
The ghoul jumped back suddenly, but who knew that he still underestimated Li Shi's strength.Even if Li Shi was crushed by a tens of millions of pounds of iron, she would still play dead for a chance to get revenge. "Cough cough..."

The ghoul that threw the iron plate was pressed against the wall by Rise, who quickly escaped from the iron plate!

"You let my moon escape, what should I do? Ghoul eats ghoul, but I've never encountered it before."

Li Shi's eyes are full of thirst for flesh and blood, not wanting to eat him but full of bloody killing desire.

The ghoul gasped in pain, this is not the way to go, and the purpose of his coming here is not to be eaten by Li Shi, but to kill Li Shi! The title of "Gluttony" is not for nothing, and for now, I can only escape!In order to escape Li Shi's pursuit, the ghoul could only continue to accelerate, accelerate and accelerate again. He gave up the fight with Li Shi, and quickly escaped from the scene before her injuries had healed so quickly!

"Oh, I'll spare your life today. Next time, I'll never let you go!"

The first half of the sentence was so shy, but the second half of the sentence was full of murderous intent.

"Haha, Li Shi, you actually have today!"

Suddenly another ghoul appeared from behind.

"Hey, did you all agree to come and fuck me today? Even if I'm not good enough for the world, it's more than enough to deal with you second-class ghouls. Could it be that you've forgotten that you were ravaged by me madly? Is it time? Do you still want to try it?"

Li Shi's glasses were broken, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Or, you forgot. If a ghoul like me is injured, the thirst for blood will increase. Now, did you come here specially to make up my body? I really can't ask for it."

There wasn't a hint of weakness in Li Shi's words, just an ever-increasing bloodthirsty instinct.

"Hmph, I'm here today to avenge my brothers who were eaten by you!"


The Hezi behind Li Shi is even brighter.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the ghouls who tried to kill Li Shi gradually lost their way.His Hezi is far less powerful than Li Shi's Hezilai.Li Shi's Hezi is Lin He, and that person is just an ordinary Hezi.Injured can no longer recover in a short time, nor can he grow bigger Hezi to avoid Li Shi's attack.Soon, the man was killed by Li Shi and became a humble piece of food in Li Shi's belly.

A certain laboratory, "I'm sorry, Dr. Garner, I failed."

It was the ghoul that threw the iron plate before.

"It doesn't matter, I overestimated your ability and underestimated Li Shi's ability too."

The corners of Dr. Garner's mouth twitched slightly, his slender eyes still contemplating something.

That's right, this is his conspiracy at all, it's his conspiracy to create a one-eyed ghoul in order to capture Li Shi.

In fact, in this world where ghouls and humans are paralleled, the value of one-eyed ghouls is much higher than that of two-eyed ghouls, that is, ordinary ghouls.One-eyed ghouls can only be obtained by mating between ghoul men and human women, but the fertilization rate between them is extremely low. Even if a human woman eventually conceives a ghoul child, the child will still be born due to insufficient nutrition.Unless a human woman can eat human flesh uninterruptedly for ten months, then eventually the child of the ghoul will be born, and it will be [-]% one-eyed ghoul!Another way to obtain a one-eyed ghoul is to transplant the organs of a ghoul into a normal human body. After a period of physical changes, a normal human will eventually become a one-eyed ghoul.The stronger the ability of the ghoul, the stronger the ability of the one-eyed ghoul that represents the one-eyed ghoul that was eventually transformed by his organs.It's just that compared to the first method, the ghoul ability obtained by the second method is not as strong as the first.For Dr. Garner, he can only use the second method to create a one-eyed ghoul.As for why he wanted to capture Li Shi, it was simply because Li Shi's ability was strong.

Dr. Garner couldn't help shaking his head, "Hey, what a pity.

Dr. Garner would definitely be very sorry that the experiment that had been prepared for a long time was forced to stop.He really underestimated Li Shi's ability, thinking that Li Shi could be trapped by a mere iron plate, obviously he had the ability to fight back after suffering such a serious injury!This area, probably really Li Shi can dominate it.But so what, even if you can't catch Li Shi, it's fine to catch a ghoul who is slightly weaker than her. As long as you cultivate it well during the experiment, I believe you won't be able to cultivate a good one-eyed ghoul!

Shendai Rishi never thought that the boiled duck actually flew, and he was able to follow him for so long without being discovered by himself. I'm afraid... Maybe he's been staring at himself for a long time.Well, it's also because I was too hungry and didn't consider the danger behind me to make myself into this tragic state. In the future, I will never allow myself to have this kind of thing happen to me. It's better to take good care of your injuries and seek revenge.

The injury is slowly recovering, and Li Shi is gradually returning to his human appearance, changing his clothes and continuing to wander in the human world.Strangely, after she recovered from her serious injuries, her desire for humans decreased, and she didn't want to eat people so much.Could it be that your body has changed?Open his mouth, his sharp and long tongue is still so flexible, and his beast-like teeth are still waiting for the food to be chewed.After taking a bite of the sandwich, I was not so repulsive to it.Although Li Shi was surprised by the changes in his body, he was not disgusted, at least if he was hungry, he could temporarily satisfy himself with human food, instead of pretending to be a gentle human to go out for food and choose food every day.

It's just that for Ye Shenyue, whether this experience will become a turning point in his life is still unknown. What he should think about now is how he should enter the house and explain everything.

Chapter 0007 West End Mist is also a ghoul?This is not true, is it!

There is still the pain of being crushed by the internal organs, and the wound on the shoulder seems to be unable to be covered with the hands, so let's just leave it like this.He took out the key and opened the door, just facing the mist.


It was the sound of the dinner plate falling, and the blood on the plate was meandering, filling the floor.Ye Shenyue took a deep breath, "Ah, why is something so fishy."

"Yue you...you are injured!"

Xiweiwu ran towards Ye Shenyue, but she regretted it as soon as she ran past.Ye Shenyue's blood smells very special. Among the so many people she has eaten, Ye Shenyue's taste is the best and freshest.The blood all over her body rushed to her head, and she was about to suffocate herself.She quickly cleaned the stains on the floor, washed the dishes and prepared to leave Yeshenyue's house, but Yeshenyue saw all this and thought she was abnormal.

"Fu, are you alright, your complexion looks worse than mine."

Ye Shenyue was a little worried.

"Ah, me, I'm fine, it's just that my brother called me and told me to go home, and I'm going to leave now."

Nishio Mist is not good at weaving lies. "Is your injury serious? Need my help?"

After saying those words, Xiweiwu regretted it. She clearly couldn't control herself when she saw Ye Shenyue's blood, but her bloodthirsty instinct was telling her that she really wanted to get close to Ye Shenyue!Sure enough, her strength is still too weak.

"I... I was robbed and injured, so don't worry about it."

After saying that, Ye Shenyue is going to go into the house to treat the wound by herself.

"I'll help you deal with the wound. You sit on the sofa first."

Nishiogiri himself didn't know why he would say such a thing.

Xiweiwu carefully took off Ye Shenyue's clothes, and the moment she saw the wound, she was completely sick!This wound is obviously... obviously bitten by a ghoul!

Ye Shenyue's face changed greatly when she saw Xiweiwu, her face can be described as pale now, he patted her shoulder, "It's alright, don't worry too much, it's just a minor injury."

However, Nishio Miri blurted out, "It was a ghoul that bit me, but she said it so casually! Yue! Are you going to protect yourself!"

Ye Shenyue watched Xi Weiwu suddenly stand up from his side with her mouth covered. She also became nervous, but she quickly regained her composure, "So you know."

He paused, "I went out today and met a female ghoul, and I almost couldn't come back. But, does mist, ghoul, really exist? Even today, I still can't believe that in this world There are still ghouls."

Nishio Mist forced himself to stop inhaling the air with the smell of Yagami's blood, and said very calmly, "Exist, ghouls, of course they exist. Otherwise, why are they always reported in the news? The ghouls are a kind of A creature that really exists in human society."

"Sure enough? Then I'm really lucky to be met by me."

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