"Jinmu, what are you looking for?"

Although this is a well-informed question, it is better than mentioning Li Shi by yourself.

"Ah, nothing."

Kaneki smiled shyly.

This young man is so introverted, as if he still has a crush on Shendai Lishi, and Ye Shenyue feels helpless. If this sad young man knew the true identity of Shendai Lishi, would he still like her?

"Hey, isn't this from our school?"

Nishiojin said to himself, this time he just came to visit Nishiweiwu, and by the way, to see if Ye Shenyue ate it secretly.

"Well? Do you know him?"

After delivering the coffee, Nishiobu stood beside his younger brother, "I found that this child would show up in the store on time every time, and he would only sit in the same place every time. From his point of view, I often saw a child Beautiful girl, it's a pity that the girl is not here recently, and the young man's mental state is not very good recently."

"He, he is my junior brother, a major, called Jin Muyan."

Nishio Jin pursed his lips.

"Famous? You actually know each other?"

Nishio Mist bypassed Nishio Nishiki to the bar and began to organize.

"Well...According to his grades, he is indeed very famous. But he is very low-key and basically transparent. If his grades are not outstanding, no one will notice him."

"Eh? Is it?"

Nishioki nodded as if he had known the result for a long time, "Yeah, it does look very insignificant, but I don't know why, Yue has been paying attention to that child recently."

"Pay attention to him?"

Nishio Jinyuan looked at the two people who were ostensibly discussing a book, "Is Ye Shenyue obsessed with reading recently?"

Facing a teenager who was once targeted by Li Shi, Ye Shenyue couldn't see anything special about him. Apart from his love of reading, what was Li Shi's standard of cannibalism?Where is she now, is she really dead, or where is she hiding with serious injuries.These Ye Shenyues don't know, but he really wants to know!

Chapter 0010 What is ghoulization!Can you eat it!

Like humans, ghouls are scattered all over the world, dividing their territories according to their own rules.District 24, District [-], District [-]... [-] areas in total!

Listening to Nishio Jin's introduction, each area has the strongest person controlling everything, and each area is full of scenes of ghouls fighting each other!Don't think that only human society has the strong prey, in fact, this kind of scene in ghoul society will only increase and not decrease!The ghouls are more direct than humans, they just grab what they want, and they don't care about your life or death at all.Competing for the same piece of human flesh is trivial, and in case you are unfortunately defeated or even eaten, that is also your own problem.

There is no word "mercy" in the world of ghouls!This is also one of the reasons why Ye Shenyue hates ghouls.

But there's at least one place that's relatively safe, and that's the safe zone in Zone 20.

It is said that the safe area is a cafe on the surface, but it is actually a ghoul mutual aid organization and social place organized by the manager of Fangcun. It sounds like it is more advanced than her own cafe. .The cafes in the safe area are dedicated to allowing ghouls to integrate into society more naturally and stably.

The practitioners are ghouls, and the customers are mainly ghouls. Occasionally, unsuspecting human customers come to the door.Therefore, the humans who appear in that cafe are easily targeted by the ghoul customers in the store.The security zone has always been in a state of peace, not only because of Fangcun's good leadership, but also because of Fangcun's good character, the ghouls in the area do not want to fight at all.Fangcun's biggest personality charm is that he will help some ghouls who can't find food to solve the problem of eating.As long as you don't cause trouble in the safe zone, the Fangcun store manager is happy to help you.

As for why Nishio Jin can understand so clearly, on the one hand, he is a ghoul himself, and on the other hand, it is just because Nishio Jin works there.

"Angry! Good boy! I didn't come to work in your brother-in-law's store, but I went to work in the same store! Look at me not interrupting your dog legs!"

After saying that, Ye Shenyue threw the "Black Goat's Egg" on the ground.

Ordinary ghouls are almost the same as normal humans during the day. They will go to work, eat, etc. Some of them will hunt by themselves, and some will rely on organizations.Usually, the action starts at night, and the night time in each area is always so colorful. There are many fights in order to compete for human flesh, and there is no need to be surprised at all.The human-like ghouls during the day may become extremely crazy at night, and starvation will make them lose their minds. It is the kingly way to grab them.

As heard from Nishio Nishiki, ghouls feed themselves on human flesh.But human flesh is limited after all. Once the demand for human flesh does not meet the standard, there will be a common ghoul phenomenon among the ghouls.To put it simply, ghouls eat ghouls, and they can also obtain necessary energy by eating the same kind. The Rc cells obtained from the same kind of bodies can increase the concentration of Rc cells in their own bodies.In other words, as long as you eat a ghoul that is stronger than you, you can become stronger yourself.Therefore, in addition to the competition for human flesh, the ghouls also relish the competition between the same species.

Ah, when I listened to Nishio Jin's description, I felt that the world of ghouls was terrifying, but I didn't expect it to be even more terrifying when I recalled it.Ah, I suddenly want to go back to the days when I was with the harem. I don't need to worry about survival at all. I just need to think about which cute girl to push down every day. "God, why are you doing this to me!"

Ye Shenyue kept flipping the table, and she could only recall the distant past.

In Nishiojin's description, the second character appeared, and he also emphasized it.One is "Gluttony" but "Jason", the two of them, Yashenyue, have never met.It is said that both of them are extremely cruel, but he is not sure to what extent.

"Well... 'Gluttony'... The name sounds familiar to me, could it be! The gods benefit the world!"

In Ye Shenyue's memory, it seems that only Shendai Li Shi was perverted and cruel. "what--"

The old wound on his shoulder was still aching, reminding Ye Shenyue that that night was not a dream, but that it really happened to him.

"Dong dong dong" is a knock on the door, "Please come in."

Ye Shenyue picked up the "Black Goat's Egg" by the way, "Xiwei Jin? Did you come to me for anything?"

Ye Shenyue didn't know why Nishio Jin came to find her...

"I ask you, your previous injury..."

Nishio Jin was a little hesitant.

"My injury is healed, what's wrong?"

Ye Shenyue is the second monk who can't figure it out.

"I ask you, is your injury caused by Shendai Li Shi?"

There was a hint of fear in Nishiojin's eyes.


Ye Shenyue is beyond ordinary people's calmness.

This calmness was abnormal in Nishio Nishiki's eyes, "As a human, you were bitten by a ghoul, but nothing happened? And you were bitten by Rishi called a 'gluttonian'? Hey, Yagami Yue, you have been pretending all this time, haven't you told us long ago?"


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