The tone suddenly became sad, for some reason.

"It's a fact that ghouls can eat people."

Nishiweiwu controlled the bloodthirsty instinct that was constantly surging in his body to help Ye Shenyue deal with the wound, and every time he dealt with it, he always felt that he could not control it. "Yue, do you hate ghouls?"

She still asked this sensitive topic.

"I hate cannibalism, so the existence of ghouls is a sin. If you have to eat innocent humans to eat, then I hate ghouls extremely. Because everyone has a certain meaning in this world, You can't deprive others of the right to live for your own selfish desires, let alone kill him. Speaking of fog, what about you? What do you think about ghouls?"

He turned around and wanted to ask Xiweiwu's thoughts, but who knew...

The west tail fog has changed, becoming as terrifying as Li Shi.The entire eye sockets can't find a trace of white, they are all replaced by dark brown, and there is a trace of blood red in the middle, what is it?Is it the pupil?What has become of his gentle fog?Ghoul?Become the same species as Li Shi?

"Mist you..."

Ye Shenyue has already started to speak incoherently. He is not afraid, just because he can't believe it. He can't believe that the woman who has lived with him for so long is actually a ghoul!

Nishiweiwu ran out in despair...

What did Ye Shenyue see?Why was Xiweiwu's eyes full of despair?Now it's him who should be desperate!How come it has become Nishiomiu now, it seems that he was wronged and ran away!

Nishio mist returned to his home, and Nishio Nishiki was at home.Nishio Jin saw what her sister looked like and began to ask what happened to Nishiomi, but unfortunately Nishio refused to say a word, Nishio directly believed that it was Yagami who bullied Nishio, so she went to Yagami to ask for an explanation !

"Ye Shenyue, you bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

He kicked the door of Ye Shenyue's house with one foot, and the smell of Ye Shenyue's blood filled the air again. Nishio Jin smelled it, and he seemed to be unable to control himself.The eyes started to flush, the whites of his eyes started to turn dark brown...

"Sure enough, you are also a gnawing species,"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but say something.

It was only then that Nishio Jin realized that he really did not control himself, and revealed his true identity in front of Ye Shenyue.

After Xiweiwu regained her composure, she found that her younger brother had long since disappeared. She expected that he must have misunderstood, so she went to trouble with Yashenyue. She had to quickly return to Yashenyue's house, hoping to stop her brother's reckless behavior. .

"Nishiweijin! Stop it!"

As expected, Nishiojin really came to Ye Shenyue's house, and she also turned into a gnawing seed! "Are you trying to kill him!"

In addition to wanting to use violence, what does it look like to become a gnawing species?

So Nishiogiri decided that his younger brother was going to attack Yagami!

"Sister! What are you doing! I'm just here to help you solve this heartless man!"

"What a mess! He didn't do anything right! You let him go! If you don't let me go, I'll be rude to you!"

Under the pressure of Nishio Mist, Nishio Nishiki changed back to a human appearance.

"Let's go!"

Nishio Miri pulled Nishio Jin to leave, "He already knows our true identity."

"Now that I know it, I'm going to kill him!"

Nishio Jin raised his sword.


Ye Shenyue took a step back.

ps: The picture of the west tail fog, here!

Chapter 0008 I want to know how to survive in this world

"I will not reveal the fact that you are ghouls. It is said that the gnawing species will kill people who know their identities. They are for self-protection and not attracting enemies. Similarly, I finally got a chance to survive again. I don't want to. Lose it now."

Although he didn't understand what Ye Shenyue meant in the second half of the sentence, the sister and brother Nishio understood the first half of the sentence.Get his chance to survive on the grounds that he doesn't reveal his secrets.In fact, this request is of no use to the Nishio siblings at all.Because even if they killed Ye Shenyue, no one would know, and dead people would not reveal secrets.Compared with Yashenyue's so-called demands in exchange for a chance to survive, it would be better to kill him.It's just that this Xiweiwu likes Yashenyue, so naturally he refuses to kill his beloved.

"I still think it's safest to kill you."

Nishio Nishiki said unceremoniously.

"No, I still have value."

Ye Shenyue said slowly, completely different from her usual non-serious appearance, "Let me think about it again."

Ye Shenyue lowered her head. It was obvious that he was in a state of confusion right now, so he had to take care of his emotions.

"Let's go."

Nishio fog still wants to bring Nishio Nishiki home.

"Sister! You will regret it!"

Nishio Nishiki couldn't defeat Nishio Mist, so she could only listen to her and go home first.

When his sister and brother left, Ye Shenyue was truly relieved.I didn't expect that ghouls really exist, and even more did not expect that his girlfriend was actually a ghoul.It is said that ghouls can only rely on human flesh for food, right?And eating human flesh at a time can last up to a month.Thinking about it like this, I can also figure out why the fog was so weak before.She can't eat human stuff and throws up when she eats it.She can only eat human flesh, and because she lives with her, she can't show herself her ghoul side, so she doesn't go out to "hunt" as usual myself.The bloodthirsty instinct of the ghouls can't stand it, Li Shi couldn't help but want to eat himself, and the fog should also be unbearable.Love is great and blind.Hey, I feel depressing just thinking about it.

Yagami goes to work at the cafe as usual, only the communication with Mist is less, but they still eat together.He will consciously help Wu to solve the rest of her food, also because he knows that Wu does not eat human food at all, and usually just pretends to eat.In the eyes of outsiders, the young couple is becoming more and more intimate, and the fog is also very moved.Instead of alienating herself, Yue was more concerned about herself.

"Yue, are you really not afraid of me?"

In the office, Nishio Mist couldn't help but ask.

"I'm already grateful that you didn't eat me. Why should I be afraid of you? I deliberately alienated you because I knew you were a ghoul, so what's the point of my confession to you before?"

Ye Shenyue answered Xiweiwu's question while checking the account. After thinking about it all night, he had already read it.

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