Xiweiwu put away the roses that Ye Shenyue gave her, turned around to leave, and gave him a huge smile before leaving, "The bow tie is crooked."

Ye Shenyue was almost out of breath at the time, she was gasping for breath with her hands on her chest, she looked like she was very nervous, but she was actually smiling in her heart, Nishiojin...has already taken the bait~

Chapter 0002 I'm going!Live together so soon!

At noon, because Yagami and Nishiogi's romantic relationship was confirmed, the female clerk who usually dine with Nishiogiri and the male clerk who ate with Yagami automatically avoided and let them eat together alone. Said "Building a two-person world" Nishio Mist just smiled and didn't say anything, but Ye Shenyue was still a little embarrassed, and she couldn't raise her head when eating with Mist.

"I said Manager Yeshen, did I owe money? Or did I hit you? Why don't you always look up at me?"

Nishiogi spoke first, chewing a sandwich.

"I...I'm shy..." I didn't expect Ye Shenyue to say such a sentence, which really made Xiweiwu wonder whether to laugh or cry.

"Well, okay, you continue to be shy, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Nishiogi put down the sandwich he just took a bite, patted his leg and went to the bathroom.

In fact, Nishiogiri never eats when eating with the waitresses, and at most drinks a cup of coffee.Every time a colleague asks, he will say that he is losing weight and cannot eat too much.But Nishiomiu, who only drinks a cup of coffee at mealtime and is never seen eating in his spare time, is also suspect.Can a person do this in order to lose weight?Is it really okay for your body to only drink coffee without food?

Of course people can't stand it, but she's not human...


There was a sound of vomiting from the bathroom, not someone else's, but Nishiweiwu's.Why does she vomit, not because she eats a bad stomach, but because she is not a human, she is a ghoul, and when a ghoul eats human food, it will find it hard to swallow, it feels like biting a rubber, it has no taste at all, even, There is also a fishy smell.Once she became a ghoul, there would be nothing in her world other than flesh—human flesh.

After cleaning the filth around his mouth, his face was pale, and he lightly patted his face to make his face flush with some pink.But her pale lips still betrayed her, and she sat back opposite Ye Shenyue, her complexion not very good.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the sandwich that was only bitten by Xiweiwu.

Xiweiwu shook his head, "I can't eat it, I won't eat it."

"Fu, you told me that there are only you and your brother Nishio Nishiki in your family, right? It's not easy for you to take care of your younger brother to go to college as a girl, so you should move in with me."

Really only said that for the sake of Nishiogiri's body.It just sounds something else in the ears of outsiders.


Nishio Miri blushed but did not refuse, thinking in her heart that there would be no problem if the relationship was established anyway.Besides, if he wants to do something to himself, it is not his opponent.After all, he is a ghoul, and he is just a simple human.

It's just that when Nishio mist came to his room the next day, there was an abnormality.

Her weak look made him wonder, worried if she was sick, "Come in, I'm ready, just put your clothes in the closet. Also, I don't know what dishes you like to eat, listen. Saying that you are losing weight recently, I simply cooked a few dishes."

Nishio Mist smiled lightly, "I didn't expect you to be able to cook. I really underestimated you. But my stomach is not feeling well recently, so I stopped eating."

Xiweiwu slowly walked in the direction of Ye Shenyue pointing with her luggage, entered the room, quietly packed her clothes, and then sat at the dining table quietly watching Ye Shenyue eat.

They spent a few days in such a peaceful way, and the two of them were very harmonious, except that Xiweiwu's face seemed to be getting paler and paler, and there was nothing special about it.Until one day, Nishio Jin suddenly appeared at Yashenyue's house.

"Sister! Sister! My sister!"

Like a bomb ready to explode at any time, Nishiojin appeared at Yashinyuki's house with a look of anger. Because she couldn't find Nishimitsu, she pushed Yashinyuki against the wall and asked him where Nishimitsu went.

Ye Shenyue was pressed against the wall, but there was no worried expression. He knew that the man with glasses was probably Nishio Nishiki, Nishio's younger brother. This irritable personality was completely different from his sister Nishio's gentleness. .

And intuition tells Ye Shenyue that Nishiojin is not an ordinary person...

Because even if the power is sealed, he will not be caught by an ordinary person.

"Brother..." Nishio Mist heard Nishio Jin's voice and stumbled out of the room, his face pale enough to describe with white paper.

When Nishiojin saw her sister, she naturally put down Yeshenyue. Yeshenyue leaned against the wall and panted heavily. She really didn't have a good impression of Nishiojin.

Nishiojin helped Xiweiwu back to the room, and asked softly, "How many days have you not eaten?"

"One...a month and a half..." Xiweiwu was a little weak.

"I haven't eaten for a month and a half? Just for a human man? Don't you know that we ghouls can last up to a month after eating a meal? You actually lasted fifteen more days? What's so good about that man, human? Men are all big radishes, if you see one and love another, you will be abandoned soon, it is better to eat him now!"

Nishio Nishiki looked very angry. First, he saw that his sister didn't find "meat" for a man to eat. Second, he felt that this man was unreliable and might deceive his sister's feelings.

"I like him, I just like him, and I have nothing to do. I will handle the food issue myself, so you don't need to worry about it. You came to me just for money, right? Is there no living expenses anymore?"

Nishio Mist seems to have seen through Nishio Nishiki's intentions.

2.4 Xiwei Jin suddenly showed a turtle-eating expression, but soon returned to his previous viciousness.

"Yes, the living expenses are gone, but this is not the main purpose of my coming here. Well, I brought it for you."

Throwing away the rest of her "lunch", Nishiwei Mist is like a normal ghoul. When she encounters something she likes, such as human flesh, she will be wildly beastly, even if she is a normal human on the surface, even a gentle human.After a full meal, Nishio Mist's face is rosy, shiny, and full of energy.I took out one-third of my salary from my wallet as my brother's living expenses for the next month. "Money, spend it quickly. Your sister won't make a lot of money a month if she doesn't steal or steal."

"I know my sister!"

The corners of Nishiojin's mouth turned up.

Chapter 0003 Work with my sister to deal with the younger brother's conspiracy! (Please subscribe!

Not knowing what the siblings were talking about, Ye Shenyue was watching TV in the living room.He didn't go to peep, because Nishio mist would not betray him.

Of course, he would prefer Nishiomiri to tell him her secret.

When Nishio Jin came out, the side pockets of his trousers were bulging, and it seemed that he asked his sister for living expenses.Today's college students just can't work-study!

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