And Ye Shenyue didn't think she would lose.

Chapter 0005 Play with your sister!Play with fire!

Although he knew that it was not good to go out on a date with Li Shi with his back on his back, Li Shi's words were like honey wrapped around Yue's heart, step by step, slowly falling into her vicious circle.

He made an appointment with her at the bookstore, oh, he would go crazy thinking about the bookstore!What the hell!The first date in this world was actually set at a bookstore!Can pink bubbles be grown in bookstores?Can Cupids be trained in bookstores?It's a ghost to be able to cultivate it!But who told Li Shi to like it? Goddai Li Shi, who coexists with intelligence and beauty, likes the scent of books, so the bookstore is the best place.

After visiting the bookstore, the two consciously went to have lunch.It's very strange, when watching Li Shi's meal, Yue will unconsciously think of a person, as for who, he can't remember for a while.When he was about to have an epiphany, Li Shi suddenly said, "I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."

This sentence seems familiar, "Ah! Fog!"

When others heard it, they thought Yeshenyue was suffering from snake essence disease, but suddenly, "Ahh" sounded like a cat meowing. Although the voice was low, Yue bowed her head in embarrassment and looked at Li Shi's lunch—— A medium-rare steak.The steak was mixed with blood, and the nerves on the beef seemed to be still stirring, beating with Ye Shenyue's heart. "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Sorry, wait for a long time."

Li Shi's sweet voice suddenly appeared, which really startled Yue Yue.

"It's okay, soon. Is it just okay for you to eat so little? Are you losing weight too?"

Suddenly I realized that I could treat Rishi just like Mist.

"Ah, how did you know that?"

Shendai Li Shi was struggling to find an excuse, but Ye Shenyue didn't expect Ye Shenyue to go down the stairs for herself.

"It's nothing, the girls around me are like this. They eat very little for three meals, just to maintain their figure."

Afraid of Li Shi's misunderstanding, he specially added, "The female employee next to me. But a thin person like Miss Li Shi doesn't seem to need to lose weight at all."

Li Shi's face was a little pale, and the steps collapsed immediately after giving her a step down!This feeling is simply indescribable, I can't wait to eat this stupid but not stupid idiot in front of me.Li Shi licked his lips, "Girls always think that the thinner the better."

In Li Shi's opinion, this lip licking action was just because he was hungry and wanted to eat Ye Shenyue, but in Ye Shenyue's eyes, it was undoubtedly temptation.

It was getting late, and the two should be separated.It's just that Li Shi suddenly seemed a little nervous. Her slightly trembling hand was announcing her inner fear to Ye Shenyue. Could it be that she was afraid to walk at night because of the dark?Ye Shenyue patted her on the shoulder, "I'll take you home."

By the way, she pulled Li Shi's hand, her hand was inexplicably cold, and the piercing feeling seemed to go into her bones. "kindness!"

Li Shi smiled sweetly.

After passing the busy city, I slowly approached the residential area. The nearby buildings are still under construction. In fact, it is quite dangerous for a girl to pass by here at night.Li Shi suddenly stopped, lowered his head, and held Yue's hand trembling.

There seemed to be a cry in his voice, "Yue, I...I really like you...I really want to be with you..."

what?He was actually confessed by the gods?Did he hear it right?The hand digs the ear unconsciously, there is no earwax!But he calmed down quickly, after all, he was not in love for the first time.

"What? What did you say?"

He asked again as if he hadn't heard clearly.

"I said I really like you, and I really want to be with you!"

Shendai Lishi's blushing face was raised, and that expression was simply uncontrollable!

The appearance of Rishi God is a bit suspicious. If this kind of plot is considered love at first sight, it is understandable, but this plot seems to be a little wrong...

Li Shi rested his head on Yue's shoulder, "Hehehe, ridiculous human."

The bloodthirsty desire in her heart has already overflowed her whole body. The current Li Shi is not the Li Shi in the daytime at all. She is the goddess Li Shi, who is known as a "gluttonous eater"!His eyes had long been flushed with blood, and the sharp teeth unique to ghouls were eager to try it. He wanted to taste the "fresh taste" of the man's body. The sound of "click" was the sound of Li Shi's teeth biting the moon's shoulder blades. , crisp and beautiful, strange and beautiful.


The sudden warmth turned into terror and blood, and the pain in the shoulder made Ye Shenyue push Shendai Lishi away. "Gho... ghoul... you... you're actually a ghoul!"

"Ah—it's really delicious. I haven't encountered a special delicacy in a long time... Yue, you are indeed my favorite person."

Hezi suddenly appeared behind the goddess Rishi, and in order to get Ye Shenyue, he did not hesitate to show him his ghastly appearance, "Hey, Yue, do you think I am as beautiful as I was in the daytime? Or am I beautiful now? Woolen cloth?"

There was still a trace of Yue's blood on the corner of Li Shi's mouth, how could she let go of that wonderful taste experience!The sharp and long tongue licked his lips, licking the remaining blood quickly, completely different from the seductive appearance of the day.How could Ye Shenyue guess that the gentle and kind human Li Shi during the day would become the vicious and cruel ghoul Li Shi at night?

For the sake of food, ghouls will not hesitate to disguise themselves.

In this world, except for his agile and agile evasion skills, it seems that other powers no longer exist, right?

Only when you are in extreme pain can you calm down. Ye Shenyue, your power has been sealed, so you can do anything other than escape?

Ignoring the pain in her shoulders, Ye Shenyue seemed to be using her milk strength to keep running to the downtown area, but unfortunately, the human body was always inferior to the ghoul Hezi, and every time she ran, she was only caught by Hezi and threw it on the wall. .The body is going to be crushed, is it going to die like this?Ye Shenyue dared not imagine it any longer.

If it died in the hands of the girl he liked, it would be fine, but no one likes it if it is eaten as food like 1.0!


Behind him is dust flying, accompanied by the squeezing sound of solid-liquid mixture. "Pfft--cough-cough-"

Turning around, it was Li Shi who was completely pressed under the iron plate!scare!how so!Ye Shenyue dragged her seriously injured body and no longer wanted to get close to Li Shi, so she had to go back to the busy city as soon as possible.

Is someone helping you?Or is it just a coincidence that the construction team is working on it?No, it's impossible. The construction team has already left work so late.Was there anyone else around then?No matter what it is, in short, I am really lucky. Fortunately, I have a small life, but now I should think about how to explain to the fog...the wound on the shoulder.

ps: The first four chapters have been uploaded. Although they are not displayed, gentlemen who subscribe can go directly to the subscription list to subscribe.

Chapter 0006 Conspiracy

Li Shi was pressed down by the iron plate and could not move, and He Zi also completely lost his vitality. Is he destined to die here today?

The ghoul, who threw the iron plate at Li Shi, seemed to be gasping for breath, sitting above the twenty-story building overlooking everything.Although the light was dim, it was impossible to see what Li Shi had become at this time, but from the bloody smell in the air, it could be concluded that Li Shi was probably dead.The ghoul leaped down naturally and fell beside Li Shi.Is Li Shi already "dead"?He squatted down and moved the iron plate to check for confirmation, but who knew!


The blood spurting from the chest was sprayed directly in front of the ghoul, and the arrogant and sickly voice was saying something, "Hehe, this iron plate is really painful... I really want... I want to make it happen. Come try it too."

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